Caped Crusader Posted January 15, 2021 Report Share Posted January 15, 2021 Local Pastors as well as NATIONAL Pastors call for UNITY! Please Join Your Fellow West Georgians as WE ALL are TRULY in this TOGETHER! Please Join "US" is Spreading JOY,HOPE and FAITH! JESUS LOVES YOU.... Pastors Call on Christians to Ditch the Fear and Political Conspiracy Theories 01-14-2021 Heather Sells :image/svg+xml;base64,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 Political conspiracy theories helped fuel last week's Capitol Riot, and some continue to spread, even in the church. Now, key pastors are stepping up to condemn them as dangerous lies. The widespread growth of conspiracy theories in 2020 has affected or involved various churches, leading a number of prominent pastors to speak out, urging their followers to think carefully about what they believe, and what they post. On Tuesday, Pastor Tony Suarez – one of President Trump's faith advisors and a leader of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference – said it's gone far enough. He called out specific conspiracy theories and asked those spreading them to apologize. "This is not the outcome I personally wanted. With that said, I cannot sit back and watch conspiracy after conspiracy be shared and not speak out," he said on Facebook. Suarez pointed out some of the big ones, saying, "In the last week specifically and again, I don't want to put a fake number on it but untold numbers of shares, of text messages, phone calls, YouTube videos or different kinds of videos claiming everything from martial law to the Insurrection Act being enacted, that President Trump is hiding in a military base in Texas." Related Link to post Share on other sites
Caped Crusader Posted January 15, 2021 Author Report Share Posted January 15, 2021 Link to post Share on other sites
gpatt0n Posted January 19, 2021 Report Share Posted January 19, 2021 That was a great sermon by the pastor. I find their choice to limit youtube distribution blocking play here is a bit short-sighted - almost anti-evangelical - but as you noted in the other topic, they are powerful words in that they put the divisions into a context that emphasizes our commonality and humanity. What perplexes me most is the apparent riling of emotion is all aimed at having people kill (murder) for a obvious lie about the results of the election. Beginning with Roger Williams and William Penn, the former founder of Rhode Island and Penn founding Pennsylvania, religious freedom counted the theocratic efforts of New England's puritans who hatred for those peace-loving Christians of Quaker descent resulted in many Quakers' being hung and Boston, not to mention atrocities like the Salem Witch trials. We all know the terrorism associated with fundamentalist Muslim groups - the 911 attack being the most notable and in some respects, America's fundamentalist religious right and its willingness to swallow lies and manipulation by political interests, is as obvious as the 71 million votes the former president got in November ... followed by the insurrectional mob on January 6, 2021. While I've heard a lot of chatter on how bad that attack on the Capitol could have gone wrong, do know that if the mob had captured and assassinated Vice President Pence (Hang Mike Pence was a chant by the mob) they'd have taken out the sole person capable of invoking the 25th Amendment. (Given Trump's lack of interest in conducting proper business in the transition including periods of silence from the White House since the rampage of the 1/6/mob, I'm not sure the 25th Amendment wasn't, for all intents and purposes, invoked and Pence is calling the shots behind the scenes.) Throw in the fact that the number one and two in order of succession were also Pence and Speaker Pelosi. Had they successfully disrupted the count of presidential electors and removed the top two individuals in succession - this appears to be the plan - Trump could have cited this 'attack by antifa' as reason for invoking martial law and ignoring the election especially if the elector's vote confirmation were thwarted by murder in the Capitol. Continuing with succession, I don't think the President Pro-tempore of the Senate, Chuck Grassley, is up to the task and would have declined pushing succession to the cabinet. ( a lot of folks still wonder why the Secy. Defense and other top cabinet members were fired in the final days? Consider the DOD secretary is high in the order of succession. We might have ended up with either Trump or Mike Pompeo ... the first senate confirmed and therefore eligible cabinet member in the order of succession ... because the 'acting secretaries' are not qualified for succession.) Given the numbers of the 1/6/mob and the apparent lack of security around the Capitol, my gut is that we all were witnessing a miracle - an act of God that separated the success of the coup from failure by mere seconds - that preserved our democracy on that fateful day. God Bless America. But the issues we face are complex and will require that we approach our differences with greater understanding, not only of the facts and law, but understanding of our common humanity, an approach based on the real 'golden rule' - that one should love others as oneself. One of the fundamental areas of conflict is the meaning of freedom of religion. Rather than proselytize, this article on the Wiki details the concept through history and is worthy a read. And things are getting more and more 'complex' with suggestions that human knowledge as measured by data catalogued and subject to analysis, could well be doubling daily. Quote Knowledge Doubling Curve Buckminster Fuller created the “Knowledge Doubling Curve”; he noticed that until 1900 human knowledge doubled approximately every century. By the end of World War II knowledge was doubling every 25 years. Today things are not as simple as different types of knowledge have different rates of growth. For example, nanotechnology knowledge is doubling every two years and clinical knowledge every 18 months. But on average human knowledge is doubling every 13 months. According to IBM, the build out of the “internet of things” will lead to the doubling of knowledge every 12 hours. Human Brain Indexing Will Consume Several Billion Petabytes In a recent lecture at Harvard University neuroscientist Jeff Lichtman, who is attempting to map the human brain, has calculated that several billion petabytes of data storage would be needed to index the entire human brain. The Internet is currently estimated to be 5 million terabytes (TB) of which Google has indexed roughly 200 TB or just .004% of its total size. The numbers involved are astounding especially when considering the size of the human brain and the number of neurons in it. Linear to Exponential Growth of Human Knowledge A transition from the linear growth of human knowledge to the exponential growth of human knowledge has taken place.. According to researchers dealing with this information will necessitate the development of vastly more complex software, shareability, and artificial intelligence. Author Clem Chambers, in a Forbes article on Amazon’s “Mechanical Turk” believes leading edge computer technology will be combined with artificial intelligence allowing collective problem-solving on a larger scale and the creation of vast amounts of data. The implications of this kind of data in fields as diverse as space exploration to criminal justice are enormous. I suspect that certain policies from our war on Drugs to the militarism of international relations will, by necessity, be re-thought and policies change to encourage efficiency, environmentalism, health, growth and responsibility. I do believe we will be better off for effort. Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 20, 2021 Report Share Posted January 20, 2021 Really, pubby? You post in a thread that is a call for unity and make it an attack on Trump and other Republicans? Do you even know what unity means anymore? God help us! Link to post Share on other sites
gpatt0n Posted January 20, 2021 Report Share Posted January 20, 2021 You wrote: "God help us!" My post just suggested that he did and is. The entire problem with Trump was that he wanted us to live in an alternate reality where there is only one arbiter of 'truth' ... which was what Donald Trump said it was. His coup, executed by a mob he gathered and sicked on the Article 1 power (Congress) in an effort to enforce an 'untruth' is just evidence of your, and his, attack on the truth. Bottom line you can't have unity based on lies. I reject your assertion I was attacking Republicans. I was just celebrating the continuation of a constitutional system which has rebuffed one of the most serious challenges to our democratic order in 230 years. I say this because the only other time an enemy of our country and Constitution occupied by force our Capitol, it was the Red Coats of the Royal Navy that burned the building. Frankly, I don't see many local Republicans, and I can begin with Governor Kemp and Secy. of State Brian Raffensberger, willing to sacrifice their careers, much less their lives in defense of the lies that lay at the heart of the sedition at the Capitol on 1/6/21. (Hell, even Mitch McConnell is indicting Trump for inciting the riot on that sad, sad day. But as to the intersession of God; I called it a miracle as he protected Mike Pence and other congressional leaders on 1/6/2021 and preserved our democratic system of government. As conservatives had said in regard the consequences of elections, if you don't like and can't stand it ... leave. You have the choice. Link to post Share on other sites
CitizenCain Posted January 20, 2021 Report Share Posted January 20, 2021 (edited) I find it amusing that the same people that last week was lying about a free and fair election and then hell bent on subverting this nations government are now crying out for unity. With gods grace and a new president maybe we will once again be one nation. After the four years we just endured it won't be easy but if anyone can Joe Biden will . Edited January 20, 2021 by CitizenCain Link to post Share on other sites
