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Eddie Bennett

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Posts posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. The investigation into alleged campaign finance violations by Georgia’s Republican Gov. Nathan Deal has deepened into a criminal probe as the outlines of a broad cover-up emerged this week.


    “We’re past an ethics complaint,” said Bryan Long. “This is not an ethics investigation." "When the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office issue subpoenas, this is a criminal investigation.”



  2. Turkey, turkey, turkey. I like ham, too, but it's red meat. My doctor says NO!


    Minnesota Turkey, is the best.

    Turkey is a high-protein, low-fat choice, packing more protein and less total fat per portion than chicken, beef or pork. Plus, it’s naturally low in cholesterol. Minnesota’s turkey industry is the #1 turkey producing and processing state in the U.S., with 250 family farmers raising approximately 49 million turkeys annually. These farmers – many of whom are 3rd, 4th and even 5th generation turkey farmers – know how to raise a wholesome and quality turkey for consumers.


  3. My side dish is love.


    I love my wife. I love my children. And, I love my grandchildren, too. I love my sisters, I love my aunts and uncle's. But, I have no brothers, so I just love my brother friends.


    So here is my side dish::



  4. You really haven't a clue to what the guy meant did you? What he said wasn't a bad thing at all. Regardless of your family's background, you have a much greater chance at success than if you were born in some other country. For example: had you been born in China, you certainly wouldn't have enjoyed the life you have had here.


    Also, why is it a bad thing for a company to be looking at purchasing a company in another country? Foreign companies and investors buy companies in this country all the time.







    In other words, those who disagree with you don't matter to you.



    It's not where I live, E Z! It's my behavior that makes me comfortable, no matter where I am, nor where I've been.


    I would certainly have had to maneuver differently, in China, but I wouldn't be going Heaven kissing on a rich man arse on the way. drinks.gif



  5. And you complain that people here don't take you seriously.


    No, I don't complain, markdavd, because the people who matter do take me seriously. And, it's not always good seriousness.


    For one thing, people who think they are going to Heaven with the Rich people don't like what I say.


  6. Folks need to understand how these factories work over there. The fences are not to keep the workers in but to protect them. They live there because the country is so over populated and the factories are so far away from the city they have no choice but to live on site. Back in the day this was common in the US to. Kohler even had tunnels for employees that lead from their apartment buildings to the factory built under the road. This is being taken WAY out of context.



    I think you are right , but I also think it works both ways. The fence keeps people in as well as out.



    Here is out of context, below. Notice how context is gathered to suit the whole video, from different sections of Obama's speeches. .




  7. True - Other than trying to counter the lie's he's telling.


    In fact, this topic is really about how good we have it in this country. Something many won't acknowledge.




    You have countered no lies, markdavd, but you have encountered a bunch of lies from Romney.


    He can tell lies out of both faces; the private equity one, and the public one.




  8. Romney didn't say that, someone with him did.


    Where would you be in life if you had not been born in the United States. Do you think you would be happily retired - spending your time posting nonsense on a local discussion board?


    Do you actually believe everyone in the world has the same life choices at birth that you did?


    Well, markdavd, hanging around with a Mo-Fo who would say something like that is not good campaign tactics. People in this country still believe that work is what it takes to be successful.



    The entitlement state has expanded, but the United States remains one of the hardest-working nations on earth. Soldiers coming home from war, injured, and more people are reaching retirement age. That increases entitlement.


    We can't pay China what we owe them, and buy their products at the same time. That is like working for the company store.



  9. According to Romney, in the closed door video, 95% of life is already set up for you just by being born in the United States.


    I just can't see that. I am with Republican supporter David Brooks on Romney.

    David Brooks said, "I suggests that Romney doesn't know much about the culture of the United States. Yes, the entitlement state has expanded, but the United States remains one of the hardest-working nations on earth.

    Americans work longer hours than just about anyone else. Americans believe in work more than almost any other people. Ninety-two percent say that hard work is the key to success, according to a Pew Research Survey.


    It reveals that Romney doesn't know much about the political culture. Americans have not become childlike worshipers of big government. On the contrary, trust in government has declined. The number of people who think government spending promotes social mobility has declined."


    I say, if it wasn't for the hard working American people, Rumney, himself, would have to get out and go to work. pardon.gif


    • Like 2
  10. votedemocrat.jpg



    Well, low, you damn sure don't want to take the easy way out. Which is to be complimented.


    But, you might have to go to China, and be one of the woman trying to get into the fenced in gated factory, with guard towers to keep you out. Romney was interested in spending some of his Private Equity on that business. He didn't want to create jobs, though, and he didn't see how to make money for his investors.





  11. I know how we fix our problems.. RE-ELECT the dude that has made our car go from "in the ditch" as he said to "over the cliff"... Why not re-elect the dude that has increased food stamps and the national debt 5.5 trillion more dollars.. Why not re-elect the dude that has increased my kids debt 3 fold and will make our world a worse world for our kids instead of handing them a better world with more opportunity than we had... Why not Re-Elect the guy who shows those same kids to "blame others" instead of taking responsibility himself. Why not Re-Elect the dude that bashes other black men who believe differently than he does to the point of bringing women into legal charges against opponents until they have to back out of races and THEN>>>>>> all charges and women disappear. .. WHY NOT VOTE FOR THE GUY WHO HAS DONE NOTHING with his first 2 years when he had COMPLETE CONTROL of the house and senate? ...



    Things in motion tend to stay in motion, h 2, and this motion was moving when Obama got it. You can't stop something that has picked up speed for 8 years in only 4 years. drinks.gif





  12. Buddy, you didn't tell the whole story on this one. But keep up the good work.



    I just didn't tell the Crock-A-Chit excuse, Watcher22!


    Everybody comes up with excuses when they get caught being interested in buying Chinese businesses. So, Romney acted surprised. The idea was expresses later, in his other hidden camera episode. 95% of the people in this countery are born with a lot of their problems already taken care of, Watcher!


    Here's the catch; 47% are not worth Romney concerns.


    He goes on to talk about middle class being the 5%, 10%, maybe up to 20% he is interested in. The ones who make around $200, $250 thousand, a year.

    • Like 1
  13. China kept girls in a fenced in factory where 20,000 work and live. Guard towers are positioned at the fence. They are put in 10'X10' rooms with bunk beds.enough for twelve girls in each room.


    Romney went there in his private equity days to see about buying the factory.


    click below:


  14. More class warfare rhetoric... :wacko:



    There is class warfare, and there's no two ways about it. It was started by Warren Buffett's class, and they are winning. Just because they leave one apple doesn't mean they give a damn about you, c306. They probable just want to keep you alive so you can grow them eleven more apples, while they go on vacation. pardon.gif




  15. First of all read you comcast bill, I am not gonna encourage it so I will not share my knowledge with ya or provide a link. I think it is sad what people do today to get handouts. That is all I have to say about it.NO I am not on welfare , have never been on welfare and will never be on welfare because while folks were spending thier money on stuff, vacations, toys, etc. I was building several nest for my eggs.Further more I will not contribute to the handout abuse.


    What's really sad are people who reach over into the plate of a dozen apples, G G, and take 11 of them, then tell you to watch out for your coworkers; they want part of your apple. Welfare is when you are greedy, and take all but one apple, then tell the person with his hand on the last apple to watch out for his coworkers, because they want part of your apple. These people take all the welfare they can get, and if they leave one apple it's because they want Republicans to know they did let something trickle down. Talk about vacations they take thim while everybody else in the corporation is working long hours.

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