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To the store today.


We love you guys, and are so happy to call our patrons our friends. We were overwhelmed with your show of support :wub: .


We love the sense of community that is growing in our little establishment. We depend on you, and we hope that we have shown you just how much we appreciate everything you do. The muscle, the boxes, the pats on the back and the high fives. We are a business, but we strive to be so much more.


Truly, thank you...and thank you for sharing our love of literature :) .

Britaini and I were a little misty eyed at the end of the day, such an outpouring. We are truly grateful.

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I wish I could hang out with you guys everyday. Please tell Britaini I said she looked hot in that dress =@




You got it sister :) .


I thought you were working the hawt yourself, there :wub:.


She said 'Thank you', btw ;) .

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You were beautiful before...just like someone else who posted above ;) .

You just have more confidence now, and it shows.

Women are goddesses and realization of that power, and the confidence that comes with feeling good about yourself just adds a whole other level to the overall package.


But, that is just my two cents ;) .

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Wish you all were closer to us. I have only made it out once but you had exactly what we were looking for and whoever was working at the time could not have been nicer. Maybe you could open a second location in the Publix shopping center in New Hope and have a little coffee bar?

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You were beautiful before...just like someone else who posted above ;) .

You just have more confidence now, and it shows.

Women are goddesses and realization of that power, and the confidence that comes with feeling good about yourself just adds a whole other level to the overall package.


But, that is just my two cents ;) .

:wub: I needed that, thank you!

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Wish you all were closer to us. I have only made it out once but you had exactly what we were looking for and whoever was working at the time could not have been nicer. Maybe you could open a second location in the Publix shopping center in New Hope and have a little coffee bar?




Thank you for the kind words, Ma'am !!!!

We do hope to expand...one day :) .


Maybe sometime you will get a chance to visit again, so many changes in the store. From the paint on down to the inventory :) . I also started opening on Sundays (12:00 to 5:00) to make it a little easier for folks to visit us.

Funny thing, but our entire family lives in the Dallas/Buchannan area. We are the only Powder Springs residents among us (Walton/Blackmons) ;) .

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Just wanted to add...today was actually, seriously the most profitable day we have had in years. As far as monetarily. we were blown away.

I realize we are a business, and we have to make money to stay in business. That being said, it means as much to us (Britaini and myself) to know that some people who have already commented above...drove 20 minutes to the store to drop in and say 'Hello" as it does the person who lives 5 minutes away and comes in to buy books.

We want to engender a sense of community.

We honestly do make friends with our customers.

We hope to have what you are looking for at half off retail, and to introduce you to new authors you may never have considered previously.

Britaini and I love to read (pretty much more than anything else), and to share our love of reading with like minded people. It's the best feeling in the world, to love what you do.


"Love what you do, and you will never work a day in your life"~ wisdom from my Papa :).

We wouldn't be here if it was not for all of you!

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