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Posts posted by Brandon

  1. I am sorry for the quote I made Friday night about Lanzo. I was exercising my freedom of speech but what I was meaning to say was that the more we keep this up the more he will do stupid stuff like this. All he wants is attention and trying to get and argument started. Again I apologize, especially you Puppy I didn't know that you were overwhelmed with that topic.

  2. Its a sad day in Paulding County when a man cannot exercise his freedom of speech on his own property. My point is Lanzo is not afraid to say what most where thinking when the verdict came down. Lanzo was simple exercising his first amendment rights, agree with it or not, he has the same constitutional rights as you and I. The more focus that is put on to this will only add fuel to the fire, you would think an organization like the NAACP would have better things to do than to come to our county and march and protest. Lanzo, altought an eccentric individual is nobody's fool and you can bet until the county commissioners allow the pouring of alcohol on Sundays Lanzo will keep stirring the pot. And thats my two cents on the issue take it or leave it.

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