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About chrisjman

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member
  • Birthday October 31

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  • Place of Residence
    Outside the county

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    Former Dallas resident now living near Miami, Fla, since 2010. Love it here in Fl but miss the beautiful hills and nice folks in Paulding. Thoughts and prayers for prosperity for you all...it will always seem like home there.

About Me

Male. 40+ 'Taken' since 1997 and grateful ever since. Born in the Great Lakes area, raised there and got Bachelor degree in speech and secondary ed. Moved to Dallas, GA in 2003. Slated to move to Ft Lauderdale area on Sept 14/15 2009. Love and will always remember the verdent, sprawling hills of NW Georgia. Am glad I have always tried to stop and 'smell the roses' all the while living there. Never a single day did I miss my earlier home of more than three decades up north. Born a yankee but easily converted to a true Southern Gent in less than a year. Recommend the switch to all others who tire of that cold, white wet stuff that falls out of the sky and has to be shoveled elsewhere five months a year above the Mason-Dixon.

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