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Have you seen these kinds of bugs in your garden?

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It's okay! Apparently they are good for the your plants;o)

Lady Bug Beetles

Coccinellidae Also called Ladybirds or coccinellids Lady Bugs are small beetles about 1/4 inch long that have wing covers of dark orange with black spots. They are kind of cute. These predatory insects are something that you really want to have in your garden. Lady beetles, both adults and larvae, are known primarily as predators of aphids (plant lice), but they prey also on many other pests such as soft-scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites and eggs of the Colorado Potato Beetle and European Corn Borer. Not only do they eat aphids and other harmful insects, the are beautiful to see. They do a lot of their eating in the larval stage, consuming as many as 400 aphids at this stage. More than 5,000 aphids may be eaten by a single adult during its full life cycle. Releasing ladybugs in your garden is usually not that productive, because they are very mobile and can fly to your neighbors yard very quickly. Using pesticides in your garden will destroy the benefits of ladybugs, use only selective pesticides, and spraying with pesticides if possible.



So in honor of June being National Rose month, we celebrate with books on gardening being 25% off! Wow! Do you know that makes most books 60-70% off retail?? We sure can save you money today and everyday;o)


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DAMMIT, WOMAN!!! There you go again, OFFENDING ME!!! How dare you?!?!?!??!? I am so reporting you to Pubby. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
























:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I thought it was because she insinuated you had bugs in your garden!

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Hmmm. All the drama is over in the baby daddy thread, I guess. Oh, well, bookworm...I tried to start some trouble for you. :D



I'll jump on this band wagon!!


Bookworm- it is very offensive for you to call them "lady" bugs.

Some of them are boy bugs and are highly offended at being called "ladies".


So in the future please refer to them as Black Spotted Insecta Americans.


Thank you for your continued support.








Edited by Blondiega1
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