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Posts posted by DIXIE_56

  1. Hey everyone. I wanted to get my son a pair of those shoes that have a wheel on the heel. I think they are called Heelies. I was wondering if anyone knew where i could get them. I saw some of the cheeper ones at toys- r- us, but i was looking for the ones that looked like shoes. Thanks Ya'll. :)

  2. Looks good.


    Clean up your signature and delete this:


    C:\Documents and Settings\Smoke\My Documents\My Pictures\4710.jpg[/img]


    If you have a picture for your signature, upload it to photobucket and reference it from there. You'll need to scale the picture down to a smaller size probably...to meet the rules...or the po-po will come after as they did after me.


    thank you. I have been trying for months now. Someone helped and made it simple.

  3. OK The man asked for your input on the service. All I read was give me, give me. I think if he was going to give free stuff he would have posted it. Why would he ever again come on pcom and ask anyone for thier input if all your going to do is is ask for free stuff. I think that is rude . So I am going to say that out of all the sonics I have been to the one in hiram has the best food and service. There is really nothing to change. If he does give you a free milkshake it should be given to you in a cup the size of the shot glass.



    I agree with you smoke 100%

  4. His girlfriend works at home depot in hiram. He comes in my work all the time.


    LOL Why would he come to Hiram to see her at work. If you see him tell him my 6 year old son loves him to death. He would love to meet him and get his autograph. Show me that you see him at your work and set this up.

  5. What a good race! I loved the race back with JR and Matt . But I loved that Tony Stewart WON !!! Hate what happend to Mark Martian. He seems to be a really nice guy, and a hell of a race car driver. And wasn't that a cool trophey that bass pro shop gave tony. Over all a really good race :)

  6. Well i have been having some promblems at my house. First it started off with my son hearing things comeing from down my hall early in the morning. Then our lights started going off and comeing back on ALL by themselves. I dismissed all at first and then the more it happened the more i got kinda wierded out by it all. You can be in the living room and the light in the hall will just come on. Then in a few munutes it will go back off again. Its really bad in the hall. I called a friend that was an electricion and told him all that was going on and he had no explanation for it. He his comeing over to look at a few things on monday but he said he can't imagian what could be making a few rooms do that at one time. He said if it was just one room it may be a bad switch. But it being more than one room sure didn't sound right. Maybe he will be able to find a logical reason why this is happening with the lights. I HOPE!! :(

  7. So, kids now a days have NO regard for peoples private property? I just can't comprehend. What gives them the right to take it upon themselves to meddle with other peoples stuff! Don't they know if it's not yours you don't touch it? They have NO BUSINESS being on other peoples private property so, did you know your child was going here? If not, how did you find out? I have some land (not close by) that people have been using for a dump and it just really ticks me off for people to tresspass and do things of this nature! Now I have to PAY out of my pocket, to get this cleaned up! :ninja: :ninja:


    Yes kids do!! :angry2: They haven't bothered a thing My god there aint a thing there that they could hurt! HAVE YOU SEEN THIS PLACE ? Come on. And yes i knew my child was going there. The whole place is a rotton dump. A couple of the Dads knows the family . The family has been here for years on end. My god let the kids have fun. Dumping stuff on property and going through an old house that is beyond repair are two differant things. Know one is doing anything destructive.

  8. OMG!! How funny. My teenager and his freinds go there. It is old man austins house. It is very creepy. They say that you hear things . From what i understand the story is the daughter died in that house of the flu and her funeral was held in the living room. ( you know how they did that back in the day ) anyways , then the mother died, then the old man later in years died all in that house! and they just left the things in the house as they was.. Nothing has been cleard out. They said that even the mail and medicne is there in the house. Clothes in the closet and everything just has been ramsacked from the kids haveing fun. My son said that they was in the kitchen and they heard a little girl laughing and they ran out the side pourch and just stood there. As they was scared to death standing there still they heard foot steps comeing through the house and then glass breaking that was in the house. the foot steps was comeing closer so they ran out and to there trucks!! There are a lot of stories that they have told me and the other boys parents have heard them im sure. My son WILL NOT go in there alone i know that. He has heard to much. All the kids are scared of that place. I myself think it is very creepy looking. I wouldnt want to go inside at night that for sure :unsure:

  9. I wish they would bring back the hangings!!! These perverts that molestest children , and the devil of a man that beat and killed that 2 year old boy last week down from catfish den needs this treatment !!!! Im all for it. The world would be a better place to rid of all those monsters. I would go watch no doubt about it.

  10. It is not a federal offence to place things on the outside. Just on the inside. My god if that was true do you really think that these pizza places would do anything that is a federal offence? I had a buisness that i put flyers on mailboxes for three years. There are buisness that you can hire that go around a blanket the houses with the flyers and they get paid by the company on the flyer to do this service. There is alot of buisness that use this service to get there names and special deals out there to the people. But you can not place anything in the mailbox at all.

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