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Posts posted by poetdon

  1. :huh:

    80% (Dixie). That is a pretty strong Southern score!

    You know, I would think that it would be a larger number. Only because I've lived in P.C. my entire life. Of course I have always said, quote "Just because you live in P.C. doesn't mean you have to speak the language."

  2. :o Ok, Well hears what I think. I have lived in P.C. all my life. I have watched the county go from small businesses to large companies. There are many problems in P.C. The roads are not in bad shape for the majority of P.C., but the DOT could do a better job at keeping the roads in better condition. Now for this Mr. Ken Ball, I agree on what you say and for your followers, but I do think that P.C. is becoming worse. Drive down hwy278 towards RockMart and you'll see new apartment buildings. These apartments are bouncing up every where. P.C. needs to stop allowing low-income houses and apartments to be built. Because 10 years from now these low income housings will probably be the source of crime. Now no offense to anyone who may live in these homes, but if you look at other counties who have the same conditions, you will notice that they don't last long. We don't have enough police officers to patrol all roads and eventually cover all crimes. We need to shape this county up today not tomorrow.

    Also while I'm typing, we also need more schools in the very near future to accomendate the large amount of people that will be moving into these new housing developments. Again no offense to anyone. :)


    Ok, everyone should know about the new subdivision being built on Balintine Road. You know the road that Hiram High school in located on. Well, the new subdivision will consist of 350 homes. Each home on average of course will have around three people or more. The entrance and exit to this subdivision will be on Balintine Road. Oh, in case you don't know already, right now over 2000 people travel that road each morning and evening to get to and from Hiram High School. There are also 40 buses that travel that three-lane road, the third being in the center acting as a turning lane. I just don't see 350 homes with a possible 3 people living in each home traveling down that road along with 2000 high school students and buses. I think there needs to be a different road for the subdivision even though there is little or no room because the P.C. water/ sewage treatment plant in behind the subdivision. Oh, and you can see this subdivision construction from West Hiram Pkwy.

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