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Revised DISTRICT 19 DEBATE video from Friday, Feb 12

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Here is the backup video of the debate from Friday, February 12, 2010. Ga. House District 19 candidates Jody Cash, Ronny Sibley and Daniel Stout are in a race to replace Glenn Richardson who resigned on January 10, 2010. The race will be decided in a special election on Tuesday, February 23.

Because we failed to get the opening remarks from all the candidates on the backup tape, we deleted those remarks. Beyond that, this tape includes the breaks taken during the debate caused by technical difficulties. If you happen into a bit of video with no one on screen ... stay tuned, they'll be back shortly.

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Thanks Pubby. I found the debate well worth watching and I appreciate the work that went into putting it up on P.com. I get to vote in this election and I was not able to get to the debate on Friday. I knew nothing about 2 of the candidates and very little about the 3rd before they stepped into this race. I welcomed the opportunity to hear their positions on the issues they were questioned about.

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