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Posts posted by cecily79

  1. I assume if you're in Haralson you're in Carroll Cty?  If so - good luck.  I hate to sound like that - but my parents live in Carroll - and they have called animal control repeatedly about a stray in the neighborhood.  And - basically animal control is liks "So, what do you want us to do about it."  My mom (a totally non-violent creature) said (after many frustrating attempts to deal with animal control) - "Fine - I'll just go out there and shoot it...how do you like that?"  This still didn't get a reaction.


    It might work better if you have a nice heart-to-heart with your neighbor.  Especially if neither of her dogs are on a leash or in a fence either - and especially if y'all have been friendly in the past.


    I live in Bremen in Haralson County. I've mentioned the problem to her casually and she says her female Golden is a "mama" dog!? She says her male Choclate is just a big dummy. Yes, they are sweet dogs otherwise, it seems to be a territory thing, she did live in the neighborhood first, but it happens in my yard! If my dog was invading there territory, I completely understand them defending it, but it always happens in my yard.

  2. My first question is where do you live?  Paulding County has had a leash law in place for a long time.  I just find it kind of odd that there was no leash law until just recently.


    I am not really sure what you can do about the situation.  I would say that the best thing would be to call animal control at 770-445-1511 and get their opinion.  My next suggestion would be have you thought about crate training?  That way your dog is safe inside while you are gone.  This is a very good way to not only keep the dog safe but also a wonderful tool for house breaking.


    Sorry I couldn't help more.


    She is crate and house trained and spayed. She just loves the outdoors. When I do let her in she sits at the door and whines to go out. She is an Olde English Bulldogge, so she is pretty tough. My neighbors dogs are a Choclate Lab and a Golden Retriever and they are much larger, not to mention two against one. BTW, I live in Haralson.

  3. Tarblin's topic sparked a question I would like p.commers opinions on. I have a dog that stays mostly outdoors. I bring her in when I am not at home and at night. I do not keep her fenced in because 1) there was no leash law until just recently where I live and 2) now that there is, I cannot afford a fence just yet. My dog is still a "puppy" and she likes to chase cars. If myself or my husband pull out of the driveway, she barks and goes crazy. This gets my neighbors two dogs excited and they run over to my yard and attack my dog. She has had numerous puncture wounds from these other dogs biting her. I am really not sure what to do. My neighbor and I have been close friends in the past, but this really makes me upset. My dog is considerably smaller than these two dogs and one of the neighbors dogs is male. Any advice?

  4. update...im sorry if this is typed bad...but im crying so hard i cant see...we found her...she's gone to puppy heaven...im going to miss her......thanks to everyone that responded....

    im out of here....thanks again



    I'm so sorry. God Bless You. :(

  5. We went last Saturday,and it was the last weekend.  We go every year!  We had to park at the high school and we walked, too.  Boy!  My legs and butt hurt so bad the next day.  I guess that shows how out of shape I am!! 


    There is some kind of festival going on in Smyrna this weekend.  I saw a sign on my way to work today.


    Really?? Do you have anymore info?

  6. After reading your post I went and whipped up a batch of brownies. Thanks for inducing a pregnant girls cravings. Oh, Shawna and dogwwod deserve a sweet 16 party. I can always use more brownies. I am eating for two. My pan and your pan, thats enough for two.


    By the way, I will be contacting you soon about what we discussed today in my PM.

  7. You should subscribe to G.O.N.  Georgia Outdoor News, they have a section every year around july with ads about hunting clubs and i have seen a lot of family clubs seeking members.


    We do subscribe. Can't say I read it too much. Thanks though...I'll chack it out!


    Duh...chEck it out...sorry.

  8. You should really go with your husband. It can be VERY peaceful in the woods. I hunt with my husband every week-end, bow, muzzleloader, and gun. There is nothing better than sitting in a stand and watching the woods come to life.

    There are many reasons that I started hunting. I have 2 boys of my own that loved it. I hunt with them and it is a great way to spend real quality time with them. No TV's, phones, or girls. I have been with both of the boys when they killed their first deer. It is just exciting when they take on as when I do. It is also a great way to spend quality time with the hubby.

    I am not sure what type of club your husband might belong to but their are MANY out there that are family oriented. I hunt in a club where most of the women hunt. There have been many days when my hubby had to work and my sister and I hunted together. There are also lots of "women only" hunts. It is a great way to get out and meet new people and have fellowship with them.

    Give it a try, you might find that you really enjoy it.


    Thank you for that advice. If my husband reads this he'll probably want to marry YOU! He hunts in Paulding County...has his whole life. Although, his hunting land is slowly becoming a subdivision. We talk all the time about getting in a family oriented club, we just don't know of any. I have two boys too. My nine-year-old is going hunting this Saturday w/my hubby (opening day of gun season you know). And my poor little one (two) is named Hunter. It is in their blood! My husband is known for being a hunter (of all kinds of animals).

  9. having your first baby is stressful enough as it is with all the factors that people make you very frightened about. having someone make you feel guilty about the choices you make as a young mother is worse.

    I don't think you love your cat any less for wanting to find a new home for her. I did the same thing when I was pregnant - with two cats and a dog.

    We have one cat and a dog now that my child is a bit older (almost 2), but I completely understand the compulsion to make sure the baby is ok first and foremost. I hope you find the perfect place for your kitty... maybe, if its an option, a family member could 'foster' her until you're more comfortable in motherhood to handle both.

    To add, I will keep an eye out to see if anyone is looking for a cat for you.

    good luck.




    Thank you for saying that! I wish more people were as understanding of a mother's feelings. Gods Bless You!

  10. the monthly fee is very reasonable....it's the charge for installation that is going to kill us.  They allow 3 "window sensors"!!!!  How many houses have only 3 windows?  So, I have to pay and additional $25/ each window (on top of the $399?) :closedeyes:


    Gosh...that's ridiculous. I guess they gotta hit you somewhere. Look at it this way, your helping feed my kids. J/K! At least now maybe you can feel safer in your own home.

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