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  1. I can't say that my experiences here in Paulding County were any different than what goes on in New Jersey. Because false allegations are accepted in lieu of evidence, if you aren't a criminal going into Paulding "UnFamily" Court, you will have a hard time not being one coming out of it. Your Consti...
  2. Should superior court and magistrate judges have lifetime appointments? Judges that are appointed by governors and then run unopposed for 20-30 years have an antiquated mindset. In the 21st Century, judges are on the wrong side of history. It is time these judges are replaced with a fresh mindset. H...
  3. Clearly corruption runs rampant through Georgia's judiciary. For all those that are caught, what of those that are not caught? When judges so frequently run in elections unopposed, judge's should absolutely have term limits.
  4. Do you remember when communist courts were considered kangaroo courts? Russia, China and Cuba all had kangaroo courts? Well the 21st century USA has joined the ranks. The only way to change this is to raise awareness and petition to remove judicial immunity. Until then there will be no redress for t...
  5. Judges get it wrong all the time. Being a chief judge doesn't make you omniscient, that much is for certain. They are only as good as the limitations of their own ignorance.
  6. This has been a fantastic week. So many exciting things with everyone over at proadvocateradio.com and now this ruling. SO HUGE!!!! For any Georgian who has been victimized by by a judge attempting to use a protective order as a gag order, this ruling is for you. Abuse of discretion runs rampant and...
  7. Wait don't tell me, this guy is just upset because he didn't get his way in #KangarooCourt? This is because gov't is always just and reasonable. Judges always exercise common sense and good reason. Even when they abuse the process and discretion... And the mother who lied about who the father was is...
  8. I'm not sure how it is not a conflict for one person to hold so many titles in the same area. The stench of corruption is that much more foul when you consider it is a common practice in Missouri.
  9. Just because someone is a judge doesn't mean that person has or exercises good judgment. Also, doesn't mean that person should be a judge. Exactly why judges shouldn't run unopposed and if they do they should have to receive X number of votes in relation to the total electorate. If you don't have X...
  10. It takes time but change can happen. CT reporter Anne Stevenson's efforts to expose corruption in Connecticut courts yields a joint initiative by 5 federal agencies. Help us bring change to Georgia. If you have or know of a troubling story from Paulding or Cobb courts, please share it. While ju...
  11. Georgia courts just make things up as they go along and then try to back pedal and cover up their mistakes. Then the appellate courts rubber stamp and mop up for the trial judges. It's going to take federal courts to come back and run off the kangaroos again as was done years ago.
  12. State Rep. for Connecticut, Minnie Gonzalez clip (just over a minute) explaining that family law is about money not children. You had better believe it is every state not just Connecticut. Georgia is among the worst with the corruption. The corruption goes from top to bottom. http://youtu.be/I-...
  13. If you've ever wondered why some lawyers distance themselves from some clients or even ghost write for them, this could be one reason. RICO can be used against them as well as any other organized crime syndicate. I would assume if you ghost write for a client you are no longer under attorney client...
  14. If fatherlessness in America is such a problem why do courts remove loving fathers from the lives of children? If it were up to some courts [none specifically mentioned], Mrs. Doubtfire would have been spun into a movie about a father trying to harass the mother or win her back. Not about a fath...
  15. Judges are to uphold the law, not do as they please. Another bad judge bites the dust. This can only place every judgement he has made in question.
  16. A known drug addicted mother has kept her child from the father for 2 years enabled by a Kangaroo Court. I bet you thought Kangaroo Courts only existed in communist countries and in South America. Nope we have them here in the good old USA. Corrupt Guardian ad litems, collusion, corruption, ignorin...
  17. I don't always agree with Dennis Prager but if the message is true the messenger doesn't matter. A lie is a lie is a lie. "Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile." - Paulo Coelho Dennis Prager: 9. Do Not Bear False Witness https://w...
  18. Should misconduct complaints against judges be allowed to be made public? Seems that rule is about to be challenged in Montana. Successfully, I hope... "Sunlight is the best disinfectant." Why allow misconduct to fester in the shadows?
  19. Parents are refusing to be bullied and intimidated by judges, lawyers and agents of the court and are speaking out against racketeering and collusion. When one person stands up for what's right it helps others do the same. If you are experiencing troubling problems of any kind in family court by jud...
  20. There are a lot of good ideas for the Georgia Supreme Court's revised Judicial Conduct Rules. First up for me would be limiting Judicial Immunity for All Judges. They pretty much do whatever they want to do because people ignore their actions and they are not held accountable. Then people wonder why...
  21. Are you ok with troubled and even some flat out kangaroo courts going unchallenged? With recent riots whether protesting perceived injustices perpetrated by law enforcement or your favorite sports team's championship, freedom of expression should be safe, orderly and effective. One way for this to o...
  22. Robbie Roberson is a stand up guy. Weinberger's clear and apparent over billing will be addressed in a potential class action suit. If you need similar assistance in your case feel free to contact me to have your case reviewed. I do not trust words... I even question actions... I never doubt pa...
  23. Ryan Thomas provides insight into the tools of parental alienation (emotional and psychological child abuse). All of these keys are spot on but he leaves out the need for an enabling, gullible if not corrupt judge. Kangaroo courts are easily the fourth key to parental alienation. If they didn't...
  24. When you lose an appeal does that mean you were wrong or the judge was just rubber stamped by the appellate process? Judges and lawyers have a code of silence made of the same stone as the police officers code of silence.
  25. If one parent is just a bitter parent who just didn't get their way, why punish parents for speaking out? Why put gag orders on these parents if judges and lawyers are doing the right thing? Why target activist parents? If you have nothing to hide, these "sour grape parents" will only make you look...
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