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Everything posted by ranger23

  1. The real point will be that they had no right to search the car, unless he was 18. A minor cannot give consent without a parent present. As far as the car being under the authority of the school that is wrong. The supreme court ruled the car is an extension of the home. The search was not conducted by the officer so the search is illegal for criminal purposes. Looks like the ACLU will have a civil rights violation here. And corporal punishment did work. Have you not been to a school today, in my time alot of that crap didnt happen because we would get the board and no one wanted to that. T
  2. Why not something like an amplitheater, there is plenty of land out near the airport. I know there may be air traffic but, no wait it would be the perfect place it is nice and quite out there. Why not use the airport to put on some air shows. As far as industry take a piece of land on the edge of the county and put in a trash incenerator the county could make millions of dollars off of places like atlanta, cobb, dekalb and the rest of the metro area. We can't compete for alot of industry due to the lack of access to the interstate so we need to be creative.
  3. Im all for another hour. It will get them out before memorial day and they can start after labor day. Savings on cooling the schools alone would be huge. You year round schoolers don't start. With the block scheduling your argument of a long summer break dont hold water and you people that complain because you don't have anything to do with your kids it is not the county or anyone else's responseability to provide childcare for you. Lots of other benefits to a longer day, just limit the homework.
  4. Thanks TBAR, I had to work yesterday, There were several of as at the station that knew and worked with Steve that were unable to attend. It is nice that someone from the outside was able to appreciate what was happening at the ceromony. The bond between Fire Fighters is special and as you saw Tuesday built with love and respect for each other. Keep Mary and the kids in your prayers.
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