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Posts posted by Gaileespaz

  1. Walking, Sperm on the cervix (it's a hormone thing) Those work. Here's some info.. I copied and pasted that says it all for me.

    Best Wishes!





    Natural Labor Inductions



    1. Enemas- this causes the bowels to contract and could cause the uterus to contract, which will open and efface the cervix.



    2. Exercise- Walking, swinging in a swing and general exercise contracts the uterus.



    3. Fasting and Dehydration- If pre-term labor occurs, a big percentage of the time, dehydration is the cause. This is a dangerous mode of induction and should be used with the utmost in caution.



    4. Herbs- Black and Blue cohosh, borage oil, castor oil, evening primrose oil, goldenseal, mugwort, and yarrow are uterine stimulants. Evening primrose oil placed directly on the cervix will aid in dilation and effacement.



    5. Intercourse- Having sex helps to induce labor because semen contains prostaglandins which helps to dilate and efface the cervix. Orgasm also causes the uterus to contract.



    6. Nipple Stimulation- This causes the uterus to contract much the same way an IV Pitocin drip would. Stimulating the nipples causes the release of oxytocin which contracts the uterus. This can be done by someone sucking on the nipple much the way a baby would while nursing or by placing the nipple between the thumb and forefinger and “rolling” it for 10 to 20 minutes at a time every couple of hours.



    Neither medical nor natural labor inductions guarantees that it will work 100% of the time. Usually if a woman is ready to go into labor it will only help to bring it forth. A word of caution: do not try any of these means without first seeking the advice and help of your doctor or midwife. They can tell you all the side-effects and the dosage and duration (where needed) of each method while also telling you if you are a good candidate for natural labor induction.

  2. This is my 2nd time as a Seller in this consignment sale. I sold last time, but I have some questions ya'll might could answer.


    This is for Spring/Summer items.. BUT


    What about jeans .. since they're pretty much worn year round?

    What about Maternity clothes.. do they need to be just Spring/Summer or will Fall/Winter be excepted?


    Anyone know?


    Thanks in advance!




    BTW.. I checked the site.. and didn't find anything on this 2 questions. But thought I'd post the link in case anyone was interested in this. Click Here to see the page

  3. We used to go there every Sunday after church.  The food is freckin awesome!!!  I love the chicken and dressing, green beans, friend green tomatos and mashed potatoes!!!


    Oh Hay-Hay!

    We gotta go then! The CHICKEN & DUMPLINS, SWEET POTATO SOUFFLE, CANDIED CARROTS and PEACH COBBLER just sound too yummy.... Oh.. I know.. next Monday 3/13 after Sparkles? Would that be good or what?


  4. I also agree that it would be rude to not allow your guest the option to see the child open the present they bought them... as we imagine a child's reaction to a gift when we pick it out. That said.. a rule of thumb that I go by for a smooth party is to sing happy birthday, cut & serve cake and immediately get the child opening presents while the other adults and children are eating cake.. kills 2 birds with 1 stone. Not as boring to watch if you're busy eating CAKE!

  5. I was born a redhead.  And you know what?  I'll die one, even if it comes out of a bottle!


    My hair began to change to a strange brownish-auburn after my son was born. And now, at almost 37 I'm getting a pretty good bit of gray hair!


    So, yep, I now color it, and I try to do so as close to my natural red as possible.



    I am SO glad I'm not alone on this. I totally feel you on this one... and I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one. I was born with bright copper red hair...and since I've had my (redheaded) babies.. my hair is just "DULL" looking. Like a washed out blondish-browish-slight hint of reddish. I was starting to think my redheads stole my red. If I had one more person stop me in a store and say "what beautiful redheads.. where do they get their redhair from?" DUH... Their MOTHER.. ME... I'm standing right here!... Then, I realized... my hair was DULL. I finally have started putting some washes on it to brighten it up (back to red!). I just did one last night before I read this post.. and I love the result because it's back to 'my' color.


