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Look, it's a PLANE... (No, it's an ASTEROID!)

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Big Asteroid to Cross Earth-Moon Orbit Tuesday











An asteroid the size of an aircraft carrier is to soar past the Earth this week and, while NASA is certain that the space rock will not hit us, it will be our closest encounter with such a large chunk of rock in three decades.






Yes, I'm a GEEK! :lol:









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Wow, I didn't know about this. But, when I read your post, especially the part about an asteroid the size of an aircraft carrier, it instantly made me think of a dream I had just 2 nights ago. I dreamed that I was standing outside and a huge plane (I think it was a passenger plane), was flying overhead. It was extremely low. So low, in fact, that it really scared me. I ran and got my hubby and showed him. It was so low that I could easily see the door and windows of the plane. It was as if the plane was flying just a little distance above the trees. I woke up, vividly remembering this dream and sort of disturbed by it.

The very next night, I dreamed I was in my house, sitting on my sofa, looking out my glass door, and there was tremendous strong winds outside, as if a bad storm were blowing up. The wind was real loud and the trees were bending and blowing all over the place. I began to worry about my grandson, and so, I began praying for him, that he was in a safe place. I also woke up disturbed by this dream and vividly remembering it.

Most nights, if I dream, I don't usually remember them when I wake up.


Makes me wonder if my 1st dream was an inner feeling about this asteroid, and my 2nd dream was an inner desire for loved ones to be safe? :unsure:





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