Caped Crusader Posted January 20, 2021 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2021 ((((GROUP HUG!)))) LOL! Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 21, 2021 Report Share Posted January 21, 2021 6 hours ago, gpatt0n said: You wrote: "God help us!" My post just suggested that he did and is. The entire problem with Trump was that he wanted us to live in an alternate reality where there is only one arbiter of 'truth' ... which was what Donald Trump said it was. His coup, executed by a mob he gathered and sicked on the Article 1 power (Congress) in an effort to enforce an 'untruth' is just evidence of your, and his, attack on the truth. Bottom line you can't have unity based on lies. I reject your assertion I was attacking Republicans. I was just celebrating the continuation of a constitutional system which has rebuffed one of the most serious challenges to our democratic order in 230 years. I say this because the only other time an enemy of our country and Constitution occupied by force our Capitol, it was the Red Coats of the Royal Navy that burned the building. Frankly, I don't see many local Republicans, and I can begin with Governor Kemp and Secy. of State Brian Raffensberger, willing to sacrifice their careers, much less their lives in defense of the lies that lay at the heart of the sedition at the Capitol on 1/6/21. (Hell, even Mitch McConnell is indicting Trump for inciting the riot on that sad, sad day. But as to the intersession of God; I called it a miracle as he protected Mike Pence and other congressional leaders on 1/6/2021 and preserved our democratic system of government. As conservatives had said in regard the consequences of elections, if you don't like and can't stand it ... leave. You have the choice. I think for either party to claim God is on their side would be pretty arrogant. Neither party is worthy of Him. I think we would all like to see unity, but an empty plea from one man is not enough, his people and his party must back it up. Impeaching a president a week before he leaves office, and vowing to convict him AFTER he leaves office does not encourage unity. Targeting 74 million Trump supporters and threatening to "cleanse" them does not decry unity. The Democrat's allies in big tech censoring anyone who even loosely supported Trump does not say unity. Suggesting that our National Guard would attack Biden does is not unifying Shutting down Keystone and probably fracking, which will likely drive oil prices sky high, will not spell unity in American's check book. The Democrats inability to discuss rubber dog turds without playing the race card or calling someone a white supremacist does not foster unity Often, actions mean more than empty words, pubby. BTW...if Curtis is your friend, you really shouldn't suggest that members leave here. The site needs activity that isn't hate filled. Tucker Carson said it guys won, you should be celebrating. Be happy! But no, the hate goes on, and I suspect the worst from you guys is yet to come, even with Trump gone. Link to post Share on other sites
CitizenCain Posted January 21, 2021 Report Share Posted January 21, 2021 (edited) Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9 Edited January 21, 2021 by CitizenCain Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 21, 2021 Report Share Posted January 21, 2021 A small handful of weirdos, Cain. Not the typical Trump supporter, and not the Republican Party. There are nut cases in every group. The things I cited above are being done by members of the Democratic Party and their powerful allies. They need to walk the talk if anyone is to believe them. So far, it feels like they want to start a war. If hey want to make peace, they must do more than just talk it. A good start would be to cease their attacks on Trump and his supporters. Link to post Share on other sites
CitizenCain Posted January 21, 2021 Report Share Posted January 21, 2021 (edited) No a good start would be for Trump and Republicans like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley to admit they lied to the American people about the presidential election. You know the one that supposed that Republican states like Georgia and Arizona with their Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican appointed judges and the Supreme Court with its 3 Trump appointees all got together and colluded with the Democrats to steel Trump's election. (Sounds funny when you say it out loud doesn't it?) Finally we have to hold Trump accountable. Next week Republicans will have their chance at Trump's impeachment trial, to demonstrate to the nation if they support the rule of law and the constitution or if they are just party sycophants. "The mob was fed lies,They were provoked by the president and other powerful people, and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government, which they did not like." Mitch McConnell “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. Matthew 7:15 Edited January 21, 2021 by CitizenCain Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 21, 2021 Report Share Posted January 21, 2021 Oh my God! Here comes the hate! Link to post Share on other sites
Caped Crusader Posted January 21, 2021 Author Report Share Posted January 21, 2021 12 hours ago, Guard dad said: A small handful of weirdos, Cain. Not the typical Trump supporter, and not the Republican Party. There are nut cases in every group. The things I cited above are being done by members of the Democratic Party and their powerful allies. They need to walk the talk if anyone is to believe them. So far, it feels like they want to start a war. If hey want to make peace, they must do more than just talk it. A good start would be to cease their attacks on Trump and his supporters. 11 hours ago, CitizenCain said: No a good start would be for Trump and Republicans like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley to admit they lied to the American people about the presidential election. You know the one that supposed that Republican states like Georgia and Arizona with their Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican appointed judges and the Supreme Court with its 3 Trump appointees all got together and colluded with the Democrats to steel Trump's election. (Sounds funny when you say it out loud doesn't it?) Finally we have to hold Trump accountable. Next week Republicans will have their chance at Trump's impeachment trial, to demonstrate to the nation if they support the rule of law and the constitution or if they are just party sycophants. "The mob was fed lies,They were provoked by the president and other powerful people, and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government, which they did not like." Mitch McConnell “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. Matthew 7:15 11 hours ago, Guard dad said: Oh my God! Here comes the hate! Gentlemen I will entertain in this discussion, we have one Bible and many different denominations... Who am I to judge what or how you feel About who is truly operating from the heart or not. I am no fool and I know U2 are not fools either! We can take out a foreign leader from across a pond on a computer screen with a night vision goggles on. and yet some people dressed up like a Lonewolf can breach our capital and come away with no scratches... The conspiracy theorist will have a field day with this for many years to come. let’s all get back to living the good life in Paulding County Georgia and let’s get together for some laughter whether it be on zoom or here on or up at 278 for lunch! their Internet there is marginal so nobody will pull a TMZ andtake pictures of us!!!! Today is January 21 2021 and I approve this message! Cc 1 Link to post Share on other sites
CitizenCain Posted January 21, 2021 Report Share Posted January 21, 2021 (edited) 1 hour ago, Caped Crusader said: Gentlemen I will entertain in this discussion, we have one Bible and many different denominations... Who am I to judge what or how you feel About who is truly operating from the heart or not. I am no fool and I know U2 are not fools either! We can take out a foreign leader from across a pond on a computer screen with a night vision goggles on. and yet some people dressed up like a Lonewolf can breach our capital and come away with no scratches... The conspiracy theorist will have a field day with this for many years to come. let’s all get back to living the good life in Paulding County Georgia and let’s get together for some laughter whether it be on zoom or here on or up at 278 for lunch! their Internet there is marginal so nobody will pull a TMZ andtake pictures of us!!!! Today is January 21 2021 and I approve this message! Cc "The conspiracy theorist will have a field day with this for many years to come." Here is a video aired on PBS Frontline that might interest you. FRONTLINE United States of Conspiracy How trafficking in conspiracy theories went from the fringes of U.S. politics into the White House. FRONTLINE examines the alliance of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, Trump advisor Roger Stone, and the president, and their role in the battle over truth and lies. Edited January 21, 2021 by CitizenCain Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 21, 2021 Report Share Posted January 21, 2021 You don't have to wear a tin foil hat to know that our government is corrupt. As I have said many times, it's not just the Democrats, much of the GOP is involved it it as well. It runs throughout our intel and justice systems, and much of the media is on the take. At least I'm big enough to state that it's both parties, instead of continuing to worship one party like some here do. We should also realize that state-ran media (PBS) will not unbiased or trustworthy when they are funded by a corrupt government. So, so much for the article above. This election, whether it was stolen or not, has put the corruption back in control. It has put foreign influence back into the driver's seat. But you probably won't be able to see that if you're either blindly loyal to a political party or if your every minute of every day is driven by hatred for Donald Trump. if those shoes fit any of you, then I suppose you can choose to wear them. I'm just tired of the hate, folks. It's ripping our nation apart. If your politics teach you to hate, you should really question your politics. Link to post Share on other sites
