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About azalea

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member

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  • Place of Residence
    Hiram City

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  1. PM me your phone number. I have some you can have. I have held on to these things for years, I recently was cleaning out and thought I had thrown them away, but luckily I didn't. I have a problem throwing things out, I guess this is why. Happy B-Day and St.Patrick's Day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVdOQvx379Y
  2. I have a small table/desk that has been used mainly as a desk, but could also be used as a table, for sale. I currently have it listed on craigslist. Here is a link to my ad: http://atlanta.craigslist.org/wat/fuo/2663417707.html Just pm me or e-mail me through craigslist if you are interested. If you want you can just send your phone number and I will call you back.
  3. I experienced something similar to this a few years ago with a roof I had put on by someone. My old roof never leaked once, and it was about 17 to 20 years old, but the new roof leaked in 4 or 5 places. I think this is a very serious problem! The one thing you expect when you get a new roof is that it NOT leak! The person that did my other roof did not get if fixed properly in 4 years, and I have had to end up hiring someone else to fix it, which is costing me more, plus the interior damage. This has been a big headache, and this is exactly the problem I am trying to avoid in the future
  4. Please do pm me with their name, so I won't make the same mistake and go with these guys. I have been checking the reviews of a lot of these companies on www.kudzu.com This site seems to be a good place to go to see both good and bad comments. I want to know who and what people are unhappy about with these companies, as well. It will help me make a better and more informed decision. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Sometimes I think people don't want to say when they are unhappy, for fear of hurting someone I guess. But I want to know if someone is displeased.
  5. Thanks reggaB, I would like to know how it goes.
  6. Wow, I am glad you could do yours yourself. I am sure you did save a ton of money. But I am terrified of heights and don't know anything about how to roof, so that is out for me!
  7. Thanks gwilli8866, for the recommendation I may consider them now, as well. I am going to look them up on here and see if I can find their website.
  8. Thanks North of the Border Palms, I am really glad to hear this recommendation, as these guys are already on my list, and I am seriously considering going with them, since they are local and are close by.
  9. Thanks davidj6, This is one company that I was already thinking of calling. I saw their tv ad, but had actually forgot about them. Thanks for reminding me. I would like to get an estimate from these guys. I have been looking so many up lately that my brain is sorta fried. Since you were happy with them it makes me consider these guys even more now.
  10. Thanks CreativeOne, I did call these guys and they are booked through late Dec. or longer to even give me an estimate. Apparently they have a waiting list. I found them on the the BBB website. They must be really good. They had an At rating. This is probably why it is hard to get them. I may try to call them again, and see if their waiting list is shorter now. However, I am hoping to get this done a little sooner. Thanks Mrs. C. Does he have a website, by chance?
  11. Thanks that one works. I will look into these guys.
  12. Thanks Sadie for the recommendation, but this website is not coming up as a roofing company for me? Could it be spelled different? Thanks katt. Do these guys have a website?
  13. I am getting ready to have a new roof put on my home. I would like to know what others have to say about the roof/or roofing companies you used or considered using. What was your experience and have you had any problems with your roof? Any info will be helpful, and feel free to pm me if you don't want to post your comments. I have to make a decision soon, and with all the roofing companies out there it sure can be confusing. Thanks
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