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Posts posted by Dragonflier

  1. For me the scariest movie has got to be Finding Nemo. When the barracuda snuck up on Nemo's Dad and Mom on the edge of the reef and he was just sitting there...silouetted in the deep blue, I was terrified. I began to feel a little short of breath and could hear someone in the theater sobbing louding, then suddenly realized it was me. I found myself having to leave since I was embarrasing my 5 year old. :ninja:

    BTW, sorry about this, I wasn't really scared...I just need a little more sleep I guess. :blink:

  2. Nope, got up on the right side and been quite happy all day long Cardie but Im tired of logging in and seeing 20 extra pages of reading time for all these 3 day long signatures, they are rediculous and Pubby has addressed this numerous times before and he has said how big they can be because it slows down our loading time to read the threads. Maybe no one has said anything about the large signatures yet since he got he new server, well I hope he does something with it now. Why should I have to adjust MY CONTROLS to satisfy the large signatures when they need to be a normal size for everybody not any chosen few.


    I guess whining about it is a much better use of your time.

  3. OK, what is going on with all these LARGE SIGNATURES AGAIN? :angry: They are annoying as hell, take up a page of my screen EVERY TIME I read a reply that shows a member with the large signature. Pubby its time for a little reminder to some folks AGAIN, the church signs, the big fishes and the tags all are TOO BIG for the signature lines. If Chaos had to give his big signature up then all the members who have all these things and or the church signs on their signatures should also. This has been going on for WEEKS and its time something were done about em!


    Go to "my controls", then go to "board settings" and check "no" for view members signatures.


    Now there there, see how easy it is? And you didn't even have to stomp your foot and tell Pubby how to run his site. :o

  4. A blonde has been working hard and saving her money for her dream vacation. All of her life she's wanted to go to Disneyland. Finally the day comes and she has saved enough money. She packs her suitcase, loads up her car and heads for California. She is cruising down the interstate and see's a sign that reads, "Disneyland Left", so she went home.

  5. For me the scariest movie has got to be Finding Nemo. When the barracuda snuck up on Nemo's Dad and Mom on the edge of the reef and he was just sitting there...silouetted in the deep blue, I was terrified. I began to feel a little short of breath and could hear someone in the theater sobbing louding, then suddenly realized it was me. I found myself having to leave since I was embarrasing my 5 year old. :ninja:

  6. The other night I was invited out for a night with "the girls." I told

    my husband that I would be home by midnight, "I promise!"


    Well, the hours passed and the margaritas went down way too easy.


    Around 3 a.m., a bit loaded, I headed for home. Just as I got in the

    door, the cuckoo clock in the hall started up and cuckooed 3 times.

    Quickly, realizing my husband would probably wake up, I cuckooed

    another 9 times.

    I was really proud of myself for coming up with such a quick-witted

    solution, in order to escape a possible conflict with him. (Even when

    totally smashed...3 cuckoos plus 9 cuckoos totals 12 cuckoos =


    The next morning my husband asked me what time I got in, and I told

    him "Midnight". He didn't seem p*ssed off at all.


    Whew! Got away with that one!


    Then he said, "We need a new cuckoo clock."


    When I asked him why?, he said, "Well, last night our clock cuckooed

    three times, then said, "Oh. sh#@.", cuckooed 4 more times, cleared

    it's throat, cuckooed another 3 times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, and

    then tripped over the coffee table and farted."

  7. I propose this as the new pledge. I think that this could be something that would actually make a liberal smile.



    I pledge allegiance, to whatever stance, gets me the most from America

    To the federal government, in Hillary's hands

    A divided nation, disowning God, our army invisible

    With tax hikes and welfare for all.


    And while we're at it, we can change the controversial slogan on our currency to...


    "In the U.N. we trust"

  8. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck? See below for answer....




    Wood Chucking


    To calculate the amount of wood that is chucked, and the other properties of wood chucking, using the TECHNO CNC WOOD LATHE the following values and assumptions will be used:


    * The spindle speed of the lathe has a range of 500-2000 RPM

    * The diameter of the chuck is 6 in. approximately 15 cm.

    * A one kilogram block of wood made out of American Spruce with a density of .541 grams per cubic centimeter has approximate dimensions of 12x12x12 cm.

    * An attachment is used to feed wood blocks at a rate equal to the rate of the chuck spinning (1 Block Per Revolution).

    * The lathe is run for 1 minute.


    At 500 revolutions per minute:



    500 RPM x 1 Block Per Revolution x 1 minute = 500 Blocks

    * 500 RPM / 60 seconds = 8.33 Revolutions per second = 8.33 Blocks per second


    At 2000 revolutions per minute:



    2000 RPM x 1 Block Per Revolution x 1 minute = 2000 Blocks

    * 2000 RPM / 60 seconds = 33.3 Revolutions per second = 33.3 Blocks per second

  9. It's like Rush Limbaugh would say...place a bag of excriment in front of a liberal and he will surely step in it. Of course I suppose admitting to listen to El Rushbo probably will automatically make me a racist by default.


    With that said, think about it, if the aforementioned trio let racism end, they would be out of a job. What bothers me the most is that these guys call themselves "Minister" and "Reverend", assumingly to lend credence to their rants. I can't imagine how someone who is pointing themselves out to be "religious by title" can justify their pursuit of seperating races anywhere within the literature of their faith. I guess I could just have said bible, but then I might be considered to be a Flag Waiving, Gun toting, Red State, Evangelical, Propane Grilling, Vast Right Wing Conspiring, Evil Conservative. Then again...if the shoe fits...

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