Caped Crusader Posted January 21, 2021 Author Report Share Posted January 21, 2021 2 hours ago, Guard dad said: You don't have to wear a tin foil hat to know that our government is corrupt. As I have said many times, it's not just the Democrats, much of the GOP is involved it it as well. It runs throughout our intel and justice systems, and much of the media is on the take. At least I'm big enough to state that it's both parties, instead of continuing to worship one party like some here do. We should also realize that state-ran media (PBS) will not unbiased or trustworthy when they are funded by a corrupt government. So, so much for the article above. This election, whether it was stolen or not, has put the corruption back in control. It has put foreign influence back into the driver's seat. But you probably won't be able to see that if you're either blindly loyal to a political party or if your every minute of every day is driven by hatred for Donald Trump. if those shoes fit any of you, then I suppose you can choose to wear them. I'm just tired of the hate, folks. It's ripping our nation apart. If your politics teach you to hate, you should really question your politics. yeah unfortunately you hit the nail on the head!!!! ding ding ding Johnny what do we have for him....Anyone who leads with their heart will not spread hate. in my humble opinion while it is our responsibility to question our politics of our elected leaders there is only one person that can truly judge you. Thanks for playing nice guys maybe we can expound on this to other topics! Cc 1 Link to post Share on other sites
gpatt0n Posted January 22, 2021 Report Share Posted January 22, 2021 GD: Quote You don't have to wear a tin foil hat to know that our government is corrupt. As I have said many times, it's not just the Democrats, much of the GOP is involved it it as well. It runs throughout our intel and justice systems, and much of the media is on the take. At least I'm big enough to state that it's both parties, instead of continuing to worship one party like some here do. All you've done is confirm that there is sin the world. If there was corruption in Georgia from 2002 to 2020, it would have to be 99.9 percent Republican because there have been no state wide elected Democrats here since then. For that matter, the GOP held both houses of Congress from 2011 through 2019 and basically delegated the Democrats to the powerless back benches. I also kind of resent the idea that you think 'everyone' is corrupt ... they are not. Here's a story from me in 1977. The road house and compound at Canton, OK, one of the smallest bergs in Blaine County, OK, was a notorious mob hangout where drugs, gambling and prostitution happened. I visited the place a couple of times being of age and the editor of the local bi-weekly newspaper. On one particular night, I left the joint and when I came to a rail crossing on the way back to town, I goosed it as it was a natural ramp that at the speed I was going, sent me airborne up to 100-feet. As I foolishly careened from one side of the highway to another as I sought to maintain control at 60 some odd mph, I resolved never to do that again About two weeks later, also late on a Saturday night, I found myself rather pleased with the $20 I won playing pool as I returned over that stretch of highway, this time accompanied by wind-driven snow and taking it very, very easy. I am very glad that I was because this time there was a freight train hiding behind the wind-driven snow blocking the road at the bottom of the hill as I crested it at 20 mph. It was maybe a seven percent grade to the tracks but unlike the other parts of the roadway, the combination of the train and wind had caused the entire area between the crest of the hill and the train to be covered with over an inch of snow. I pumped my brakes ten times as the car lost traction and slid, just hard enough to bend my fender and send my headlight shining high into the air as I hit the train broadside. Anyway, I was cited for failure to yield to a train as the folks at the gypsum company called the state police out. That next Thursday edition of the paper listed my accident along with other accidents and damage associated with the light snow storm ON THE FRONT PAGE. About a month later two things happened. The first was the insurance adjuster for the railroad. I had no idea they had illegally been blocking the highway for over an hour it appears. I didn't find that out until the adjusted offered me a low-ball amount of $250 for my damages and I took it. He let loose the salient fact as he actually did, what at the time was known as the tea-berry shuffle. The other thing that happened was that a guy who had been caught up in Okeene with an open container in his car and, as the newspaper "The Watonga Republican" was a paper of record; we published that ticket. When the guy came before publication and asked I remove it saying, "If you were the one, you wouldn't print it," ... I said, no. Grabbed one of the two-three week old newspapers that had my 'ticket' announced on the front page. It would have been corruption had I suppressed that. To further emphasize the point, I mentioned the mob connections to Canton Lake. (The rumors were that 30 years prior, John Dillinger, the most wanted man in the nation at the time, was recovering from his 'plastic surgery' at a cabin on Canton Lake. The owner of the bar - it was always open except when police raids were expected from tips - offered me continuing cash under the table if I'd just keep his and possibly some other names/photos 'out of the paper.' I told him I don't think so ... and he replied ... if my name comes up, just do it and left. About two or three months later, I noticed one of my reports included that he had been picked up for something and I put his name in the paper. I never heard from him again. I mentioned the attempted bribery (corruption) when I was visiting at home and one of my parents friends - his accountant - suggested I should when offered such compensation, I take the money and run. Didn't then and never have. And as far as writing about corruption, lest you think the former Republican Paulding County Sheriff's conviction for child molestation is 'it' let me remind you that the last Democratic commission chairman, who left office in 96, was discussed in length over his attempts to extort businesses going into the north industrial park and especially the peculiar efforts made by the chairman to place the county employees health insurance through his wife's insurance agency. (Thwarted by outrage over the stories told by the county comptroller and published under my byline in the local newspaper.) I mention the above because I frankly, I resent you calling everyone, politicians, reporters/media, party members, etc. corrupt. Certainly some are but what is rather genius about our two-party system (when it works - it has hardly ever worked in the American south because of a single-party dominates historically - is there is usually a vocal 'minority' keeping the elected officials honest with the help of the press. In states and nations where only one party exists for all practical purposes, is where you find widespread corruption because anyone who complains is silenced. Two party states (or multiple parties) tend toward less corruption as competition intensifies because there is always someone from the other party with 'standing' and a voice that can be heard. But the reality is things aren't black and white. Sometimes no parties are corrupt and other times both are but what your dark cynicism suggests is it is all corrupt. The reality is the United States, despite way too much corruption is still relatively low in terms of aggregate corruption and the way we got that way is primarily through the over-influence of money that has only gotten worse since Citizens' United. Misinformation is also part of the corruption so when the fossil fuel industry started their campaign to undermine climate science, they were choosing to pollute and poison the common air for everyone freely and without cost. When those of us who see this massive billion dollar campaign to understand it is an effort to keep, for perpetuity, the option to destroy the commons by injecting billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the air annually AT NO COST. When I mentioned the doubling of knowledge of mankind literally daily these days, know that a portion of that increased knowledge is increased granularity as to the truth of climate science and the damage being done to the environment by people whose path to profits include trashing the earth and leaving it to the poor to clean it up if they can. (Most responsible corporate citizens now recognize this and are in the process of exploring mechanical extraction of CO2 from the atmosphere as yet another way to offset and mitigate necessary use of carbon-based fuels.) Frankly, discovering, pumping and refining oil is not inherently corrupting anymore than growing tobacco is. Where corruption comes in is when you know better than to seek increasing the consumption of cigarettes or gasoline and fighting, and calling corrupt, efforts to mitigate such stupid consumption. Still, the things that bother me most about saying 'everyone is corrupt' is that for a certain class of clever cretin, doing so is more like a pass and endorsement of corruption. We should demand good, honest, efficient, wise government that doesn't coddle the stupid but rather educates them. ... You know like, now that we've told you two-masks are better than one and that going around in public without a mask covering both your nostrils and mouth is more reckless and irresponsible than driving 90 miles an hour through residential stop signs and their ought to be sanctions. (I mean it is as if people who choose not to wear a mask, are actually bullies who have been empowered to go around and kick one out of five people in the shin (or hit them in the gut or in one-of every 80 or so cases, knife them with the intent of causing a sepsis infection and death.) and the rest of us are too intimidated to call them out for their boorish, ignorant behavior. The point is they just as "free" to not wear a mask as they are to speed through subdivisions full of children. And considering the PRESENT risk, the penalties for violations should be the same. (PS: To those cities rumored to fund portions of a city's obligations on traffic fines imposed on visitors; I personally think enforcing mask rules would be less an indication of corruption and probably more remunerative as I know I don't spend as much in stores these days because of the presence of mask-less idiots. More shopping, more sales tax, more fines, less cost of indigent care of the sick; what's there not to like.) Link to post Share on other sites
