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Posts posted by DIXIE_56

  1. I would sue if some one did something to make my boy sick! No Question about it. Me and my parents was just talking about how common it has become that people in all professions just do a half ass job. NOT SAYING ALL, But it seems that people now days just dint have work ethics like they used to. People not paying attention and just trying to get through the shift.

  2. Did anyone else see the man at the corner of 278 and Cadillac parkway juggling balls with a radio sitting on top of a cooler and holding up a smiley face sign?? :wacko: I just laughed so hard. :lol: He was good! Just wondering if anyone else seen him.

  3. I sure wouldn't want to swim in the pepe pool, to put it nicely. The daycare kids that i work with will be there all summer and you have to beg them to get out and go to the bathroom. But i guess all the kids do it . Especially the young ones :p I guess just keep your mouth closed and you should be fine. At least thats what the kids tell me. :lol:

  4. Okay Please, this is accurate information not from a principal but the family

    Two Passengers are okay just scratches..

    The driver a SR at EPHS is in critical conditon with a broken collar bone... and back injuries.(he is in ICU)

    The brother of the driver a Middle school student at EPMS passed away.

    The family is at the hospital the driver does not know anything about his brother at this time


    I will be receiving updates all day.. I will post Right now this family needs your prayers.. PLEASE....


    I cannot go to the hospital right now but intend to later..

    Very sad. The two with scratches are very very lucky. What we seen of the truck it is amazing that they are any that survived. It really broke my heart to see the truck like that. We didn't know anyone past until we read this. It just looked horrible.

  5. Hey, does anyone know when the heritage community yard sale will be? Thats the subdivision off Austin Bridge closest to sweetwater church road. And has anyone heard about Chapel Hills in douglasvile? thanks :)

  6. Please come out to downtown Powder Springs Sat. from 8 am - 12 pm for the car-wash for our 5 and 6 year old baseball team. It will be at Rainey Bro's next to Powder Springs park. $5.00 wash and donations excepted.



  7. We are having:


    Turkey & dressing

    Sweet potato souffle

    Potato salad

    Fried okra

    Green beans

    Creamed corn



    Chocolate/pecan pie

    Sour cream-coconut cake


    I can't wait! Yummy!



    Now that sounds like my kinda southern cooking easter! Yum Yum!

    We are having

    Spiral sliced Ham

    Buttery mashed taters

    Baked mac and cheese " Paula dean Recipe"

    Green beans with bacon and onion in them


    Sweet tea

    and my mama's Homemade Banana Pudding!! Make you wanna slap your Grandma :p

  8. Sorry to hear about your child, i feel your pain. My son came home from school today and is throwing up and just laying limp in the bed :( He is 6 years old and i feel so sorry for him. The nurse at his school said that it was going around at his school. I hope its only a 24 hour bug!

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