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Everything posted by publisher2

  1. Just a general scene from the Denim and Diamonds Gala taken as people ate and were entertained by the band.
  2. Volunteer Diana Zylow pours some sparkly at the Denim and Diamonds Gala to benefit the Relay for life
  3. Luis Gomez, owner of El Jalapeno, was there at the Denim and Diamonds Gala with his wife. The event raised some good money (anyone know how much) for the 2004 Relay for Life to benefit the American Cancer Society.
  4. Arranging folks for a group picture at the Denim and Diamonds GALA is the photographer from Larry Nix studio.
  5. From left: Wesley Waddell, Scott Littlefield, Austin Tidwell and Alex Miller formed the Directing Club ... they directed cars at the Nashville in the Country free concert Saturday night.
  6. Local builder Joey Tidwell performs with the "Tidwell Brothers and Crossroads Band" at the Nashville in the Country concert Sat. night.
  7. Don Tidwell picks out a solo as he and Joey make up the "Tidwell Brothers" part of "The Tidwell Brothers and Crossroads Band" that performed Saturday night at the Nashville in the Country concert.
  8. Fiddling with the Tidwell Brothers and Crossroads band was Marla Feeny. (Hope Karen and Shelly spelled it for me right
  9. Jason Fincher was caught here singing at the Nashville in the Country concert held Saturday night.
  10. PCHS actor Josh Allen relaxes backstage at Chattahoochee Tech's auditorium prior to performing his three parts in the production. They were" "The Mayor" , Ed Sullivan's voice and "Maud the Bartender."
  11. A candid shot in the dressing room as Heather Parker and Frannie Fallon started to get into makeup for the musical play Bye Bye Birdie, performed by the PCHS students.
  12. Jennifer Capes is getting some makeup put on backstage by Kandice Hames. The two were cast and crew for the PCHS drama and chorus department's production of Bye Bye Birdie which played at Chattahoochee Tech Saturday night.
  13. PCHS Drama Teacher and Bye Bye Birdie Director Eddie McPherson answers a cast members question in the pre-production meeting Saturday night.
  14. The cast and crew got some last minute direction from Drama teacher Eddie McPherson for the PCHS drama and chorus department's production of Bye Bye Birdie which played at Chattahoochee Tech Saturday night. Ms. Ginger Corley was choral director but is not pictured.
  15. A cast member asks a question in the huddle before Saturday night's showing of Bye Bye Birdie which played at Chattahoochee Tech Saturday night. Viewers who are registered are welcome to add the names of those they can identify.
  16. One of the things up for auction Saturday night at the Denim and Diamonds Gala was an autographed CD and tee shirt from Paulding's own Patty Loveless.
  17. Getting ready for the rush at the Denim and Diamonds Gala's gaming room were Lauri and Richard Chase. The duo own the gaming tables and provided them for the event.
  18. Cindy Sharp, Bridgette Carruth and Natalie Fuller, volunteers at Saturday Night's Denim and Diamonds Gala, clown around a bit at the roulette table at the event. Proceeds from the event go to benefit the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life.
  19. Fast cars were in the majority with big prize money on the table at Southeastern Dragway ... but we don't know who won. Gene Fuller, when asked who the top likely winners were said, 'take your pick,' any could win. Anyway, Paulding being a car town ... folks here drive more than most other Georgians ... we can't help but picture a few.
  20. Fast cars were in the majority with big prize money on the table at Southeastern Dragway ... but we don't know who won. Gene Fuller, when asked who the top likely winners were said, 'take your pick,' any could win. Anyway, Paulding being a car town ... folks here drive more than most other Georgians ... we can't help but picture a few.
  21. We should add that it is pretty easy to use the gallery to send an ecard to someone via their email. Other than that, this was one of the cars running Saturday night at Southeastern Dragway. Did he win?
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