CitizenCain Posted January 22, 2021 Report Share Posted January 22, 2021 5 hours ago, gpatt0n said: GD: At least I'm big enough to state that it's both parties, instead of continuing to worship one party like some here do. All you've done is confirm that there is sin the world. If there was corruption in Georgia from 2002 to 2020, it would have to be 99.9 percent Republican because there have been no state wide elected Democrats here since then. For that matter, the GOP held both houses of Congress from 2011 through 2019 and basically delegated the Democrats to the powerless back benches. I also kind of resent the idea that you think 'everyone' is corrupt ... they are not. Here's a story from me in 1977. The road house and compound at Canton, OK, one of the smallest bergs in Blaine County, OK, was a notorious mob hangout where drugs, gambling and prostitution happened. I visited the place a couple of times being of age and the editor of the local bi-weekly newspaper. On one particular night, I left the joint and when I came to a rail crossing on the way back to town, I goosed it as it was a natural ramp that at the speed I was going, sent me airborne up to 100-feet. As I foolishly careened from one side of the highway to another as I sought to maintain control at 60 some odd mph, I resolved never to do that again About two weeks later, also late on a Saturday night, I found myself rather pleased with the $20 I won playing pool as I returned over that stretch of highway, this time accompanied by wind-driven snow and taking it very, very easy. I am very glad that I was because this time there was a freight train hiding behind the wind-driven snow blocking the road at the bottom of the hill as I crested it at 20 mph. It was maybe a seven percent grade to the tracks but unlike the other parts of the roadway, the combination of the train and wind had caused the entire area between the crest of the hill and the train to be covered with over an inch of snow. I pumped my brakes ten times as the car lost traction and slid, just hard enough to bend my fender and send my headlight shining high into the air as I hit the train broadside. Anyway, I was cited for failure to yield to a train as the folks at the gypsum company called the state police out. That next Thursday edition of the paper listed my accident along with other accidents and damage associated with the light snow storm ON THE FRONT PAGE. About a month later two things happened. The first was the insurance adjuster for the railroad. I had no idea they had illegally been blocking the highway for over an hour it appears. I didn't find that out until the adjusted offered me a low-ball amount of $250 for my damages and I took it. He let loose the salient fact as he actually did, what at the time was known as the tea-berry shuffle. The other thing that happened was that a guy who had been caught up in Okeene with an open container in his car and, as the newspaper "The Watonga Republican" was a paper of record; we published that ticket. When the guy came before publication and asked I remove it saying, "If you were the one, you wouldn't print it," ... I said, no. Grabbed one of the two-three week old newspapers that had my 'ticket' announced on the front page. It would have been corruption had I suppressed that. To further emphasize the point, I mentioned the mob connections to Canton Lake. (The rumors were that 30 years prior, John Dillinger, the most wanted man in the nation at the time, was recovering from his 'plastic surgery' at a cabin on Canton Lake. The owner of the bar - it was always open except when police raids were expected from tips - offered me continuing cash under the table if I'd just keep his and possibly some other names/photos 'out of the paper.' I told him I don't think so ... and he replied ... if my name comes up, just do it and left. About two or three months later, I noticed one of my reports included that he had been picked up for something and I put his name in the paper. I never heard from him again. I mentioned the attempted bribery (corruption) when I was visiting at home and one of my parents friends - his accountant - suggested I should when offered such compensation, I take the money and run. Didn't then and never have. And as far as writing about corruption, lest you think the former Republican Paulding County Sheriff's conviction for child molestation is 'it' let me remind you that the last Democratic commission chairman, who left office in 96, was discussed in length over his attempts to extort businesses going into the north industrial park and especially the peculiar efforts made by the chairman to place the county employees health insurance through his wife's insurance agency. (Thwarted by outrage over the stories told by the county comptroller and published under my byline in the local newspaper.) I mention the above because I frankly, I resent you calling everyone, politicians, reporters/media, party members, etc. corrupt. Certainly some are but what is rather genius about our two-party system (when it works - it has hardly ever worked in the American south because of a single-party dominates historically - is there is usually a vocal 'minority' keeping the elected officials honest with the help of the press. In states and nations where only one party exists for all practical purposes, is where you find widespread corruption because anyone who complains is silenced. Two party states (or multiple parties) tend toward less corruption as competition intensifies because there is always someone from the other party with 'standing' and a voice that can be heard. But the reality is things aren't black and white. Sometimes no parties are corrupt and other times both are but what your dark cynicism suggests is it is all corrupt. The reality is the United States, despite way too much corruption is still relatively low in terms of aggregate corruption and the way we got that way is primarily through the over-influence of money that has only gotten worse since Citizens' United. Misinformation is also part of the corruption so when the fossil fuel industry started their campaign to undermine climate science, they were choosing to pollute and poison the common air for everyone freely and without cost. When those of us who see this massive billion dollar campaign to understand it is an effort to keep, for perpetuity, the option to destroy the commons by injecting billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the air annually AT NO COST. When I mentioned the doubling of knowledge of mankind literally daily these days, know that a portion of that increased knowledge is increased granularity as to the truth of climate science and the damage being done to the environment by people whose path to profits include trashing the earth and leaving it to the poor to clean it up if they can. (Most responsible corporate citizens now recognize this and are in the process of exploring mechanical extraction of CO2 from the atmosphere as yet another way to offset and mitigate necessary use of carbon-based fuels.) Frankly, discovering, pumping and refining oil is not inherently corrupting anymore than growing tobacco is. Where corruption comes in is when you know better than to seek increasing the consumption of cigarettes or gasoline and fighting, and calling corrupt, efforts to mitigate such stupid consumption. Still, the things that bother me most about saying 'everyone is corrupt' is that for a certain class of clever cretin, doing so is more like a pass and endorsement of corruption. We should demand good, honest, efficient, wise government that doesn't coddle the stupid but rather educates them. ... You know like, now that we've told you two-masks are better than one and that going around in public without a mask covering both your nostrils and mouth is more reckless and irresponsible than driving 90 miles an hour through residential stop signs and their ought to be sanctions. (I mean it is as if people who choose not to wear a mask, are actually bullies who have been empowered to go around and kick one out of five people in the shin (or hit them in the gut or in one-of every 80 or so cases, knife them with the intent of causing a sepsis infection and death.) and the rest of us are too intimidated to call them out for their boorish, ignorant behavior. The point is they are just as "free" to not wear a mask as they are to speed through subdivisions full of children. And considering the PRESENT risk, the penalties for violations should be the same. (PS: To those cities rumored to fund portions of a city's obligations on traffic fines imposed on visitors; I personally think enforcing mask rules would be less an indication of corruption and probably more remunerative as I know I don't spend as much in stores these days because of the presence of mask-less idiots. More shopping, more sales tax, more fines, less cost of indigent care of the sick; what's there not to like.) The moral to the story is of course you hate Trump. Link to post Share on other sites