    I was born a redhead and hated it growing up.  Got teased all the time.  When I was in my early twenties I dated two men in a row who told me they would only date redheads!  That blew my mind that someone actually preferred redheads!

    After childbirth my hair got darker (like what you were talking about SoapMom).  I started coloring it(red).  Last year I stopped.  I have some beautiful white streaks in my hair (and the rest is sort of a brownish).  I earned them, I like them, I'm keepin them!  Someone told me, "It makes you look older", to which I replied, "I am older!"  ;)  :D


    I was happy to see that obviously pg hormones are to blame for dulling red hair. lol. I know what you mean about being teased as a kid... what redhead hasn't, right? And seriously.. Is someone gonna beat me like a red-headed step-child or what? Exactly, how is that a threat? Where in the world did that statement come from? :blink: Anyhow.. sorry.. had a moment. lol :blush:


    I'd much rather stop coloring and go dull.. than go grey.. lol :)

  6. Here's a good site to check out... http://www.aboutyourcholesterol.com/?sourc...ing-Supplements




    Cholesterol Reducing Supplements



    Beta-sitosterol. Beta-sitosterol is a healthy plant oil, found in all vegetable matter, but in minute quantities, except in sugar cane, soybeans and rice. It can decrease the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive system and decrease the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver. Beta-Sitosterol decreases absorption by locking to the fat molecules eaten and by blocking the fat molecule absorption gates in the intestines. The fats and cholesterol are then excreted rather than absorbed. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed a 42% decease in cholesterol absorbed when taking beta-sitosterol before eating scrambled eggs.


    At McGill University in Montreal (Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 75, 1997, p. 217-27) doctors did a review of the literature on beta-sitosterol and cholesterol metabolism. They researched in detail 18 major studies that used Beta sitosterol to lower cholesterol and triglycerides. They concluded,“ the addition to diet of phytosterols ( Beta –sitosterol) represents an effective means of improving circulating lipid profiles to reduce risk of coronary heart disease.� This study came complete with forty high quality references and left no doubt about the effectiveness of Beta sitosterol on humans.


    According to Roger Mason “If there was only one supplement you could take to normalize your cholesterol it should be beta-sitosterol taken in approximately 300 mg doses every day. If you have a more serious problem you can take two capsules a day or 600 mg. Beta-sitosterol is the most studied, most proven, most effective single way I’ve found to lower total and LDL cholesterol�.


    Guggul Lipids. Guggul is an Indian herb from the Commiphora tree that has been well known in India for centuries. This resin has been a part of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries then but has only recently been discovered in the West. It has been studied in Eastern clinics and hospitals for over 20 years. These studies have found that guggul reduces platelet stickiness so over clotting does not occur in the blood Over clotting causes strokes and heart attacks. A study in 1988 (Planta Medica volume 4, pages 271-showed guggul lipids stimulated thyroid metabolism and function. Increasing metabolism by stimulating the thyroid gland can provide weight loss without eating less.


    In two Indian Journal of Medicine studies and the Journal of the Association of Physicians it was also found that the triglyceride levels were reduced significantly as well. So, in many subjects total cholesterol was lowered, HDL cholesterol raised, LDL cholesterol lowered, triglyceride levels lowered and even uric acid levels lowered.


    In human clinical trials of guggul lipid, cholesterol dropped 14-27% while triglyceride levels dropped from 22-30% in a 4 to 12 week period. Studies have shown that the effect of guggul lipid on serum cholesterol and triglycerides is superior to the lipid-lowering drugs.


    Chromium. Chromium is a very important trace element to take and works with the other minerals. Chromium is often deficient in our refined diets and you only need 200 mcg (a microgram is a millionth of a gram) a day. Some good multivitamins contain this but few supply the 200 mcg. required to be effective There are many studies showing the value of chromium supplementation for our health in general. The label should state “chromium (as chromium picolinate)�


    Flax Seed Oil. Omega-3’s not only lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels but also improves blood parameters. It is very difficult to get a good supply of omega-3 fats in your diet unless you eat a lot of fatty fish like sardines, salmon, herring and mackerel.

