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Children's books on sale today! Awww, how cute!

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Normally I say that when walking through our children's section because there are so many books there that are just adorable! Though right now it seems to be exploding with books so please come in and help us thin it out today! Reading is essential and it starts with you taking the time to read to the young'ns!

Children's section is Buy One get one 50% off today, so stock up!



Did you know children that read early almost always become more successful adults? Lend them a hand so they can support you in your old agepardon.gif


We are open until 6pm today so if you are reading this at work, stop in afterward but now get back to work! rolleyes.gif

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I have a 3-month old with the cutest little outfit--it has 4 strawberries on it and says he ate through 4 strawberries. I keep meaning to take a picture of her wearing it with THE VERY HUNGRY CATERILLAR book we got from you and post it so you can see it. Maybe I'll remember before she outgrows it.

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I read to my daughter from day 1. She now loves to read, she would rather read than watch tv or play video games. She is very smart and has a vocabulary way beyond her years. I read to my 3 month old too. It's so cute to see his interest, he gets so excited. It's wonderful bonding time!

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I have a 3-month old with the cutest little outfit--it has 4 strawberries on it and says he ate through 4 strawberries. I keep meaning to take a picture of her wearing it with THE VERY HUNGRY CATERILLAR book we got from you and post it so you can see it. Maybe I'll remember before she outgrows it.



Sounds adorable, please post it! I will add it to our photo page;o)


I read to my daughter from day 1. She now loves to read, she would rather read than watch tv or play video games. She is very smart and has a vocabulary way beyond her years. I read to my 3 month old too. It's so cute to see his interest, he gets so excited. It's wonderful bonding time!


Well, as I see it, you are the smart one!yahoo.gif

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