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Posts posted by 1stimemom

  1. I've always thought she is absolutely a gorgeous child!



    I was showing my grandmother the pictures of Em today on Facebook and I pulled up your page and said "this is the only other child that I've ever seem that I thought was just as gorgeous as Emily." She agreed!! ^_^

  2. I've had the scanner on for about 45 minutes and haven't heard anything about LF. Clark's dispatcher said something but she was "covered" by other traffic so it could be LF, I just haven't heard anything about it.

  3. Two more because I ran out of space. This dog wandered up and was the sweetest dog in the world. My daughter is a huge animal lover and thinks nothing of kissing them on the nose. I absolutely love this picture!!




    She's gorgeous! :wub:



    Thanks!! I think so too!!! :wub:



  4. My daughter is three and a half now which is almost impossible for me to believe. :closedeyes: My best friend got a new camera for Mother's Day and wanted to try it out. She does NOT do this for anything other than a hobby so this is NOT and advertisement for her (AKA, please don't remove this). I am blown away by her beauty....of course she's mine so I may be a *little* biased but I wanted to share them!!









  5. Yes, there was an accident. My child was on the bus. I found out while at school, working. I never received a call from the school, nor did any letter come home with my child. I am mad as hell that I wasn't contacted and before you start bashing, put yourselves in MY shoes. How would you feel if you heard this and couldn't reach your child or the school to see if your child was ok? Why weren't the parents notified? By the way, I am not the only one who is upset, there were several parents kids on that bus that all work together and we are livid. I thank God that the kids are ok, and yes, they probably would have contacted me eventually had it been serious, but it was the not knowing and the way we found out that was upsetting. Where is the schools accountability?



    Oh, I'd be so p*ssed off if I were in your shoes! I'd be at that school first thing in the morning raising hell! :angry:

  6. This topic brings back some wonderful memories. I remember being 39 weeks and thinking "this is never going to happen". For some reason, all logic goes out the window when you're carrying around a 9 pound baby, you can't walk or breathe, and you just want to see your precious baby! I stayed at 2 cm for about four weeks and realized that 2 cm didn't mean squat! I was induced one week after her due date and she was born the next day. I know that this may fall on deaf ears because you are ready to hold your baby, but you really, really need to attempt to enjoy these last few days. Before you know it, you'll be up every two hours around the clock wondering why you didn't sleep when you could have. Please be careful with the castor oil. I know that lots of babies have bowel movements while still in the womb, but if it's within your control to keep it from happening, keep it from happening. When that baby is born, you're going to want to hold it asap. If he has inhaled any poop, the dr. may have to work on getting it all out (I don't know for sure) and that's going to postpone you holding him that much longer. You might as well take this opportunity to learn patience because you're gonna need it once he's here. :p Babies always come as soon as they're ready so you don't have to worry about that! I've always said that my daughter was "fashionably late"! :wub: Good luck!!!


    One more thing.....while sex did NOT work for me (and I was SO not interested at the time) you should have at it.....it'll be six LONG weeks before you can have it again!

  7. I asked for a night out with my best (girl) friend to get pedicures and nails done. We went on Wednesday. Tomorrow my husband and daughter are going to my MIL's and I'm going to spend the day helping my mom prepare for Sunday lunch with about 20 family members. I am actually really bummed that I won't get to see my MIL tomorrow. She's the best MIL in the world!

  8. I Am

    a mommy to one wonderful, beautiful little girl but she knows what it takes to drive me CRAZY!


    I Want

    my sister to heal fast so that she will quit hurting. I hate seeing her hurt.


    I Have

    a wonderful husband who I am very much in love with after 10 years together.


    I Wish

    that I had more time to do the things that I love to do instead of constantly doing toddler activities.


    I Hate

    that there are still people in the world who dislike someone because of skin color, sexual preference, or religious beliefs.


    I Fear

    losing the people that I love the most.


    I Hear

    "A Goofy Movie" and my daughter asking me twenty questions.


    I Search

    for things ALL the time! I can never find my keys, my cell phone, my purse, etc.


    I Wonder

    why bad things happen to innocent children.


    I Regret

    not going to college before marriage and children.


    I Love

    my family.


    I Ache

    most of the time thanks to RA.


    I Always

    stress over the house being spotless.


    I Usually

    talk to my mom first thing in the morning.


    I Am Not

    good at not worrying.


    I Dance

    rarely...unless I'm trying to make my daughter laugh!


    I Sing



    I Never

    walk barefoot in my house unless I'm upstairs on the carpet...then I never wear shoes.


    I Rarely

    fight with my husband.


    I Cry



    I Am



    I Lose



    I'm Confused

    about three year olds. They are strange little creatures and I hear she's only going to get more strange.


    I Need

    a million dollars. (yeah, me too!)


    I Should

    eat healthier


    I Dream

    of having no debt!



  9. It did not work for me. I left the buggy with my items at the front of the store. Now they will have to pay someone to put up the items. I think it would have been easier for them to open more registers.



    My dad does the same thing. He'll spend an hour in the store and if the lines are too long he'll just leave the buggy. I don't understand investing that much time just to walk away without your things. By the time he goes to Target to get everything again, he could have waited in line and gotten home. :rolleyes:

  10. The plan was grilled pork tenderloin, fried okra and corn on the cob but I didn't get home until 545 from being home all day so we decided to do one of those Chicken Voila meals instead. Not nearly as good, but a lot faster.

  11. I know I posted on myspace - but if you or your family need anything, please don't hesitate to ask.



    I had no idea who you were. I know who you are on myspace b/c that's the name I know.....I had NO idea this was you. Of course, I'm running on about half of my brain b/c I think the other half gave up on me earlier in the week. :rolleyes:


    Thank you to everyone who has been praying for her.

  12. Thanks to everyone. She was put in the brace today and forced to walk. I'm not sure how that went b/c the family was asked to leave (thank goodness!). She is sitting in a chair now and my mom was finally able to brush my sister's hair (she's a hair dresser and her hair hasn't been touched since Sunday...I'm actually surprised she hasn't mentioned it before now :p ).

  13. My sister's surgery was today. It started at 830 and was supposed to last 4 hours. It lasted close to 7. In recovery, they had a hard time getting her off the ventilator and her lung collapsed so they had to take her back to the O.R. for a chest tube. She's doing ok now but can't have much for the pain because it will slow her breathing and she could end up back on the ventilator. Also, my sister's mother in law passed away this morning so please keep everyone in your prayers and thoughts. It's been a rough day for everyone so all of your prayers are appreciated and needed. Thanks.

  14. Yes, it was on Holly Springs. Thank you everyone for praying for her. She's pitiful right now. Also, my BIL has a lot on him. His mom has liver failure and is only expected to live a few more days. :( I'm so worried about him.

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