Per Graystone's October 2008 Newsletter the new increased base rates became effective Nov 1, 2008:
Winter Rates:
0-650 KWH = $0.0740
650-1000 KWH = $0.0720
>1000 KWH = $0.0637
Summer Rates (started in June):
0-650 KWH = $0.0740
650-1000 KWH = $0.0970
>1000 KWH = $0.1080
Your final bill is based on the tierd amounts above. Last month we used 1934 KWH which cost $195 ($0.101/KWH average) and this month we used 2976 KWH which cost $307 ($0.103/KWH average). This is before taxes. We thought it was a mistake also and read their newly installed digital meter outsid