gpatt0n Posted January 22, 2021 Report Share Posted January 22, 2021 4 hours ago, CitizenCain said: The moral to the story is of course you hate Trump. I knew that was coming but I didn't expect it from you. Actually, you point to one of the social media manipulation techniques in a typical threaded message board. The rule says that you will win when you distill someone's too long post (like the one I just posted) into whatever meme you want to promote betting on the fact that a majority of people won't read the dang thing. That statistical fact means you can influence the 'majority' with topics of your choice. What they discovered is they can throw out any kind of bs - make stuff up sometimes - because they can. It is kind of like the political campaigns these days where trope-based lies fuel the attack ads which have at most a flimsy link to truth. That hatefulness is goes back to Newt and his daily efforts at outrage 40 years ago. We're where negative campaign ads lead. Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 22, 2021 Report Share Posted January 22, 2021 I was mainly referring to the federal government in my posts above, and I thought that was obvious. Georgia has corruption problems of our own, and I am not letting the Republicans off the hook. I've been telling you guys forever that I have not been a loyal Republican since midway of Dubya's terms. I usually vote Republican as lessors of evil, but I have no love for them. Years ago I did, I was quite active and came very close to running for office. I even had the backing of a very powerful group. But I had a fledgling business and a wife and child at home to support, so I chose not to. Nowadays, I am a Constitutional Conservative who is independent of any party. If one eventually earns my support, fine. But ain't looking good right now. As for local politics; I try to fly under the radar as I am a local business owner, and our local politicians have been known to play dirty. The posts from you two are always the same: Republicans evil, Democrats are gods (little g). And yes, like most loyal Democrats, you are obsessed in your hatred of Trump. Even now that he's gone, the hatred persists. Pelosi is sending the impeachment motion to the Senate Monad...AFTER the man has left office. How nasty can they be? Claiming Trump supporters must be deprogrammed. Internet sites who allowed Trump supporters to speak freely being taken down, Trump supporting business owners being blackballed. Etc, etc, all while claiming you want unity. Does anyone see the irony here? The latest nasty from many Democrats is to claim Melonia will be divorcing Trump. Well, I hope not, it's sad anytime a family is broken up. But it's their business regardless. The haters are salivating over the thought that Trump will be hurt. How ugly can they get? Our new president...First day in office and he cuts 52,000 jobs, many of them union. He sends another "welcome to the USA" message to illegals by stopping boarder wall production. He orders that illegals must now count in the census (I assume you guys know the reason for that). And our National Guard that Pelosi requested even though they weren't needed is forced to sleep in parking garages. He makes it alright for men who claim to be women to go into the ladies room with our daughters again. He signs a mask mandate for federal properties, and then violates his own order in the same day. There's more, but I'll stop at that for now. Besides the utter stupidity of those decisions, how does this call for unity? Do you two guys support all this? I suspect you do. Frankly, I'm not hearing much unity from either of you. Quote What they discovered is they can throw out any kind of bs - make stuff up sometimes - because they can. It is kind of like the political campaigns these days where trope-based lies fuel the attack ads which have at most a flimsy link to truth. That hatefulness is goes back to Newt and his daily efforts at outrage 40 years ago. We're where negative campaign ads lead. pubby - You of all people shouldn't be criticizing people who run negative campaign ads. Just sayin'. I'll leave it at that. Link to post Share on other sites
CitizenCain Posted January 22, 2021 Report Share Posted January 22, 2021 " Oh my God! Here comes the hate! " Matthew 7:5 Why impeach Trump now ? 'Precedent. It must be made clear that no president, now or in the future, can lead an insurrection against the U.S. government.' Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 22, 2021 Report Share Posted January 22, 2021 58 minutes ago, CitizenCain said: " Oh my God! Here comes the hate! " Matthew 7:5 Why impeach Trump now ? 'Precedent. It must be made clear that no president, now or in the future, can lead an insurrection against the U.S. government.' OK, let's talk some facts. We now know (see article below) that the run on the capital building was planned well ahead of time. The Capital Police got wind of it and released a memo warning of it about a week before it happened. It seems that BLM knew about it too, being that they had one of their people there to film it. The speech Trump made the day before it happened had nothing to do with it. This is just more of the Democrats making up lies to smear the man. You the whole Russiagate farce that we beat to death for four years and spent millions of taxpayer dollars investigating, only to find out there was nothing to it. And with recently released documents, we now know that Hillary, with Obama's knowledge, was behind the whole lie. Politics has always been a dirty game, but never in my life have I seen such ugliness as I'm seeing now. Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 22, 2021 Report Share Posted January 22, 2021 (edited) But not all is bad, we're getting some good humor out of it Edited January 22, 2021 by Guard dad Link to post Share on other sites
CitizenCain Posted January 22, 2021 Report Share Posted January 22, 2021 (edited) 1 hour ago, Guard dad said: OK, let's talk some facts. We now know (see article below) that the run on the capital building was planned well ahead of time. The Capital Police got wind of it and released a memo warning of it about a week before it happened. It seems that BLM knew about it too, being that they had one of their people there to film it. The speech Trump made the day before it happened had nothing to do with it. This is just more of the Democrats making up lies to smear the man. You the whole Russiagate farce that we beat to death for four years and spent millions of taxpayer dollars investigating, only to find out there was nothing to it. And with recently released documents, we now know that Hillary, with Obama's knowledge, was behind the whole lie. Politics has always been a dirty game, but never in my life have I seen such ugliness as I'm seeing now. Well fact is Trump's speech was the day of the riot not the day before but your right Trump had been tweeting since December for all his followers to gather in Washington for his "Big Save America Rally" on January 6th. WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The chaos in the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday unfolded after President Donald Trump spent weeks whipping up his supporters with false allegations of fraud in the Nov. 3 election, culminating in a call to march to the building that represents U.S. democracy. 'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore' Edited January 22, 2021 by CitizenCain Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 23, 2021 Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 OK, day of. Even better, there was simply not enough time to organize that in mere hours. NOTHING Trump said advocated violence or breaking the law. Nothing! Even with his diarrhea of the mouth, Trump has NEVER advocated violence in his speeches. Again, just Democrats shamelessly lying for political gain. And clearly, their disciples believe any and everything Pelosi and her bunch says. Link to post Share on other sites
Caped Crusader Posted January 23, 2021 Author Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 Gentlemen, If i am not mistaken... "U" ALL are saying the same thing! Let's start more topics and try to "U"se multiple EMOGIES to show with OUR Response Please...Who remembers playing when they were little... the quiet game! 2021 on the NEW LOL No, I am NOT bat crap CrAzY!!! For God's sake...look at this from YEARS ago!!!! LOL 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. Upgrade your digital Bible study experience with Bible Gateway Plus. Try it FREE for 30 days. FEATURED King James Study Bible Notes PLUS52 entries Zondervan KJV Commentary PLUS14 entries How to Read the Bible Book by Book PLUS3 entries STUDY BIBLES NIV Quest Study Bible Notes PLUS15 entries NIV Student Bible Notes PLUS3 entries King James Study Bible Notes PLUS52 entries NIV Storyline Bible PLUS1 entry NIV Jesus Bible PLUS2 entries NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible PLUS45 entries NKJV Maxwell Leadership Bible PLUS1 entry NKJV Chronological Study Bible Notes PLUS6 entries NASB Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible Notes PLUS37 entries NKJV Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible Notes PLUS13 entries NIV First-Century Study Bible PLUS8 entries Case for Christ Study Bible PLUS33 entries New Spirit-Filled Life Bible PLUS24 entries NKJV Study Bible PLUS29 entries NKJV Lucado Encouraging Word Bible PLUS2 entries NIV Study Bible Notes, Fully Revised Edition PLUS46 entries NKJV MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition PLUS39 entries NKJV Abide Bible PLUS2 entries Vines Expository Bible Notes PLUS1 entry NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible PLUS46 entries NRSV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible PLUS46 entries Orthodox Study Bible PLUS15 entries Reformation Study Bible 29 entries ENCYCLOPEDIAS New International Encyclopedia of Bible Characters PLUS12 entries New International Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties PLUS6 entries Encyclopedia of The Bible 128 entries COMMENTARIES Halley's Bible Handbook Notes PLUS1 entry How to Read the Bible Book by Book PLUS3 entries Zondervan Bible Commentary (One Volume) PLUS7 entries Expositor's Bible Commentary (Abridged Edition): New Testament PLUS18 entries Olive Tree Bible Overview PLUS1 entry Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary of the New Testament PLUS49 entries New Bible Commentary PLUS9 entries Essential Bible Companion PLUS1 entry Zondervan KJV Commentary PLUS14 entries NIV Application Commentary PLUS2 entries