    One of the best sources of Omega-3’is flax seed. This is a cleaner, less expensive plant product that is preferable to fish oils. Flax oil can be obtained in soft gel supplements or in liquid form at most stores.


    Beta glucan is a polysaccharide found in oats, barley, yeast and mushrooms. The miraculous powers of beta glucan to lower cholesterol and triglycerides and strengthen our immune systems have been known about for more than a decade now.


    Until recently it has been all but impossible to economically extract it from even inexpensive oats and leftover beer brewing yeast. Finally, in the year 2000 technology had advanced and you could get inexpensive beta glucan in 100 and 200 mg capsules very inexpensively.


    Roger Mason’s book provides numerous studies, which demonstrate that beta glucan is a safe, effective, powerful, proven, and inexpensive way to lower your cholesterol levels, yet most people have never even heard of it. Most vitamin companies don’t even sell it and it can be difficult to find a reliable, strong, inexpensive brand in your drug store or even in your health food store. Learn more at www.healthychoicenaturals.com/p-20-23-CHOLCARE.aspx


    Soy Isoflavones There are two main isoflavones we are concerned about which are genestein and daidzein. The American Heart Nutrition Committee (Circulation, December 2000) advised Americans with high cholesterol to add soy protein to their diets. In that report Dr. Erdman said that numerous studies show that soy isoflavones lower LDL, raise HDL, lower triglycerides and lower total cholesterol levels. Endorsements from such prestigious groups as this should be heeded.


    Soy isoflavones improve blood profiles significantly, improve the quality of arteries and are even shown to lower blood pressure. All of these effects have been obtained without any change in diet or exercise.


    Red Yeast Rice Extract. Research has shown that red yeast rice extract significantly reduces total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increases HDL cholesterol. Red yeast rice has been used in China for centuries as both a food and as a medicinal substance. It is made by fermenting a type of yeast called Monascus purpureus over red rice. In Chinese medicine, red yeast rice is used to promote blood circulation, soothe upset stomach, and invigorate the function of the spleen, a body organ that destroys old blood cells and filters foreign substances Chinese red yeast rice extract contains natural cholesterol-lowering substances that are similar the active ingredient in some prescription drugs.


    Chinese red yeast rice extract work naturally by inhibiting the key enzyme (HMG-CoA reductase) responsible for producing cholesterol in the body. Unlike statin drugs there are no known drug or nutrient interactions associated with red yeast rice.


    The results of trials using red yeast rice extract found that patients receiving red yeast rice extract experienced a total cholesterol drop of 23%, while (bad) LDL-cholesterol dropped 28.5%, triglycerides dropped 36.5% and HDL (good) cholesterol increased 19.6%. While certain the chemical compounds found in many prescription statin drugs can cause harsh side effects such as muscle pain, muscle cramps and occasional nausea these effects have not.


    One caution, don’t mix red yeast rice extract with prescription cholesterol-lowering medications, or you may risk consuming excessive amounts of particular ingredients. However, red yeast rice can be safely combined with niacin supplements for additional cholesterol-lowering effects.


    Taking red yeast rice can safely help reduce and maintain healthy cholesterol levels and promote blood circulation, thereby lowering the risk of heart disease.


    Therapeutic Uses


    Laboratory studies have shown that the Monascus purpureus inhibits the action of a body enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase, known to raise cholesterol which, in turn, increases the risk of heart disease. Because of this inhibitory action, red yeast rice's therapeutic uses include the prevention and treatment of high cholesterol.




    The following studies suggest that red yeast rice significantly reduces high cholesterol:




    Recently, the UCLA School of Medicine conducted a study involving 83 people with high cholesterol levels. Those who received red yeast rice over a 12-week period experienced a significant reduction in total cholesterol, LDL ("bad") cholesterol, and triglycerides (fatty substances that can also accumulate in the blood stream and cause damage to blood vessels) compared to those who received placebo. HDL ("good") cholesterol did not change in either group during the study.



