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Posts posted by DIXIE_56

  1. WOW so many memories!!!! I went to Clay Elementary!!! I am 37 and lived on Rochelle Drive. My subdivision was right next to Wallace park!!! That was my childhood at that place. It was about 2 football fields away!! That rocket slide was so fun. And ever one talking about the golden gallon and Mitchell's store. Do ya ll remember the photo hut that was in across the street from hilltop? My grandma was the security gard for South Cobb skating for awhile!! She didn't play! LOL Hearing about the water slide brings back allot of memories. I lost my mat right at the beginning of that thing and got all scraped up!!! And it was a treat to get a Icee at the golden gallon behind Hawthorne plaza. Then we would go to dolly Madison's and get bread. Does anybody remember the Bonanza steakhouse in front of the old Winn Dixie ? There was so may things about my childhood that ya ll have made me remember. Skating rinks, drive ins, and going with my parents to eat at Mickeys, Palms restaurant with those big fish tanks LOL!!!! As a kid i loved going there to see the fish tanks!!! Did ya ll remember when there was that honky tonk dance club across from the bowling alley? I was just little but i remember my cousins going there. I think it was next to that laundry mat. Allot of my family lived behind the bowling alley on Old 78 road. I loved my childhood in the 70's. We moved to Powder Springs in 1980 but went back to party as a teen. It was between there and paulding Plaza!!!

  2. We went a few days ago and could not understand what everyone was raveing about!! Service was horrible! MAshed potatoes was watery. Cole slaw was nasty. Mac and cheese was bland and wasnt hot. My hubby got the country fried steak and the portion was so small. I could go on but we was not impressed at all.

  3. They are having oral sex in the back of the school bus!!!! If they want to be promiscuous they will find a place. Apparently it was a big issue a few years ago. My friend talked with her daughter about it and she said some of the girls do it to the guys on the back of the bus. I guess they think it makes them look cool I guess. I asked my then 14 year old if he ever heard about it and he said yes. I think the teens think things aren't that big of a deal anymore.

  4. OMG !! This is what we are dealing with at our house!!! My 17 and 7 year old fight over who's turn it is. My son beat the game on medium last night!! His fingers FLY!!!!! I dont see how he does it. He is fast on that thing. I cant even Begin to do medium. I'm still learning on easy mode. And when you get off after playing it for awhile and look at something on the wall its like you on ACID!!!!!! LOL

  5. Hi guys. I was wondering if anyone knew the name of the lady that makes the doggie coats and bandannas. She was at the paulding festival last year. She had dachshund dogs. I would greatly appreciate anyone that knows how i can get in touch with her. Thanks.

  6. That is a great post and I am a firm believer in spankings, but what if it doesn't phase them? I have spanked till it hurt my hand before and he will turn right around and pinch me back. I try my hardest to be consistent with him and I don't want him to be a HEATHEN and have folks talk about me and whisper "there comes the girl with that brat", I guess I am just at a loss of what to do when the spanking doesnt work cause I know time out doesnt, thats a joke, he might as well laugh at me if I tried to get him to sit by himself in a corner, and I've tried holding him down for time out, one minute per his age, no improvement. I guess I just have to stick with the consistency and not back down, no matter how frustrated I am or how tired I am of listening to it because I know when I lay him down, even if he screams for an hour, if I go in there, that is an hour wasted and we are back to square one and all that says to him is I just have to throw a fit a little longer with mom to get my way now. We'll see how bed time goes tonight!


    You have to pull out the old fashion hickory or paddle!!!!!! Drop them britches. ;) IF it ain't fire red and stinging you ain't done it right! I have two boys and they would try to pull that crap and i set them straight REAL FAST ! Pull out the old school and DON'T BACK DOWN! They need to know what you say is it and thats final. PERIOD!!! I have dragged mine out of the store tore there butts up with a belt and DARED them to act again. When they know you mean business all that junk will stop.

  7. I kinda liked seeing if i could get it right to. BUT they can so lose the stupid bee costumes that the girls that danced horrible wore. I think the set and the whole bee thing made it really cheesy.

  8. There is a house that is two house's down from mine and the people that lived there was trashie and never keeped there stuff up and was the worst house on the road. Anyway, i came home about 5 weeks ago and they threw all there trash and ALL their crappie furniture and stove and sink and ever thing else out the window onto the lawn. It is disgusting!!!! When you turn to get to my house that is what we have to look at. I thought that someone would come and clean it up but no one has. It is very embarrassing when we have company. Does anyone know who to call? I dint have a clue. But something has to be done. If any of you guys might know of someone i could call i would appreciate it. Thanks. :)

  9. Nutrogena makes a sunscreen for hyper sensitive skin that I can use sparingly on my arms and legs but I can't put anything on my face so I wear hats and sun glasses. Working with kids and horses keeps me outside a lot.



    My son has the same problem with sunscreen. We just got back Saturday and we bought the nutrogena sunscreen and when my son came out of the ocean it just ran off him. Its not waterproof. I payed allot for that small thing and it didn't even work.

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