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Posts posted by Brandon

  1. I have a paper to write for a class at KSU and I am writing on the history of Hiram and the surrounding community. If anyone has any old newspaper clipping or other information I would really appreciate it. I have the books and the more easily found information but I need more. Thanks in advance.


    I know it was named after Hiram Bagget, a postmaster from along time ago.

  2. What happens if you blow up the motor? Or blow out a tire? Not to mention all the other parts of the motor and transmission that can go bad. This is an expensive hobby. I know people that are involved in go cart racing. Every time they come back from a race, they have to fork out more money for more repairs. The only way it can pay for itself is if you are the top winner in every race.


    Well I don't know what we will do if that happens. After paying the most expensice part actually buying the kart we could have enough money saved up for the other expensives

  3. If you can't afford the kart, how are you going to afford the upkeep of it plus all the items you mentioned?


    Well...startup costs are pretty high. Once we get started, it pays for itself. Having a sponsor helps with the overhead cost. We are not asking to purchase a kart, but to help with the costs.

  4. Hello P.com members,

    As some of you may already know my name is Brandon and me and a friend from school have been trying to start a race team since November of last year. We are wanting to start a Go Kart team because it would be cheaper. We have not been able to raise enough money to get a kart yet. I was just wondering if there were any small business owners or any individuals that would like to sponsor us and help us buy a kart to start racing. You could either pay for the kart and you would be on the kart, team website, uniform, helmet, shirt, team hats, and any other merchandise product we develop for 3 years plus we will proudly do promotions, autographs, and other promotions. They cost anywhere from $1500 to $2500 and you wouldn't have to pay anything else. Either PM me or Email me at BrandonCParis@yahoo.com I would greatly appreciate the help.


    Brandon :D

  5. [My mother was on her way home from work and they had it blocked and she asked if she could cute through a back road and they said she could and when she did a police officer said be careful and sent a cop car behind her down the road. Then we went out for supper and we saw atleast 20 cop cars go by but not together and they were circuling Quick-Trip, Ingles , and Kroger

  6. I heard that Bill Clinton is applying for the show... maybe you could get Hilliary in the swap.


    Oh, Ken that would be good.

    HA!! HA!! HA!!


    "Mark Paris' Son Don't Tell no one!!"


    Tell us if everything goes through. We'd like to see that.

  7. And some people want to live in the middle of 10 acres. Others want a subdivision. It's just personal preference. The owner has the right to do with it as he wants & you have the right to move.


    If someone doesn't want the land developed, buy it yourself & leave it as it was.


    Oh, wait: didn't the Indians have "a lot of memories" before we came too? So if it is so wrong for someone to sell/develop  the land for the "Almight Dollar" why the heck are we on the land in the first place? Didn't we buy our portion of it?


    Well I'm sorry for not Clearly stating what I was meaning....If they are going to build thousands of homes here in Paulding County then they need to get The traffic, redlights, roads and things like that fixed before they go and over populate. I got to Paulding County Highschool and l live right down the road from the school. From my house to the school it takes 15 min. atleast and l am sure everyone knows about Hiram....So if you want to jump on me for just wanting Paulding County to be a nice county then go right ahead!!!!!!

  8. They are not going to stop until every tree in Paulding County are gone and there is a house within every 2 feet and you can thank our great County Comissioner what was it he sent every person in the county??? "I am for green space" and because Van Westbrook was a Real Estate agent that he was going to be the one that would cut down on green space. Whew..... I get to excited about these things. I tell you what if I could I would be on a farm in Nowhere, Colorado and I never thought I would want to move out of this county so many memories and so much history, but thats politics for ya.

  9. Ok, I'm just a drag racing girl...so what is bandolero racing?

    We looked into getting contingency money for our drag car from like Holley, Edelbrock, VP fuels, and others, but it's kinda a pain in the ass and not much money you get from them every time you win.



    Bandolero racing is like mini cars that race a portion of atl. motor speedway in about 16 races the avg. winnings are about $600 a win. So what do whant to do drive a car if so call 678-362-6695 ask for Donnie.



    maby we can field 2 cars if you wanna drive.

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