    Two studies involving red yeast rice were presented at the American Heart Association's 39th Annual conference in 1999. The first study, involving 187 people with mild to moderate elevations in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol revealed that treatment with red yeast rice reduced total cholesterol by more than 16%, LDL cholesterol by 21%, and triglycerides by 24%. HDL cholesterol also increased by 14%. In the second study, elderly participants who were given red yeast rice experienced significant reductions in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol compared to those who received placebo. Both studies treated the participants with the supplement or placebo for 8 weeks.


    In another 8-week trial involving 446 people with high cholesterol levels, those who received red yeast rice experienced a significant drop in cholesterol levels compared to those who received placebo. Total cholesterol fell by 22.7%, LDL by 31%, and triglycerides by 34% in the red yeast rice group. HDL cholesterol increased by 20% in the red yeast rice group as well.



    Red yeast rice is supplied as an ingredient in several commercially available combination supplement products that are marketed to promote heart health and lower cholesterol. Click here for Cholesterol Care Information


    Supplements Made Easy


    Taking all these different supplements can be cumbersome and costly. We know of one company, which has developed a cholesterol-reducing supplement, which contains many, (but not all) of the proven natural ingredients mentioned above. Add an omega 3 supplement or liquid to their easy to use product and you will have a cost effective method of using natural supplements to support your cholesterol goals. To learn more go to www.healthychoicenaturals.com/p-20-23-CHOLCARE.aspx

  7. bean burritos w/ xtra cheese from taco bell

    spinach and artichoke (sp?) dip from either jim n nicks or applebees

    reeses cups


    chinese food sometimes...like last night and I didn't get any!!



    You're pg... you crave everything, right? :p

    Seriously, I knew about the burritos, reeses cups (which for some reason Bill thinks that my thing???) but had no idea you like spinach and artichoke dip... I have a killer recipe... and the next time I make it.. I'll bring it over.

    As for the Chinese food.. and not getting any last night.. wanna get some for lunch one day this week?




    Had to edit to add my cravings.. lol.


    I crave fried rice with white sauce from a Japanese Steak house... just something about it that can not be found anywhere else.

    I also crave COFFEE.. gotta have it.

    SUBWAY is an itch I have scratch every once and a while. :D

  8. I went this morning and talked to Mr Gammill (he will running the flea market

    he leased from Mr Spinner) I will be selling my photo shirts along with our new venture-- Signs and Car graphics. I hope it does good this time around.

    Will be selling all kinds of T-shirt transfers Mouse pads Car tags tote bags

    So on March 18th Ya'll come by and lets give it another chance.


    Are gonna sell p.com stuff?

  9. We've thought about getting a JRT.  I know that there very hyper and need alot of room to run.  Do you have a large fenced in yard that yours runs in or is it small?  If it is small, is that enough room for him?  Our yard is pretty small and would have to be fenced in before we got one because I wouldn't ever put one on a runner or tie it up like I've seen alot of people do, so I was just wondering.  Thank you for the input. :)


    Typically JRT's can be hyper and need lots of room to run. All depends on the personality of your JRT. I have an older JRT (7+yrs.) that is very laid back.. he doesn't jump (unless it's for preforming a trick for a treat) and is just very, very mellow. He does have typical JRT curiosity though... he loves to hunt rodents.


    I live on an acre in a subdivision.. and we're working on finishing our fence. Our JRT does go out on a run during the day as he loves the outdoors, but needs the safety of the run to protect him from running off, fast cars in the neighborhood, roaming stray dogs, and a neighbor's roaming pitbulls. JoJo sleeps inside at night and comes in and out during the day.He's definately a BIG dog in a little bitty body. I've seen him try to take on a Bulldog and Pitbulls.. no fear what so ever.


    I would say if you want a JRT puppy then you must have a larger amount of room for the dog to run and roam because you need to be prepared for the typical personality of a JRT. A happy go medium would be consider contacting a local JRT rescue and work with them finding a JRT personality that would work with your family.


    Hope that helped.

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