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Posts posted by Dragonflier

  1. Is there anyone out there who would LOVE to have a new little boy in their lives? He is a standard red dachshund, around 15lbs. Sweet little boy who needs a new forever home. If you are SERIOUSLY interested in helping me find this little boy a new home PLEASE PM ME.



    I will send pics only to those seriously interested. THIS needs to happen BY TOMORROW!


    BTW. . he is NOT mine. I am helping a very sweet woman rehome these babies.



    Thanks guys!!

  2. Well, I understand, ACC ... It was a difficult time.


    The picture that was taken a while back.


    Some unnamed women showed up and convinced me to set up the woman's private forum. It was at the moment, and under threat of torture, that I was warned to stay out (I DO) and not give out the password (I dont).






    Hey....dem wooks wike seep..... :ph34r:

  3. By the way...if you stop watching the "reality" shows long enough....you might have learned that the MYTHBUSTERS busted the rumor about the cell phone. The only way it could possible happen wouldn't require you using the phone. The battery would have to short out and that's very remote. The disclaimer on the phone you read on the air is probably just a CYA move, like preparation H telling people not to put it in their mouth. :o

  4. Chris, I wasn't going to reply to this topic (I usually try to avoid the heated posts), but Honey, I think Dragonflier is incorrect in his post because most people use the following to discuss the use of alcohol, tobacco and piercings/body art:


    You missed the point in my post. The point was two things...1. and incorrect reference to the bible and 2. using it to point out faults of another and when you're standing in the wrong...based on the same passage.


    There are many versus in the bible that could cover this topic. I was trying to use the most universal. After all, what I said both agreed with him on one part and disagreed on another.


    That was the point.

  5. :unsure:  Well thats cause even after a year most dont know the real me,not the guy who sits behind the screen but the REAL me. Have you met me?Nope but I have met a few off here.

    The ones who say crap about me are  the ones who has met me either.


    This kind of banter sound sooo familiar. I am sure I've seen it before. Let me see...



    ....You don't know me, I can say what I want and you have to listen to my bullsheez, don't act like you know me....Chrisinpc would never....I have proof and facts....


    See the pattern emerging here? :wacko:

  6. Read the bible your not supposed to mix nor harm your body such as smoking,tats,pericing nor anything like this.

    its nasty and wrong in my eyes.Its just wrong, WRONG I tell you.

    And I will think that way untill I'm dead.

    I was raised as a southern boy I  love the flag and will allways wear or fly mine. Just as my father does just like his daddy done.


    All right, based on this post, I'd say some clarification is in order. First of all, the Confederate Flag that you fly was not and is still not the flag of the south. It was simply a battle flag for a few Confederate Units, the Actual Flag of the Confederacy more closely resembles the Union Flag of that time. That is to say that the "Rebel Flag" does not represent the South. With that said, the flag you speak of has come to represent some very negative things about our society and to think otherwise is not being honest with yourself.


    Since you are so quick to 'attempt' to quote the bible, I feel I need to correct you on this as well. First of all, bible doesn't reference the smoking, tats, or piercings as you have indicated. The closest references to this are in the Old Testament and refer to Baal worshippers cutting and marking themselves as a form of worship to their god. This is not a blanket statement covering every tatoo that one might get.


    Second thing, since you are so quick to try to point errors in thinking based on the bible, I have another thing for you to think about. I assume since you want to use the bible to make a point that you surely have actually read it. Assuming you have, I'd like to point out the following passage taken from Romans 14 in which Paul is speaking of causing roadblocks to between other people and their belief in Jesus by actions that others find offensive then you are no longer acting out of love and are not in God's Will. This excerpt from the Bible is referring to clean and unclean foods that were in question in Paul's time. It is clear that we can take from this that if a person truly believes that getting tatoo's, piercing and soforth are evil and not of God then, after gaining this knowledge it would be wise to refrain from these things as not to cause conflict with this person and not inhibit your witness for Jesus. This, my friend also would cover the Flag of which you have said you would never stop flying. Without a doubt this flag, whether fair or not, has come to symbolize racial hatred and a supremecist attitude and based on the bible, which you want to quote, knowing this puts you in the wrong as well.


    Romans 14:13-18


    13)Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way. 14)As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean. 15)If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died. 16)Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil. 17)For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, 18because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.

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