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Posts posted by Dreamwriter

  1. Its illegal if you damage someones property, on the flip side you can do whatever you want to your own property.  I don't know what you expect the police to do thought, no law has been broken.  They is why I suggested the Marshals about the county ordinances, if Dallas Commissioners do not have something similar then nothing really can be done.


    I am aware of that thank you. The comment was tongue in cheek comment so I do not need to be told that.


    Besides, I dealt with what Bartlett Square is dealing with in my last community. However, I had an impact but no one else would help.


    A county ordinance does exist that does make it illegal but I suppose that Dallas has not applied that to their ordinances.

  2. ------

    Well heck, if that is permissable, then I would walk over to that house with a can of paint and dump it on their driveway and cover that up because obviously, none of that is illegal.


    I plan to stroll through there today after work and take a picture. Maybe some newspaper will love to see how a city ignores its responsibility and complaints by citizens are ignored.



    Here is the county codes that was posted by Paulding.gov.

    Sec. 40-8. Maintenance of property litter-free.

    All residential, commercial, institutional and vacant properties are required to be kept free of litter by the owners, managers, tenants or agents. Specific examples are:

    (1) Sidewalks, driveways, yards and parking areas must be kept clean by owners, tenants, agents, or managers.

    (2) Garbage container areas must be maintained in a clean condition.

    (3) Construction sites must be kept clean, with all litter picked up at the end of each working day.

    (4) Premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from grass, weeds or uncultivated vegetation in excess of 24 inches in height. This provision shall apply to all properties and lots located within a platted subdivision, regardless of lot size or zoning designation.

    Provided however, the following exception shall apply: Property zoned A-1 (Agricultural district) shall be excluded from this subsection.

    (Res. No. 03-23 §§ 2, 3, 8-26-2003; Res. No. 04-29, § 1, 9-28-2004)


    AND none of this applies to the City of Dallas?

  3. Well, Dallas police just left. They said they cannot do anything, even talk to the guy because for one, it is private property and second, this is not anything criminal.  :angry2: He said the only thing I could do would be to file a civil suit.


    Well heck, if that is permissable, then I would walk over to that house with a can of paint and dump it on their driveway and cover that up because obviously, none of that is illegal.


    I plan to stroll through there today after work and take a picture. Maybe some newspaper will love to see how a city ignores its responsibility and complaints by citizens are ignored.

  4. Well, Dallas police just left. They said they cannot do anything, even talk to the guy because for one, it is private property and second, this is not anything criminal.  :angry2: He said the only thing I could do would be to file a civil suit.


    Grafitti is not criminal????? Dallas needs to wake up.


    I need to find out who the council is because they cannot allow this to occur and they need to get off their rears and do what they are elected for.


    Issues such as this need to be forced upon the council otherwise, people just may take matters into their own hands for failure of elected officials.

  5. That is the same situation I am in. I bought this house as a single mom and the subd. was not bad in the begining. I called dallas police and they said they could not do anything but talk to them if I filed a complaint, because it is private property. I just noticed this painting yesterday buy, my son says it has been there since last week. Someone also told me I sould call the dept. of education and get them involved because this is where the kids stand to wait on the bus.


    Private Property? Since when? Any signs posted to state that? The house is within the city limits and unless the community itself is private, I cannot see how they view it as private. It is grafitti and I wonder if the county/city has an ordinance against such a thing.

  6. I live in Bartlett Square subd. I absolutly hate it here. We are trying to sell our house now. I have been here for 6 1/2 yrs.

    Have ya'll seen the spray painted driveway on St Charles? Excuse the language but, it is a huge, very obvious penis and it says in big black letters "suck my balls" How am I going to sell my house with this right down the road from me?


    Press to find out who owns that home and force them to have it removed or the city may be able to do something I think.


    I'll have to come through there to see it and take a photo as well to show those here an example of what we in Remington are living next to.


    It is a sad situtation as I came from a community just like yours but worse. It was my 1st home and it became a nightmare. It was a private community with 334 homes, or cluster homes and we have every or just about every bad renter, section-8 move in and it was bad. It dropped the property values and I lost money on my home. 140 homes did not pay HOA dues, we had apartments next to us that gave us hell, we had gang bangers, we had graffiti, you name it, we had it. I refuse to have rif-raf do that here.


    Cluster homes are a waste because they breed the bad to come and take over. However, over here, we plan to take a stand and will be working on measures to minimize any impact from the thugs over there that cause you harm.