Believer's Bible Commentary PLUS57 entries Theology of Work Bible Commentary 2 entries Matthew Henry's Commentary 7 entries The Bible Panorama 1 entry Asbury Bible Commentary 8 entries DICTIONARIES Mounce's Complete Expository Dictionary PLUS83 entries Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary PLUS41 entries New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology PLUS140 entries Essential Bible Dictionary PLUS11 entries Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times PLUS15 entries NKJV Open Bible PLUS86 entries All the Men of the Bible 5 entries Dictionary of Bible Themes 201 entries Easton's Bible Dictionary 18 entries Smith's Bible Names Dictionary 4 entries SERMONS Gospel Awakening PLUS1 entry MAPS Bible Gateway Atlas PLUS1 entry King James Version (KJV) Public Domain BIBLE GATEWAY RECOMMENDS KJV Study Bible, Red Letter Edition: Second Edition Retail: $39.99 Our Price: $27.99 Save: $12.00 (30%) Buy Now KJV, Holy Bible, Larger Print, Paperback, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version Retail: $5.99 Our Price: $4.19 Save: $1.80 (30%) Buy Now KJV, Vest Pocket New Testament & Psalms, Leathersoft, Black, Red Letter Version: Holy Bible, King James Version Retail: $8.99 Our Price: $6.29 Save: $2.70 (30%) Buy Now KJV, Baby's First Bible, Hardcover, Multicolor: A special keepsake for your new arrival Retail: $14.99 Our Price: $10.49 Save: $4.50 (30%) Buy Now VIEW MORE TITLES Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 23, 2021 Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 1 hour ago, CitizenCain said: 'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore' So what does "fight" mean? Certainly, it can mean physical combat, but there are other definitions. Let's turn to good ole Webster for help: 2 : to put forth a determined effort (1) : to attempt to prevent the success or effectiveness of the company fought the takeover attempt (2) : to oppose the passage or development of fight a bill in Congress 3 : to struggle to endure or surmount fight a cold is fighting cancer 2 : a struggle for a goal or an objective a fight for justice Hmmmm, nothing about physical violence in those. Have Democrats ever said things that could incite violence? Why yes, yes they have: Quote "There will be blood in the streets." - Loretta Lynch "Who says protests have to be peaceful?" -Chris Cuomo "There needs to be unrest in the streets." -Ayanna Pressley "Protesters should not let up." - Kamala Harris "I just don't know why there aren't uprisings all over this country. Maybe there should be."-Nancy Pelosi "You get out and create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they are not welcome anymore, anywhere."- Maxine Waters To claim Trump's words incited a riot is beyond a stretch. Link to post Share on other sites
CitizenCain Posted January 23, 2021 Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 42 minutes ago, Guard dad said: So what does "fight" mean? Certainly, it can mean physical combat, but there are other definitions. Let's turn to good ole Webster for help: 2 : to put forth a determined effort (1) : to attempt to prevent the success or effectiveness of the company fought the takeover attempt (2) : to oppose the passage or development of fight a bill in Congress 3 : to struggle to endure or surmount fight a cold is fighting cancer 2 : a struggle for a goal or an objective a fight for justice Hmmmm, nothing about physical violence in those. Have Democrats ever said things that could incite violence? Why yes, yes they have: To claim Trump's words incited a riot is beyond a stretch. Before the Caped Crusader rains down fire and brimstone let me end this conversation with a serious question. If in four years Joe Biden tries to coerce foreign leaders into digging up dirt on a political foe, calls up and threatens state election officials with threats of legal jeopardy if they didn't "find" 11,000 more votes, then gathers thousands of supporters in front of the White House whips them up into a frenzy and tells them to march on the halls of congress in an effort to overthrow an election and keep him power, you'd be OK with that ? Link to post Share on other sites
gpatt0n Posted January 23, 2021 Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 Caped There was a fellow named Jim Griffards, if memory serves, who was one of the 'players' in the early ebay. Your post here, reminds me of what Griff, as he was known as moderator on what was the main ebay chat board back in 1997. It was a simple chat, open to everyone and when someone posted something stupid, wrong, libelous or whatever, as the chief mod, he'd just start making chat line entrees in rapid succession and as new entries appeared at the top of the page and old one's dropped off the bottom of the page, that was the prime way to moderate the conversation. He actually had a few 'extra' friends around to add dittos to his devastating onslaught. Quote Fox News' Geraldo Rivera Turns on Donald Trump: 'Liz Cheney Is Right' Brendan Cole 1/13/2021 Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera has backed GOP lawmaker Liz Cheney, who is outraged at\ Some Republicans are coming forward to support Trump's removal from office following the fatal violence in Washington, D.C. last week, and Rivera—who has been a constant supporter of Trump—has criticized his recent actions. Rivera tweeted that Trump was a "loyal friend" who had been "hounded without mercy by Democrats intent on destroying him from Day 1." "Then he lost the election. It made him crazy or revealed a dysfunction I had refused to see. He then unleashed a mob to make war on their own government. 5 to their doom," he wrote, referring to the five people whose deaths were linked to the violence. "@LizCheney is right," he added, referring to the House's third most senior Republican, who backs the impeachment of Trump. She said in a statement on Tuesday that there "has never been a greater betrayal by a president of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution." GD, you get an A+ for loyalty to Donald Trump but you got to know that is different than loyalty to the nation. There is no excuse for what was done. He asked people to die for his lie. Link to post Share on other sites
Some Republicans are coming forward to support Trump's removal from office following the fatal violence in Washington, D.C. last week, and Rivera—who has been a constant supporter of Trump—has criticized his recent actions. Rivera tweeted that Trump was a "loyal friend" who had been "hounded without mercy by Democrats intent on destroying him from Day 1." "Then he lost the election. It made him crazy or revealed a dysfunction I had refused to see. He then unleashed a mob to make war on their own government. 5 to their doom," he wrote, referring to the five people whose deaths were linked to the violence. "@LizCheney is right," he added, referring to the House's third most senior Republican, who backs the impeachment of Trump. She said in a statement on Tuesday that there "has never been a greater betrayal by a president of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution."
Caped Crusader Posted January 23, 2021 Author Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 Posted 3 minutes ago · IP Caped There was a fellow named Jim Griffards, if memory serves, who was one of the 'players' in the early ebay. Your post here, reminds me of what Griff, as he was known as moderator on what was the main ebay chat board back in 1997. It was a simple chat, open to everyone and when someone posted something stupid, wrong, libelous or whatever, as the chief mod, he'd just start making chat line entrees in rapid succession and as new entries appeared at the top of the page and old one's dropped off the bottom of the page, that was the prime way to moderate the conversation. He actually had a few 'extra' friends around to add dittos to his devastating onslaught. Quote Fox News' Geraldo Rivera Turns on Donald Trump: 'Liz Cheney Is Right' Brendan Cole 1/13/2021 Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera has backed GOP lawmaker Liz Cheney, who is outraged at\ Some Republicans are coming forward to support Trump's removal from office following the fatal violence in Washington, D.C. last week, and Rivera—who has been a constant supporter of Trump—has criticized his recent actions. Rivera tweeted that Trump was a "loyal friend" who had been "hounded without mercy by Democrats intent on destroying him from Day 1." "Then he lost the election. It made him crazy or revealed a dysfunction I had refused to see. He then unleashed a mob to make war on their own government. 5 to their doom," he wrote, referring to the five people whose deaths were linked to the violence. "@LizCheney is right," he added, referring to the House's third most senior Republican, who backs the impeachment of Trump. She said in a statement on Tuesday that there "has never been a greater betrayal by a president of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution." Expand GD, you get an A+ for loyalty to Donald Trump but you got to know that is different than loyalty to the nation. There is no excuse for what was done. He asked people to die for his lie. DittO! That if I am NOT Mistaken has us down to ONE CLICK! Once one signs IN! Link to post Share on other sites
Some Republicans are coming forward to support Trump's removal from office following the fatal violence in Washington, D.C. last week, and Rivera—who has been a constant supporter of Trump—has criticized his recent actions. Rivera tweeted that Trump was a "loyal friend" who had been "hounded without mercy by Democrats intent on destroying him from Day 1." "Then he lost the election. It made him crazy or revealed a dysfunction I had refused to see. He then unleashed a mob to make war on their own government. 5 to their doom," he wrote, referring to the five people whose deaths were linked to the violence. "@LizCheney is right," he added, referring to the House's third most senior Republican, who backs the impeachment of Trump. She said in a statement on Tuesday that there "has never been a greater betrayal by a president of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution."
