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Posts posted by frontporchmom

  1. Propane is running about $2.40 a gallon. If this is your main source of heat, cooking and hot water, it can cost a fortune in the winter months. Over $800.00 to fill 80% of a 500 gallon tank. Which may last 30 to 45 days for a family of 6, depending on how high you keep your thermostat set.


    Yep. Areosol(sp) hairspray worked on my leather ottoman. Pump spray wouldn't work. Don't know why.

  3. I must be strange but I've always thought the bones in canned salmon were the best part.


    Fresh salmon and canned salmon are as different as day and night and so are patties made from fresh salmon.

    When I was much younger this is the way my parents made them, just crush the bone in it and cook. I loved them. I just couldn't eat them after I tried to make them. I love fried chicken livers that my mother-n-law makes. She knows I can't help her cook them or I'll never be able to eat them again ^_^

  4. As we speak (type), I am baking a yummy banana cake!!!! So I went and bought a cake mix, who cares? I had to mash the bananas and mix it all up!!!! :lol:


    I'm gonna put chocolate icing on it after it is finished and cools!!!! YUM!!!! :wub:

    I love bananas with chocolate!! I had a frozen chocolate banana at Paulding Meadows and it was so good. I also love Nutella with bananas, pinapples, strawberries...........a spoon :o :D

  5. Stephanie.....We had a similar situation with Dr. Towles' office staff a few years ago and I stopped taking our animals to her for the very same reason. We had an emergency arise a few months ago early on a Saturday morning. I called to try to get our cat in at the Vet we had been using, but they had no appointment availability and eventually had to call All Pets to see if they could see PityPat. We took her in and Dr. Towles wanted to know where we had been. I told her about her office staff and how rudely we had been treated. She was appalled as I'm sure she would be with your situation. She will never know about it unless you tell her. I fully respect your feelings at this point, but I think you should let her know how you and your Mother were treated. She has a business to run and after what we experienced and my recent discussions with her.....I know she would want to know!

    I agree. I don't use this Vet, but to me It's just like any Doctors office. If you have a problem with the nurses or the office staff I really think you need to let the Dr. know. A lot of times they have no idea that this is going on. If you tell the Dr. what happend and it still continues, then yep I would change for sure.


    And I am sorry about that happening to you and your mom.

  6. Well- maybe you'll get a chance to make it up to the store- I was just there for a little while today- I think we will be at Olde Towne Hiram Days- even if the store isn't I'm sure at some point I'll be there.

    When is this? And do you know if they will have the raffle for the little house then? I forgot to buy tickets today ;) Didn't get back around there before we left.

  7. I was hoping he would win. He is good. Yeah :D


    Speaking of that what happened to the lady who won last year Amy I have only seen her one time on her own show.

    I've watched her a couple of times and just didn't enjoy her show. It may have been cancelled. She didn't seem comfortable in her own skin for some reason. She was much better on the competition :huh:


    And Cheffy, congratulations to your friend !!

  8. Everything I've ever had at Gumbeax's is great. I usually order the fish ponchartrain(sp?). It's mahi-mahi on a bed of rice with shrimp and crawfish with some slighlty spicy cream sauce over the top. LOVE this place. Never tried Henry's though.


    My favorite place to eat!!!!!!! This dish is wonderful!!!!! Their seafood chowder is Great!!! Very spicy and very filling. DGITW If you went, I hope you enjoyed it. Let us know :)

  9. //bunco.kewlbox.com/



    I have never posted a link before so I don't know if this is right.

    But you can try this website. It is through Prilosec OTC. This will sort of give you an idea on how to play. They even have open chat with the other players. Just sign in and have fun.

  10. From "Fried Green Tomatoes"


    The 2 young girls that steal the parking space from Evelyn, walk their prissy butts toward the store and say..... "face it lady, we are younger and faster" as they walk off laughing.


    But, Evelyn has a rage come over her,( that I have felt a time or two in my life :lol: :lol:), and plows into the little VW bug about 20 times and the girls are screaming and crying "what are you doing?"


    And Evelyn replies...... " Face it girls, I'm older and I have more insurance" !!!!!



    I love it :D



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