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Posts posted by frontporchmom

  1. I do understand what aj4x4 is saying and I do agree with most all of it. We have only lived here for 10 years and part of the draw was the under development of the county. But since we have been here Hiram doesn't look anything like it did and it just keeps expanding all the way to Cobb, Douglas, Marietta..... and this is always going to bring more people in. If it was ok for us to move here 10 years ago and be part of the progress why can't more people move here? If people really hate progress that much the only options are really to either live here and welcome new people or buy property to build on in a different county that meets you needs. I'm sure some of the people having problems with the new developments may also be people who live in new(last 10 yrs. or so) developments. Maybe?

  2. I can't remember what show I saw them on last week but it was an interview about their new album and of course they brought up the "comment". Natalie still doesn't care about what was said and neither do the other two. I can't remember which sister, but it was the, blonde with short hair, that said that the musicians of today were taking country music back in time to a "redneck" beer drinking crowd of people. That country music had progressed so much in the last decade and how horrible it was that this type of music and these type of musicians were being promoted and country music needed to stay in the fast lane, more in the lines of cross over pop/rock. I personally lover Toby Keith and Reba. I can do with out the Dixie Chicks in country music. Let them cross over to pop/rock all by them selves.

  3. Just reading over all of the post and I really don't know that much about polygamy, other than the few things I have seen on the news through out the years. But I have been watching the new series on HBO called Big Love with Bill Paxton and a few other well knowns, and I have honestly been amazed at how some of these polygamist live. I know that the show may not be as it really is in real life but it is very entertaining at least. Some of the people live on what they call the "Compound" which is run by one man. He is what they call their "Prophet" which I guess is a very religious man to them. The ones on the compound have to abide by his set of rules which I don't think I would like this paticular way of living and not just because of the rules but he has 17 wives and the youngest being about 15. This I could not live with. I personally think this is too young to be married but they look at it as she is a sister wife and they help look after her and help her along. But the family that lives off of the compound and in a "normal" type setting actually makes it look appealing.(you know having all that extra help with the cooking, cleaning, children, car pool etc.... :). I wish someone would watch the show and post if it is actually anything like the real life living of Polygamy. It comes on on Sunday nights at 10:00 after the sopranos. If you watch it post and tell us.

  4. auntsugar, is there anyone in your stepmoms family that you could call and just sort of put this in their

    ear to see if they may be concerned as well? I hope every thing works out for your family.

  5. I agree!! I really wanted to see where it was going to go with Hurley and the girl from the mental hospital. And Ana Lucia and Sawyer tonight was a good one!!

  6. Sorry lacey, I just wanted to make sure if anyone didn't get to see the show tonight that they didn't get confused. I know I get easily confused :D :D .

  7. I just ate a piece of peanut butter fudge that I won in the Auction this week and it is the best peanut butter fudge that I have ever had in my life. I hope I have the chance to bid for some of her chocolate fudge one of these days. Again, thanks mrsjones, you are the best!!!!!!! :D :D :D

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