Caped Crusader Posted January 23, 2021 Author Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 GP... did you even READ 1st Corinthians 15 vs 51-58 KJV It mentions TRUMP 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 23, 2021 Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 (edited) 17 hours ago, gpatt0n said: GD, you get an A+ for loyalty to Donald Trump but you got to know that is different than loyalty to the nation. Not as loyal as you want to think. There is plenty I don't like about the man, I didn't vote for him in the primary four years ago. But the fact is, Trump was the only candidate we had that was not part of the corruption. Biden is a major part of the corruption, he is bought and paid for by forces who do not have America in their best interest. As I stated above; this election put the corruption back in power and foreign influence back in the driver's seat. Quote There is no excuse for what was done. He asked people to die for his lie. What lies and who died for them? He did not incite the run on the Capital. All the gripe about how he handled COVID is BS; even Fauci said NO ONE could have done better. He worked hand in hand with business to get ventilators made at a record rate and got a vaccine produced faster than ever in history. Biden wouldn't even know how to start doing these things. He has zero business experience and no real understanding of how the free market works. But yes, let's talk about people who died because of mistakes a president made. -How many have died from some of our former presidents involving us in foreign wars and conflicts that we had no business being in? This includes your precious Obama and Clinton. How many died because of them, pubby? In contrast; Trump wound down the wars he was handed and did not start any more. We've had more peace in the last four years than in any time I can remember. How many died in ben Ghazi due to the mistakes Obama and Hillary made? First off, you don't send an openly gay man to a place where homosexuals are murdered just for their sexual preference. Secondly; when said man and the special forces with him call for help, you don't hesitate to send it. Do you know what they did to Ambassador Stevens before and after they killed him...just because he was a gay man? If you do, you should be horrified. How many people died in the riots of the last several years that the Democrats encouraged and turned their heads to? How many police officers were executed because of the rhetoric of the Democrats? There's a reason almost every police union supported Trump. How many people died because Joe Biden said Antifa is just an idea? How many people will die because of the illegals that will pour across the boarder now that Biden has issued a welcome call? We have 9000 of them headed this way right now; how many of them are sick or are criminals? How many of our most innocent of all have died and will die because of the Democrat's glorification of the procedure that starts with an A? Yeah, that one, the one you banned me for mentioning once. Over 600,000 unborn children per year die because of this procedure that the Democrats have championed and glorified. That number alone dwarfs anything you can come up with to throw on Trump. How many of the National Guard Troops that Pelosi had sent to the capital, even though they weren't needed, will die of the COVID that is running through them? Over 100 have tested positive so far. And it didn't help that they were stuck in parking garages until outraged got them moved. BTW, Trump has opened his DC hotel to the troops. But orange man still bad, huh? Frankly, pubby, you don't have the moral authority to talk about people dying as long as you support the people and party who has killed the masses of people mentioned above. But none of that is important, I suppose, because all that matters is hating Trump. Edited January 23, 2021 by Guard dad Link to post Share on other sites
Caped Crusader Posted January 23, 2021 Author Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 38 minutes ago, Guard dad said: Not as loyal as you want to think. There is plenty I don't like about the man, I didn't vote for him in the primary four years ago. But the fact is, Trump was the only candidate we had that was not part of the corruption. Biden is a major part of the corruption, he is bought and paid for by forces who do not have America in their best interest. As I stated above; this election put the corruption back in power and foreign influence back in the driver's seat. What lies and who died for them? He did not incite the run on the Capital. All the gripe about how he handled COVID is BS; even Fauci said NO ONE could have done better. He worked hand in hand with business to get ventilators made at a record rate and got a vaccine produced faster than ever in history. Biden wouldn't even know how to start doing these things. He has zero business experience and no real understanding of how the free market works. But yes, let's talk about people who died because of mistakes a president made. -How many have died from some of our former presidents involving us in foreign wars and conflicts that we had no business being in? This includes your precious Obama and Clinton. How many died because of them, pubby? In contrast; Trump wound down the wars he was handed and did not start any more. We've had more peace in the last four years than in any time I can remember. How many died in ben Ghazi due to the mistakes Obama and Hillary made? First off, you don't send an openly gay man to a place where homosexuals are murdered just for their sexual preference. Secondly; when said man and the special forces with him call for help, you don't hesitate to send it. Do you know what they did to Ambassador Stevens before and after they killed him...just because he was a gay man? If you do, you should be horrified. How many people died in the riots of the last several years that the Democrats encouraged and turned their heads to? How many police officers were executed because of the rhetoric of the Democrats? There's a reason almost every police union supported Trump. How many people died because Joe Biden said Antifa is just an idea? How many people will die because of the illegals that will pour across the boarder now that Biden has issued a welcome call? We have 9000 of them headed this way right now; how many of them are sick or are criminals? How many of our most innocent of all have died and will die because of the Democrat's glorification of the procedure that starts with an A? Yeah, that one, the one you banned me for mentioning once. Over 600,000 unborn children per year die because of this procedure that the Democrats have championed and glorified. That number alone dwarfs anything you can come up with to throw on Trump. How many of the National Guard Troops that Pelosi had sent to the capital, even though they weren't needed, will die of the COVID that is running through them? Over 100 have tested positive so far. And it didn't help that they were stuck in parking garages until outraged got them moved. BTW, Trump has opened his DC hotel to the troops. But orange man still bad, huh? Frankly, pubby, you don't have the moral authority to talk about people dying as long as you support the people and party who has killed the masses of people mentioned above. But none of that is important, I suppose, because all that matters is hating Trump. Come on now let’s not belabor the point we all are using the same playbook... I think that was you that posted this picture or it might’ve been Citizen Cane, either either way... we all are playing from the same playbook our next topic, because we are hoping to go to a mono thread and if you can’t play nice The person that is not playing nice, will be but in time out! Lol So, Johnnie what do we have for the winner of the new picture Starting with the picture below what does it mean to you? And let’s see where this goes... remember, WE “U” and WE NEED “U” Peace Be With You and Your Family! Cc Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 23, 2021 Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 (edited) Cain posted that pic, not me. No, Caped, Cain and pubby are coming from a very different angle than I am. They hate Trump, and most all Republicans for that matter. All while believing the Democrats are their savior. I don't hate anyone, and I don't like either party. Honestly, I don't even like Trump, but he did the job, and most of what he said he'd do. Most importantly, he put America first, while the swamp will gladly throw America under the buss for their own profit and power. And that is exactly what Biden has done since he stepping to the Oval Office. Anyhoo...given who's involved, this has been a pretty civil discussion. Forums need that to be interesting. Edited January 23, 2021 by Guard dad Link to post Share on other sites
Caped Crusader Posted January 23, 2021 Author Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 23 minutes ago, Guard dad said: Cain posted that pic, not me. No, Caped, Cain and pubby are coming from a very different angle than I am. They hate Trump, and most all Republicans for that natter. All while believing the Democrats are their savior. I don't hate anyone, and I don't like either party. Honestly, I don't even like Trump, but he did the job, and most of what he said he'd do. Most importantly, he put America first, while the swamp will gladly throw America under the buss for their own profit and power. And that is exactly what Biden has done since he stepping to the Oval Office. Anyhoo...given who's involved, this has been a pretty civil discussion. Forums need that to be interesting. Yes Sir... I have Created a new "W"ord Thank You, you were part of the iNSPIRATION I humbly ask yo"U" to spread the "W"ord 4 EVERYONE 2 know JOY! stby... I have to put the picture... My New DEVICE is having issues... it appears it is trying to LEARN my LAUNGUAGE! LOL heading out to enjoy some of this sunshine for a couple hours have a blessed day I’ll check back in later this evening. Blessings My friend to you and your family I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation and I hope others did as well! Cc Link to post Share on other sites
