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old hippie

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Posts posted by old hippie

  1. Like most of y'all know, I have three kids a Lauren who is 2 1/12 and Alex & Adam who are 1 1/2. Okay, at my house the kids and I get up normally around 7:30. Not this morning. This morning everyone wants to wake up at 5:30, despite going to bed two hours late. I can deal with that. I'm on day three of trying to potty training Lauren. It isn't going well. She hasn't gone on the potty once in three days, and cleaning up the poop and pee from the floor is getting old. <_< I've tried all the ticks in the book to help with potty training. Shes hard headed like her mother.


    After cleaning up more pee, I wash her up again and slap some more panties on her. I go in the kitchen to made breakfast. I look out to check on them and they are all in their room playing sweetly. :wub: Ten minutes later I look out again and only Adam is in their room. I assumed that the other two were in the living room playing with blocks. Well I come back out of the kitchen a little while later with pan cakes and apples for breakfast. I go to get everyone to put them in their seats, Adam is still being a good boy in his room. I go looking for the other two and they are in the hall closet and have gotten bird seed everywhere. :blink: Not to mention colored the entertainment center purple and a wall as well. :wacko: This is no good because my vacuum just went out. :ninja:

    Dosn't your hall closet have a lock on the door? :huh:

  2. get you some fishing line and tie hooks every 5 feet or so like on a trout line and string it up around the window where he peeps in. As he walks through your yard he will snag himself with the hook. Oh yea, hang them about neck high so he will hook himself in the neck!


    Punji stake pits are always good too!


    Who is he peeping on?

    I like the way you think! :lol:

  3. Aparently somebody can't take a little light hearted humor on this post! :angry2:



    [No, keeping a topic on topic, instead of an off-color hijack. Back on topic. HS]

  4. He's a 7 week old Nigerian Dwarf Goat. We drove all the away to Commerce yesterday morning to get him and his two buddies for my daughter's birthday. She named him Hershey. Isn't he cute? She just loves him!!! :wub:

    Looks very tasty. :p

  5. Surepip Jr and about 15 of his friends from school are flying up to Yankeeland this afternoon to attend some of the Papal weekend activities. I shall send this to him forthwith if not sooner. ;)

    Give my best to him and his wife. :huh:

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