    I have yet to buy a firearm but that may change soon. However, I am good at what I do and I will bust those who come here and cause trouble. I have 14 homeowners signed up so far over here and more will follow and we will take a stand.


    I do feel sorry for you but do your best to get out. But, like my last community, I was practically the only watch person as no else cared to do anything.

  7. good idea to get community involvement

    i  hope your efforts are successful


    I hope so too.


    I left Lawrenceville to get away from this stuff and here it is again. I di dhtis for 2.5 years in Lawrenceville but after awhile, I was the only one and it got a bit dangerous when no one is there to support you.


    Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the watch thing in Lawrenceville, I just did not expect it here in Dallas so soon.

  8. We have some real whack jobs!  We have had several meth busts, a man who lit himself on fire to keep his girlfriend from leaving him, we constantly have unsupervised minors causing all sorts of trouble.  Last week the DEA surrounded the house across the street from me (no one was at home) and this week they abandoned their house.  I have a friend in the Navy that is working on getting some of the drug dealers out of the neighborhood.  We are all ready to pack up in move.


    Wow, did not know that but should have suspected it. I have driven through there a couple of times and did not like what I saw.


    We had heard of some drug dealers but I am also looking for a specific car and person. An older model buick of sorts, kinda of light bluish color, the man is about 5'10-6', is black and wears a pretty good size gold cross around his neck. The cross is a distinct feature and he; I am looking for. I have a strong belief that he is a drug dealer as a homeowner here saw him right outside our community not long ago and I also saw him enter our community and he fit my profile description of someone up to no good.


    I did crime watch in Lawrenceville for 2.5 years(no, I am not a cop) but I am pretty good at it and yes, I do profile. As a citizen, you have to and since I am not a cop, I can do that. I have been right 8/10 times in the last community. Anyhow, thanks for the information.


    Also, this friend in the Navy, does he live there too? I would love to speak to him as I am former Air Force and worked in Intelligence.

  9. Good to know since I live in Bartlett Square.


    Ickyasa, I live in Remington Place. Some of those at Bartlett Square are creating some problems here at Remington as well. I'm not sure if the person who stole that vehicle actually lives in Barlett Square, but we in Remington just began our community crime watch and I am leading the group.


    Bartlett Square is our number one issue and we will be watching, reporting and so on. However, I hope some of those who dare come over here to create trouble think twice because they may get some buckshot.


    Fill me in if you can about some of those who live there, the environment, etc. It helps us and we can do what we can to watch the backdoor path of that community into ours.



  10. Right. I believe Jesus existed as a person/historical figure but that's the extent of my belief in him.


    As far as I'm concerned, it's impossible for anyone to know for sure one way or the other what the truth is. :)


    Read the book called The Case for Christ. You will find many answers. The author, Lee Strobel(SP?), used to be an athiest. He is now a Pastor at a church south of Chicago.

  11. Shelter successes can be some of the most rewarding.  But our failures can also be haunting.  Such is the case of "Roman."


    Many may remember Roman from the "Home 4 the Holidays" thread.  He was turned into the shelter several weeks ago by the son of his owner who could no longer care for herself, much less a helpless little fellow with bad eyes.  She'd gone to live with her son, but there was to be no room for Roman in this drastic move.


    He was believed to be around fourteen years old.  That was just a guess.  His spirit seemed much younger.


    His severely infected eyes had caused blindness.  Simple antibiotic ointment would relieve the pain, but could not reverse the damage.  Yet Roman had adjusted.  He could make his way around a room just fine, finding that perfect chair in the sun in the shelter office. 


    He seemed to be doing well.  Although this wasn't how he'd imagined spending his older years, he stayed hopeful.  When visitors came in, he would spring into action, competing for attention among the many younger candidates available for adoption.  He would bark and wag and do his best to be noticed.


    The holidays were coming.  Adoptions were going very well.  Many were looking for a small "lap dog."  His odds at going "home" seemed promising!


    But Christmas came and went and Roman remained.  He gave up hope.  And he died today.  :(




    How sad that is. He does have a new loving home now in doggy heaven.


    It is sad that animals such as dogs and cats are looked upon as second-class nothings in this country. SO many strays abound in every city and town across the country.


    I adopted a stray actually an off-spring cat 3 years ago and never thought twice about not doing so. I took him off the street when he was just a kitten.


    Starys are a growing problem and it pains me to see that people would not use responsibility and not throw them out the door.


    May Roman rest in peace.

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