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Posts posted by chrisjman

  1. In retrospect it would have made more sense to build a mall than the growing hodgepodge of scattered buildings on 278 that clog traffic in Hiram. The question is whether large anchor stores would consider it worthwhile and whether extant merchants like WalMart will oppose it. It's a shame to have to give all the non-discount shopping business to another county.


    Oh, and I wholeheartedly agree about the library, but if there isn't enough money to build new ones, it would be nice to update the collections in the existing one.

  2. :D Wouldn't it be ironic if the cutthroat anticompetitive practices of Walmart caused it to run itself out of business by competing against itself? By the way, I have seen early signs of things that led to Kmart's demise in a few W-Marts here- like understaffing, long checkout lines, empty shelves and very bad housekeeping. I personally would rather pay a few pennies more and shop at a SuperTarget. Wish more people would.
  3. Chris;

      You so crack me up!!! I hope I am not the only one who gets your humor and gets a laugh. :D  :D

    Hehe.. Glad you like, thanks!


    :rolleyes: Think of me as the Andy Rooney of Paulding.com, or maybe the Al Franken. (Though Mark Twain or Will Rogers would be a nicer comparison)

  4. That's too bad, we rather enjoy the Dallas theatre.  OK, so the movie choices aren't that abundant and the seats are a tad hard.  However, you can't beat the price and the close proximity to our home. 

    What is their admission price?

    They might want to consider becoming what we had in Mich., a $1 "re-run" theatre which wouldn't compete with a 14-screener.

  5. Thanks for the info folks. It is very interesting to see how different regulations like these are handled in various states. Hopefully the whole homemade cardboard thing will disappear soon. Dealer issued temporaries aren't so suspect.

  6. Can't wait for the theatres but I haven't seen any construction started yet, just the sign. Looks like fall would be the earliest this can be done unless they use temporary trailers (like our overcrowded schools). Betcha it'll be a Regal Theatre!


    Oh, and FYI word is that most major theatre chains will be zooming ticket prices to 9.50 to 10.00 for full price admission very soon. Now, with the cost of popcorn and soda, it will probably require a credit check at the boxoffice.


    I have never actually been to the Dallas (Plaza?) cinema by the way- It looks terribly small. How do they fit two screens in a storefront the size of a Hallmark?


    I wish they'd have maintained the old Dallas theatre downtown. It's not that far down the road and probably has better acoustics. Has it been gutted? Other small towns have revived these old cinemas for "bargain shows" and community plays.

  7. :blink: Anyone have a reasonable explanation as to why our area is obsessed with the now archaic practice of writing checks everywhere? I was stunned to find that gas stations and even fast food drive-thrus actually accept them for the most basic purchases- which is an incredibly slow process. Pet peeves are people who go through the self-serve scanners at WalMart or Ingles and then write a check so it has to be approved anyway. I actually had to wait at the W-Mart snack bar while a lady had a check approved to buy her coffee!


    Seems unique here. Debit cards have been around for about 10 yrs, right?


    PS: I am beginning to frighten myself with my multiple references to the dreaded WalMart (LOL). I will have to include SuperTarget in the future.

  8. I have seen almost every source for these tags. Some are clearly homemade with things like old cardboard and crayola and others are provided by dealers but have the dates written by hand in magic marker.


    In all seriousness, crime reporting and Amber alerts are good reasons not to allow this rather, um, primitive practice. I am sure the state can afford to print a standard temporary (even cardboard) tag that has some official number.

  9. Having lived and commuted in several larger cities, it strikes me that the traffic signal situation in Metro Atlanta is rather goofy. I understand that sensors are used to time the lights but that doesn't work here. On 278 you should be able to travel through 3 or 4 lights without stopping if they are timed correctly. That means during peak congestion keep the larger thoroughfare green 2x as long as the side roads. Also, train drivers not to doze off during red lights so they can put their foot on the accelerator when the green finally flashes. You get stuck through an extra light all the time because of this.


    Re: Walmart/Handicapped spaces.-

    what is the fine for parking in a handicapped space in Georgia? In most states it is steep, like $500. Hiram could hire a special officer to do nothing but enforce that law and make lots of revenue at the same time. And anyone who has a genuine need for a handicapped sticker can easily get one with just a physician's note. So, there's really no excuse. B)

  10. :huh: As a semi-new resident I am curious, who gets to use those lovely handmade 'Tag Applied For' licenses on their cars? And, what keeps people (as long as they don't get pulled over for a traffic violation or caught in a dragnet) from just making new ones and never getting a real tab? Would it really be that expensive for the state to require some officially printed form with a verifiable serial number?


    I was relieved when they caught the alleged murderer who kidnapped those girls because I was sure the TV would have to report the License number as "Tag Applied For" on the Amber alert.


    Also, is it OK to start a law or medical practice and frame a "diploma applied for" ?


    Just wondering.

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