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structure/vehicle fire: stations 5,4,9,10 & Ladder1

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Engine 5 responding to vehicle/camper fire endangering building


batt 2 respondingbatt 2 requesting ladder 1 and 3410 responding 10-18


building is now on fire


additional callers advise that there may be someone in residence.


Batt 2 requests Clark unit enroute - clark med 1 responding


Batt2 on scene


callers advise elderly couple at residence - unable to get them to come to door


battalion advise engine that they will need to prepare of interior search upon arrival

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battalion requesting third engine respond 10-18


engine 4 responding


structure and camper on fire


engine 10 instructed on where to make entry to residence


3410 on sceneladder 1 instructed to begin water supply upon arrival

buses blocking ladder 1's way - put the bumper to them!


FFs are packed out and in building - continuing interior search

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report from interior team - sounds like three FFs are inside - requesting status of attic.\



FFs breathing sounds labored


3410 advises attic is clear


interior team is coming out


second crew to enter - I believe the heat must be bad and team is needing backup

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interior team to command - need an attic ladder?

please let everyone be okay..
I believe that if anyone was home, the interior team would have found them by now


command advises that ammo is in residence


ladders in place for FF's exit

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interior team to command - need an attic ladder?I believe that if anyone was home, the interior team would have found them by now


command advises that ammo is in residence


ladders in place for FF's exit

great ammo.. praying for the safety of the fire fighters....

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battalion requesting third engine respond 10-18


engine 4 responding


structure and camper on fire


engine 10 instructed on where to make entry to residence


3410 on sceneladder 1 instructed to begin water supply upon arrival

buses blocking ladder 1's way - put the bumper to them!


FFs are packed out and in building - continuing interior search



I live in the subdivision and there are 5 trucks here. The fire appears to be out and they are letting residences pass. The damage is extensive. There are no ambulances though Fire Rescue is here. Will keep you updated.

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I live in the subdivision and there are 5 trucks here. The fire appears to be out and they are letting residences pass. The damage is extensive. There are no ambulances though Fire Rescue is here. Will keep you updated.



No one was home at the time of the fire. The elder couple had moved out and left their son to live in the house. He had brought home a hunting trailer to clean up for the season. The propane tanks became overheated in the 99 degree temperatures today and blew up. Winds blew the fire into the house and all was gone within 4 minutes. 70% of the home is uninhabitable. The garage and most of the top floor are being torn apart to extinguish all smoldering embers. There is a report of a FF becoming overheated and treated by paramedics. News crews are enroute but discouraged from coming because it's out. Rumor said the neighborhood was on fire, obviously, that rumor is wrong.

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I also live in this sub-division they are letting people in and out now. The people that live there were carrying guns and other articles out when we came through. The garage area was still burning but the camper and garage are a complete loss and the roof of the house has alot of damage so I'm sure the inside is ruined. I'm thankful that no one got hurt. I live about 6 houses down and we have burnt particles in the backyard and in our pool. My neighbor said that they heard a loud explosion, they think the propane tank on the camper, and shortly after the sirens. Firetruck are still in the sub-division and I'm sure will be for a while.

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gateach, glad to hear that rumors that you have been burned up are wrong...


the interior crew did sound like it was hot going and an intense fire.



I'm thankful the FFs were able to contain it so fast. I've seen one other home go up fast and furious due to a propane fire. It was awful. I agree with my neighbor, I am glad no one was hurt.

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My friend lives right next door to this house. Her husband was out with his garden hose, trying to keep things watered down by him, because the trailer was between their 2 houses. The guy that lives in that house was lending the trailer to someone and had the air going in there to cool it down, so he could clean it out. He's just happy they didn't have it already and have it blow up on them!! He wasn't home at the time of the fire and the elderly couple (His parents) had moved out about a month ago. I was by there last night and from what I could see it looked pretty bad!! The main thing is that nobody was hurt!!

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