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Do you believe your body can heal itself?

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What happens when you cut yourself?


It bleeds, a clot forms, than a scab develops, and tah-dah your healed.


So, if your body is intelligent enough to heal a cut, then why do people doubt its ability to heal other conditions?


The body has the ability to heal via the Nervous System. It is what controls and coordinates every function, including the immune system, circulatory, digestion, etc.


Is your spine aligned, so your body can heal most efficiently?

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What happens when you cut yourself?


It bleeds, a clot forms, than a scab develops, and tah-dah your healed.


So, if your body is intelligent enough to heal a cut, then why do people doubt its ability to heal other conditions?


The body has the ability to heal via the Nervous System. It is what controls and coordinates every function, including the immune system, circulatory, digestion, etc.


Is your spine aligned, so your body can heal most efficiently?



For that matter, knowing more than I should about brain functions, natural enzymes, and a host of other elements already present in the body, technically speaking, your body possesses everything it needs to combat any disease. The only thing most drugs do is "unlock" these elements and send them out to do a job quicker than the body's natural response would take.


By the same token, there are a myriad of drugs on the market that can cure one problem and cause several others in the process......example- corticosteroids, and other steroid medications. While they are the top dogs of reducing inflammation, they are also steroids. The big problem with steroids is this- your adrenal glands act as "triggers" for your immune system. Taking steroids slowly takes over this adrenalin trigger. So if you were taking s'roids (which are found in innate things like many nasal sprays) then abruptly stop taking them, it can take your adrenal glands up to 6 months to reach their normal trigger level.....in effect you would have the same problems associated with HIV for a few months...not that your immune system is depleted, but it cannot be put into action without the adrenal glands telling it to. S'roids, in effect, kinda put your adrenal glands to "sleep" or in a dormant state, since the s'roids are mimicking their job.


The human body is fascinating to say the least!!!

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I had a local chiropractor give me the following thought years ago---


If you have a headache, is it because your body is low on tylenol.


He had me hooked after that statement.


I totally believe God designed the body to heal itself and chiropractors help with that.

With that said, He also gave Doctors the knowledge of medicine. We should use which one is best in a particular situation.

When I get the beginnings of an illness, including bronchitis, I head straight to my chiro..

He always helps me but if I did not get better after that first step I would go elsewhere.

My chiro is my first go to guy.

Good luck with your new practice. ;)

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Dude, I just got another Corticosteriod shot tonight. I almost said no, but it worked the last couple times so I decided to go ahead. YIKES!



They work great.....if only 2-3 are needed. It doesn't take long for the effects to slow the adrenaline process though....then you're screwed for a while.

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The last one I had was in May, then this one. Won't be getting anymore though, thanks for the info!



;) No problem. I had to learn this the hard way when I stopped using my nasal spray, and was NEVER told by my dr. about what happens when you stop cold turkey. I am not a pharmacist or a doctor, but I have always spent a lot of time reading and studying things of this nature. I have always found it captivating!! It's a good idea to know what you put into your system and what the side effects are. Pharmaceutical companies discourage the practice of doctors disclosing everything, because of $$$$$$$$.

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I agree, the body does have the ability to heal itself! However, you do need plenty of alcohol to sterilize it first... :drinks:



MMMM I feel a relapse coming on, can you take care of me Chickie? :lol:


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For that matter, knowing more than I should about brain functions, natural enzymes, and a host of other elements already present in the body, technically speaking, your body possesses everything it needs to combat any disease. The only thing most drugs do is "unlock" these elements and send them out to do a job quicker than the body's natural response would take.


By the same token, there are a myriad of drugs on the market that can cure one problem and cause several others in the process......example- corticosteroids, and other steroid medications. While they are the top dogs of reducing inflammation, they are also steroids. The big problem with steroids is this- your adrenal glands act as "triggers" for your immune system. Taking steroids slowly takes over this adrenalin trigger. So if you were taking s'roids (which are found in innate things like many nasal sprays) then abruptly stop taking them, it can take your adrenal glands up to 6 months to reach their normal trigger level.....in effect you would have the same problems associated with HIV for a few months...not that your immune system is depleted, but it cannot be put into action without the adrenal glands telling it to. S'roids, in effect, kinda put your adrenal glands to "sleep" or in a dormant state, since the s'roids are mimicking their job.


The human body is fascinating to say the least!!!


Wow, I actually learned something today! Thanks for the info.

Yes, I do believe that the mind and body work very closely together. I also believe that a positive outlook can benefit the body immensely.


I sure can! If you fall down, I'll usr your body to cushion my own fall!!




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Might I add, if we truly ate what our bodies needed......stopped eating all the fake food --stuff so processed that there's really very little nutrition left, we would need far fewer drugs. So much of the drugs that people take are treating symptoms, not healing the body.


Our food should be our primary medicine

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What happens when you cut yourself?


It bleeds, a clot forms, than a scab develops, and tah-dah your healed.


So, if your body is intelligent enough to heal a cut, then why do people doubt its ability to heal other conditions?


The body has the ability to heal via the Nervous System. It is what controls and coordinates every function, including the immune system, circulatory, digestion, etc.


Is your spine aligned, so your body can heal most efficiently?


I have visited Dr. Kim and found her to be an excellent chiropractor. She truly has a passion for healing. It is refreshing to find someone who believes in what they are preaching. :yahoo:


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I do, which is why I don't take ANY medications :) I have also seen with my own two eyes what a Chiropractor can do to help someone. I'll take the Chiropractor over medications any day :wub:

Edited by Teatime
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MmMm vodka.....



Okay now....yall stop it!!! I gotta get through this blistering hot yard sale today before I can partake!!!

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