CitizenCain Posted January 23, 2021 Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 58 minutes ago, Guard dad said: Not as loyal as you want to think. There is plenty I don't like about the man, I didn't vote for him in the primary four years ago. But the fact is, Trump was the only candidate we had that was not part of the corruption. Biden is a major part of the corruption, he is bought and paid for by forces who do not have America in their best interest. As I stated above; this election put the corruption back in power and foreign influence back in the driver's seat. What lies and who died for them? He did not incite the run on the Capital. All the gripe about how he handled COVID is BS; even Fauci said NO ONE could have done better. He worked hand in hand with business to get ventilators made at a record rate and got a vaccine produced faster than ever in history. Biden wouldn't even know how to start doing these things. He has zero business experience and no real understanding of how the free market works. But yes, let's talk about people who died because of mistakes a president made. -How many have died from some of our former presidents involving us in foreign wars and conflicts that we had no business being in? This includes your precious Obama and Clinton. How many died because of them, pubby? In contrast; Trump wound down the wars he was handed and did not start any more. We've had more peace in the last four years than in any time I can remember. How many died in ben Ghazi due to the mistakes Obama and Hillary made? First off, you don't send an openly gay man to a place where homosexuals are murdered just for their sexual preference. Secondly; when said man and the special forces with him call for help, you don't hesitate to send it. Do you know what they did to Ambassador Stevens before and after they killed him...just because he was a gay man? If you do, you should be horrified. How many people died in the riots of the last several years that the Democrats encouraged and turned their heads to? How many police officers were executed because of the rhetoric of the Democrats? There's a reason almost every police union supported Trump. How many people died because Joe Biden said Antifa is just an idea? How many people will die because of the illegals that will pour across the boarder now that Biden has issued a welcome call? We have 9000 of them headed this way right now; how many of them are sick or are criminals? How many of our most innocent of all have died and will die because of the Democrat's glorification of the procedure that starts with an A? Yeah, that one, the one you banned me for mentioning once. Over 600,000 unborn children per year die because of this procedure that the Democrats have championed and glorified. That number alone dwarfs anything you can come up with to throw on Trump. How many of the National Guard Troops that Pelosi had sent to the capital, even though they weren't needed, will die of the COVID that is running through them? Over 100 have tested positive so far. And it didn't help that they were stuck in parking garages until outraged got them moved. BTW, Trump has opened his DC hotel to the troops. But orange man still bad, huh? Frankly, pubby, you don't have the moral authority to talk about people dying as long as you support the people and party who has killed the masses of people mentioned above. But none of that is important, I suppose, because all that matters is hating Trump. "Biden is a major part of the corruption, he is bought and paid for by forces who do not have America in their best interest." Spoken like a true Alex Jones disciple . "How many have died from some of our former presidents involving us in foreign wars and conflicts that we had no business being in?" I notice you didn't get around to mentioning Ronald Reagan's debacle in Beirut that killed all those Marines,or Granada for who knows what, the assault on Panama by HW to arrest a two bit drug dealer or George Bush and his invasion of Iraq that destabilized an entire region, killed hundreds of thousands and made refugees of millions, how long has that lasted ? I'm sure it was just an oversight on your part. BTW when are you going to get around to answering my question ? If in four years Joe Biden tries to coerce foreign leaders into digging up dirt on a political foe, calls up and threatens state election officials with threats of legal jeopardy if they didn't "find" 11,000 more votes, then gathers thousands of supporters in front of the White House whips them up into a frenzy and tells them to march on the halls of congress in an effort to overthrow an election and keep him power, you'd be OK with that ? Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 23, 2021 Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 1 minute ago, CitizenCain said: "Biden is a major part of the corruption, he is bought and paid for by forces who do not have America in their best interest." Spoken like a true Alex Jones disciple . BTW when are you going to get around to answering my question ? If in four years Joe Biden tries to coerce foreign leaders into digging up dirt on a political foe, calls up and threatens state election officials with threats of legal jeopardy if they didn't "find" 11,000 more votes, then gathers thousands of supporters in front of the White House whips them up into a frenzy and tells them to march on the halls of congress in an effort to overthrow an election and keep him power, you'd be OK with that ? Ah, here come the insults. No, Cain, just a free thinker. Quote "How many have died from some of our former presidents involving us in foreign wars and conflicts that we had no business being in?" I notice you didn't get around to mentioning Ronald Reagan's debacle in Beirut that killed all those Marines,or Granada for who knows what, the assault on Panama by HW to arrest a two bit drug dealer or George Bush and his invasion of Iraq that destabilized an entire region, killed hundreds of thousands and made refugees of millions, how long has that lasted ? I'm sure it was just an oversight on your part. I mentioned previous presidents Quote BTW when are you going to get around to answering my question ? If in four years Joe Biden tries to coerce foreign leaders into digging up dirt on a political foe, calls up and threatens state election officials with threats of legal jeopardy if they didn't "find" 11,000 more votes, then gathers thousands of supporters in front of the White House whips them up into a frenzy and tells them to march on the halls of congress in an effort to overthrow an election and keep him power, you'd be OK with that ? Your "question" implies Trump actually did all that. He did nothing wrong. He did not "whip anyone into a frenzy and ask them to march on the halls of congress."Just more lies and ridiculousness from the Democrats who have done much worse. He did not threaten Raffy to find more votes, he asked him to dig deeper, which he should have. And As for the Ukraine, he was actually well within his right as president to do that given that Biden's son was involved in shady crap there. Had Biden not been Trump's opponent, there would have been no question. . SHall we talk about Ted Kennedy asking Russia for help in defeating Reagan? Link to post Share on other sites
CitizenCain Posted January 23, 2021 Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 (edited) 20 minutes ago, Guard dad said: Ah, here come the insults. No, Cain, just a free thinker. I mentioned previous presidents Your "question" implies Trump actually did all that. He did nothing wrong. He did not "whip anyone into a frenzy and ask them to march on the halls of congress."Just more lies and ridiculousness from the Democrats who have done much worse. He did not threaten Raffy to find more votes, he asked him to dig deeper, which he should have. And As for the Ukraine, he was actually well within his right as president to do that given that Biden's son was involved in shady crap there. Had Biden not been Trump's opponent, there would have been no question. . SHall we talk about Ted Kennedy asking Russia for help in defeating Reagan? No insult intended, actually Alex Jones was a friend and trusted adviser to Trump "Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy," he said. "And after this, we're going to walk down — and I'll be there with you — we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol "That’s a criminal, that’s a criminal offense. And you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. And that’s a big risk.” Trump said to Raffensberger So your answer to my question is yes. Edited January 23, 2021 by CitizenCain Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 23, 2021 Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 1 hour ago, CitizenCain said: No insult intended, actually Alex Jones was a friend and trusted adviser to Trump "Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy," he said. "And after this, we're going to walk down — and I'll be there with you — we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol "That’s a criminal, that’s a criminal offense. And you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. And that’s a big risk.” Trump said to Raffensberger So your answer to my question is yes. I'm not a fan of Alex Jones, just so you know. "Walk down to the Capital". Oooooooh, yeah that's really scary!! Walking causes to much damage, costs so many lives. LOL! Seriously, man, only someone who hates the guy could find malicious intent in walking. What Trump was saying to Raffy was that he has taken a political risk by allowing this farce to go unchecked in Georgia. The election here was a mess, a huge mess! Mail-in voting should have never happened, it opened the door for fraud and ballot harvesting. And even though ballot harvesting is illegal in Georgia, it happened on a massive scale! And no one did anything about it. Yes, Raffy is at risk, he will likely be thrown out of office in the next election. Total incompetence and the signs indicate that he's probably on the take. Trump was right! If we took the illegal votes out in Georgia, he would have won easily. Anyone who is good with numbers know that what happened here is a statistical improbability. But I go back to my original point...Trump lost, you won!! Why are you still seething hatred for the man? Answer that for me. Why did Pelosi and her demons have to impeach the man (in yet another joke of a trial) days before he left office, and want to try and convict him even after he's gone? you think t hey are afraid of him? If so, you should ask yourself why. What have they done to be afraid of? Hmmmmmmm We will know in due time, and I suspect you will be ashamed that you supported the swamp. Link to post Share on other sites
Guard dad Posted January 23, 2021 Report Share Posted January 23, 2021 Speaking of mail-in voting....many prominent Democrats vocally opposed it until they realized it could be an advantage in this election. Even Amazon has decided it's a bad thing. Link to post Share on other sites
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