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Posts posted by frontporchmom

  1. I am glad you like the new Dr. We have used the one on Mulkey rd. for years and love them. A little far to drive,but worth it. Saw you post that it was on Dallas hwy. and thought it might be closer if it was the same ones.

  2. My daughter lost her organizer(wallet) yesterday(friday) at the QT on 61 and 278. She went back inside to see if anyone had turned it in but no one had.

    When I got home today there was a package in the mailbox addressed to her from EMT out of Rockmart. I thought it was strange because there was no name or address on the envelope. Just the three initials and Rockmart, Ga. and the zip.

    When we opened the package there was her organizer with all of her personal belongings still in it. Along with her money and gift cards she received at christmas.

    I guess they looked on her driver license for her address and mailed it to her. They wrote her a note saying they had found this in the middle of the road at 61 and 278 and they knew she didn't mean to leave it there. They signed it----Have a Happy New Year.

    I just wanted to thank this person and tell them how much this meant to us, but there is no way for me to contact them, so I can only hope they read pcom and see this. They didn't have to go through this much trouble, especially here at the holidays when everyone is so busy, but they did anyway.

    Again, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, SO MUCH!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:

  3. We have had our in-ground pool for about 5 years now. We are on the chlorine system and have never had a problem with it. My pool has been cloudy one day this entire summer and this was caused by a little rain storm. After the little storm was over I backwashed the pool, added the chemicals that night and the next day it was beautiful.

    Also you don't have to run the electricity for the in-ground pool in the winter months. Every thing is drained and closed off to keep it from freezing.

    Also, I have never had a problem with burning eyes or bathing suits fading or problems with dry skin and hair, but I get my water checked once a week and I usually backwash and add chemicals the same day every week to help keep my pool balanced. Keeping your pool balanced every week prevents these things from happening and this cuts down on having to spend more money trying to fix problems caused by not staying on top it.

    I would recommend an in-ground pool to anyone willing to spend 30 minutes a week taking care of it. They are great!

  4. Frequently Asked Questions:


    "Does Paulding County have a leash law? Yes, although the ordinance is not technically a “leash law”, there are containment laws that govern pet owners in the county. This ordinance does not specify that the animal must be tied up or inside in a fence at all times (which allows owners to use products such as ‘invisible fence’. Basically, all pets must be kept on the pet owners property at all times. If the pet leaves the property it must be secured by a leash.


    Are cats covered under the containment ordinance? Yes, cats and all domestic animals must be kept on the owner’s property, just like dogs. This best way to keep cats on your property is to keep them indoors. Some people choose to build pens (with tops) to let their cats enjoy the great outdoors safely"


    This is off of the animal control site. I know it is a vague description of "leash law" but it is all they have.

    good luck :)

  5. Don't know if anyone is interested but you can buy the small arm waterfalls at Brown's in Dallas off of 92 or any of their stores and they're only about $20.00 and they connect to your polaris(pool sweep) outlet on the side of your pool. When you put this in and turn it on(or not) the water spays and helps cool the pool water down. Very refreshing to swim under too. The kids love it. :D

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