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Posts posted by MOMOF3IBE

  1. You may be talking about me (if you had 4 cats and 4 dogs with you). I had my dogs on a very short leash (2 foot), because I don't know how they will react to other dogs. They are not viscious, nor have they ever bitten anyone, however, you just never know.


    I find it amazing that people will just randomly let their dog walk up to mine...that's a fight waiting to happen. I purposely left room between me and the person in front of me, but the person behind me just kept getting mighty close with her dog, and her kids were petting my dogs without asking. I gave them fair warning, IMO.


    I wasn't yelling at my children, just telling them not to go near other dogs. You never know what might happen. I call that being a responsible parent and a responsible pet owner.


    FYI, there was a woman 2 spots behind me with 2 really big dogs....one of which she couldn't control and was hitting it with a leash. You will never find me doing that! ;)

    I must have been right behind you. :p The crazy woman who was hitting her dogs with the leash was a little too much for me. Even made my 8 year old daughter uneasy. I understand what you are talking about with the other dogs. I had a golden that wanted so badly to be social, BUT, I didn't want another dog to go after him, so he was also kept very close to me! He had 2 dogs growl at him Saturday and all he did was look at them...LOL! When there are that many dogs, you can't trust what will happen.

  2. It was actually before the party, it was very scary, we didnt talk much about it at the party, My MIL was telling a few but that is all. I am tellin ya, she will be the dath of me! :wacko:

    Well now I just feel left out of the loop! Nah, I am sure you really didn't want to talk about it! The kids had a good time today...I can't get over how big Lily is getting!!!

  3. Yeah...it's all fun and games, until one of thm starts a fire!



    LOL...the pen in the sink reminded me of my daughter when she was about 4...she got up one Saturday with her dad. Well, it was in the winter and he always has a space heater in the living room. They both came downstairs to watch cartoons and let me sleep. Well, because he is a guy, "he" fell asleep. My 4 year old decided it would be cool to stick a pencil into the heater. I woke up to the smell of smoke. Jumped out of bed, only to find her in the bathroom, running it under cold water (it had caught on fire). Thank God I taught her "some" kind of commen sense. Needless to say, the hubby got his $%$ chewed and the kid never did that again!!!

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