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Posts posted by shortnsassy

  1. Well thank goodness people are understanding and not thinking I am over reacting. I believe when I get off of work at 3, if I have not had a phone call back from the principal, I will be making a face to face visit.


    Will you guys bail me out if I end up in jail? LOL

    I will, Just call me. LOL
  2. I just advised my 11 yr. old daughter not to be eating or licking her 4 wheeler. She looked at me like I had totally lost my mind :huh: and said ahhhh OoooKkkkk and went back to her room. I think we are good here and can keep her 4 wheeler. :good: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  3. It's twenty years ago and you're home watching Hee Haw on Sunday night. Buck and Roy are about to do some pickin' and grinnin'. They and the whole gang are sitting around on hay bales and such. They pick a bit, the whole group is singing and patting their hands on their laps... then they stop. Another joke or two, then they sing that little chorus again and stop. This continues.


    What is that little ditty they sing between each joke? What are the lyrics? I can hear the tune in my head but I cannot for the life of me hear what they're saying!

    Just FYI, It was Saturday nights. :) I loved that show.

  4. I called Leather Creations. The guy told me that the smoke smell could be in the cushions and would probably be hard to get the smell out especially if they were heavy smokers. I don't want to buy this suit if the smell want come out.

  5. Try calling one of the furniture stores that specializes in leather furniture. They would be able to tell you for sure. I have leather furniture but we don't smoke so I couldn't tell you myself.

    There used to be a store in Kennesaw that only sold leather furniture, made it order I think. They were on the corner of Cobb Pkwy and Barrett Pkwy opposite Carmax and the old Kmart. I just can't remember the name of the store. Let us know when you find something out for sure.


    Just remembered, it's called Leather Creations

    Great Idea, I will call them and let you know. Thanks


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