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Eddie Bennett

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Posts posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. I get that Beavers set the bond--I know how it works (didn't work in a law office for years for nothing). The thing I am saying is that if you look at his record--the following are down for who authorized the release. Most arrest records have the name of the bail company there, not the Judge. Just makes it look like a lot of favoritism. Could be an easy explanation that the person keying in the info was wrong, but it does make it look suspicious.




    It's not favoritism, tbird, it's Good Old Boy Brotherly Love. They pay no attention to constitutional law when it comes to the love they enjoy for one another. They make the LGBT people look like amateurs.

  2. Nobody in this county is going to run against a sitting judge.


    I came here in 1980 and you wouldn’t believe the things I heard about Foster. And it was probably true but for all the fine upstanding people in this county he was like a god.


    What about The Good Old Boys, Lo, were they the so-called fine upstanding people or were they just a part of the fine upstanding people?


    When I lived there, from the 1980's up until about mid-2010's the fine upstanding people were controlled by the Good Old Boy system.

  3. I'm wondering how far should a "Good Old Boy" system go?


    Here is a shining example of how a good old boy system works. But, it's important to have the law involved in a good old boy system. If not it just will not work. Good old boys can laugh law off like it is a joke.


    Law officers can break all kind of laws. They can be jacked up drunk driving the wrong way on a street, and just gets taken home to keep him from hurting himself.


    Example: Listen to the details.


  4. I was actually thinking you might contact another news organization. TP posted The Young Turks bit where they just got funded for $20 million.


    You need to know that injustices abound. You see and live the injustice of which you feel you are the victim. Surepip, God rest his soul, saw another injustice right here in Paulding. There are other injustices from short shrifts given customers to stories involving excessive force or incompetence by police here and in other places. Allowing folks to express these injustices have had their cost to pcom.


    Just as you have been afforded the opportunity to speak of your injustice here, I've made the site available to others to express their feelings of injustice regardless of the cost.


    Those costs came whether or not I chose to champion the causes or even if opposed the cause.


    Maybe my hesitation is a sign of imperfection but then I've never said that I'm perfect. Indeed, one of my more common sayings is that perfection eludes us all.


    FYI, I don't like being publicly shamed. I suppose that is another one of my other imperfections.





    Money is the main thing that eludes us all, Pubby!


    But, money just can't buy you love. Some of the most hated people in the world have the money. They can buy so much sex that they can make themselves exausted, but buying love is only a figment of their imagination. It gives them a grandiose feeling, along with other elusions.

    • Like 1
  5. You are right, mojo! Judge Beavers can only ponder the evidence presented to him. He doesn't make laws, as he goes along.


    I personally like Judge Beavers.


    I like DVbP, and you, too! I do agree with DVbP a lot, because Judge Beavers don't get on P.com, as for as i know. You, on the other hand, don't agree with me, nor DVbP very often.


    I like people better, when they don't agree with me. I like the motovation they give me.

    • Like 1

    Isn't it peculiar that the very ones that say government doesn't work and privatize everything, are the very same that say have faith in your government? "Let the appropriate authority's do their jobs?" If you don't pay attention, how do you know they are doing their jobs?


    You are good at what you do. I have to admit that.


    "I don't trust words. I even question actions. I never doubt patterns of conduct."-??



    Eternal vigilance is the price we pay for liberty; is it not, DVbP?


    What you see is what you get, for some folks. But, eternal vigilance is like mojo can look more closely at something to form his opinion.


    In my opinion, he started mistaking who the approprate authority is, first off.


    Putting social media in a lynch mob catagory, is like putting reality in a lye catigory. I always say, "a picture is worth a thousand true words." The big picture is more than just what you see, however!

    • Like 1
  7. I think that all the awareness people can get is better than someone running for judge, who probably doesn't have a chance in hell to win.


    DVbP probably does more awareness work than just here on P.com.


    I don't care what politicians say when they are running for office. I want to hear reality. I know enough politicians who lie to get elected to last me a lifetime.


    "Just give us the courage to do what is right, and if it means civil war, LET IT COME." - John Quincy Adams.




  8. You changed me, LO!


    I used to make everybody mad, but you taught me that likes were better than bullets.


    I often wonder why people seem to want to get bullets.


    God made a Jaybird, and sat him in the grass. I made a shotgun, and shot him in the A$$.


    But, I have never advances to more than Jaybirds. I just know that billionaires have judges in their pockets. They are given a little time, however for their own agenda.

    • Like 1
  9. So Tonny Beavers thinks beating your wife in front of the kids is not cruelty to children?



    The law can get away with anything, Lo! They are the law, and if they say you can beat your wife and get away with it then SO be it. This is the South, where women have always been second if they are white, and third if they are black.


    It's not just Tony Beavers, but most Southerners think that whether they are a judge or just a man.

    • Like 1
  10. The BOC is under a microscope. Politicians tend to be more honest and keep to their word when the public eye pays attention to county business.



    Yes, cr!


    Awareness is the name of the game, and standing up, speaking out, and talking back is the way to fame.


    You are famous, cr, but you are also aware of the facts, like they are in reality.

    • Like 1
  11. The county attorney, CYHMN, let the P.D.O.T. pave and maintain a private drive for 20 years, next to my house. I had to get a Declaratory Judgment from Judge Beavers, before the P.D.O.T. was not breaking the law by paving and maintaining the street. It was only after the Declaratory Judgment that Lana Skipper told the P.D.O.T, that it was now legal to pave and maintain it the street as a public street. That cost me a lot of thousands of dollars, just to get the BOC to do the right thing, and not be violating the GD law.


    She don't care!

  12. Have you ever thought that the reason Florida has so many more politicians convicted for wrong doing is because they have a lot more corruption?



    Yeah I thought about that but there ain't that much difference in a state line crossing.


    Besides, I didn't hear any details until I talked to you, E Z!



    Some people have very thick sculls. I think the mindset of this woman speaks screams for itself. No need to whack someone who is already whacky.



    You've got that right, cr!


    I'm going to have to relinquish my statement about that woman. I'm going for you, now! :give_rose:

  13. You love a woman who does this....?attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2014-09-27 at 8.36.25 AM.png


    Pay attention to the last edit. The one on the bottom of the page. Also, note the date.



    I don't agree with her, but I like her stamina.


    "If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever.

    Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again.

    Then hit it a third time ~ a tremendous whack."

    Winston Churchill

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