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Posts posted by MOMOF3IBE

  1. My son is lefty, and no speech probelms...

    Why didn''t you vote? :o


    HR is a lefty, and a girl.


    There wasn't a lefty/girl option in the poll though, with the secondary questions. ^_^


    The secondary questions are only if they have orhad speech problems. ;)

    I'm leff haned and I's speaches jus fineeeee..... :D


    Seriously, I've always been told that speech problems can be genetic or it can be related to a hearing loss. I've never heard that it could be associated with being left or right-handed.


    Well, that is what I thought too until today :lol: just curious now...can't wait to see how this poll turns out!


    I change the poll for multiple answers, if you have more than one kid! I also have 2 girls who are right handed with no speech problems!

  2. And MOMOF3IBE - I hope you print out and frame those captures of your son! What a HOOT!!!!! So cute.

    He is a comedian for sure....he thinks he is absolutely hilarious! I am planning on getting several printed!


    Smoochiemom, your pics are absolutely fabulous!!!!! I love them all. I am sooooooooooo wanting you to take some of my kids! Gotta get with hubby and see when we can get some done. I want out door pics so I know we gotta do it soon before it gets cold or either just wait till spring! You pics are just wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the ones of your daughter by the wagon and the one of little smooch on the tracks. The one of the little boy, the gangsta one, I LOVE IT!!! to cute!


    Yeah, he's cute and he knows it. He told us last night at the dinner table...."Girls love me!" Hubby and I's jaws about hit the floor, right before we started laughing. Helooked at us and said, "What? They do!" We had to stop laughing at that point...I think he's gonna be trouble!! :lol:

  3. Ok, so a friend of mine was asking about speech problems in children today and if they are associated with lefty or righty. She found tht studies show that most kids with speech problems are left handed. Well, my son is left handed and has speech problems :huh: , so this got me wondering. Help us see if this study has any relevance. ;)


    TIA! B)

  4. Ive always kinda wanted one, but Ive accepted Im waaayyy too wishy washy to have something permanent. I'd end up hating it over time Im sure so, Ill just admire everyone elses! Btw, where are those characters you chose derived from momof3ib?


    The one in the middle is chinese...it stands for "Heaven" (it's a pet name my husband calls me)....the new tat stands for "Soul Mates".....so, basically, it is a tattoo dedicated to my husband!

    Nice pics and nice tat!


    Sage did my tattoo. It did hurt a bit (not so proud of my very low pain tolerance) but I sucked it up and took it like a big girl. My eyes teared up but I blinked it back and refused to let one tear leave my eyes. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything! I adore my tat!!!


    I have no idea what kind of expressions were on my face cuz Smoochiemom wasn't there to take my pics. :(

    Isn't she just lovely posting these pictures on the internet like that...LOL! :o :lol:


    I have a good-sized tat on my lower back. Sage did it. I looked EXACTLY like you did, mo3Ib! :lol:

    Good, glad to know I am not the only wussy...lol! It did hurt, no tears though...the only tat I cried for was the one on my stomach...that one was awful!!

  5. First, :wub: The Illustrator! The ONLY tattoo artist that will ever touch mine or my husbands skin!!


    Second, great pics Smooch!! You did a fabulous job!


    Third, MOMOF3....absolutely beautiful tat.



    Ah, man, they aren't that bad. ;) I laughed through mine! The tat-artist had to pause several times since I was shaking from laughing. :D Can't wait to get mine for my 40th bday!!!


    MOMOF3IBE - I like the tat! That's pretty neat, and you look like you did wonderful to me. Hope that was a wonderful gift for your 40th!!!



    Tats don't hurt that bad. I was so scared before getting mine - there was only a few times that I tensed up. I have a low pain tolerance as well.


    Nice tat by the way.



    No thanks!! glad you enjoyed it mo3ib, looks nice!



    I guess I am a big'ol baby - mine hurt like crap! But do want another one soon. This time on the side of my calf representing my three boys. It's three letters (one for each son) that spells Father.


    Thanks for all the wonderful comments!! I too, love my new tattoo. No, it wasn't the worse pain in the world, but it sure does hurt in certain areas! Smoochie is just good at capturing those wonderful moments. Garrett really did a great job! It's not even red this morning!


    Thanks again SMOOCHIE, I love my birthday present!!

  6. I will bring you a cupcake next time I see you! Well, that is IF I know you will be where I am....

    I will be waiting! ;)


    Happy Birthday Lady!! :)



    She's trying to deny that she's 40 :o I bet she also tries to deny that she got a smut book for her birthday :ph34r:


    Smut...me? What the heck are you talking about? I know that I will be getting a new tattoo! :yahoo: :clapping: Thanks Smoochiemom!!!!! :drinks:

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