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Posts posted by surepip

  1. Again.......Einsteins definition of insanity, "doing something the same )exact) way over , and over, and over again and expecting different results".


    Show us where the money has been spent. Any overtly transparent governmental entity owes that to the tax payers that put that money on the table.


    Show us the FAA reimbursements and others to date.


    Show us FAAAnd other reimbursements still owed and when we expect to receive them.


    Show us the money BEFORE asking for more (demanding more while they've showed they intend to just simply take it anyway).


    Show us the plan to turn the $40,000,000 into a profitable return on investment.

  2. Again, for many like myself, the airport of and to itself is fine.


    Its was promised to not cost us a cent, and to be general aviation only.....no commercial.

    In fact, it has cost Millions and Millions in Paulding tax money not reimbursed by the FAA. We are not certain exactly or even approximately HOW much because the Powers that Be continue to refuse to show us what indeed has been spent by whom on what.


    We do know it is approximately 40-45Million OVER budget.


    And now the Powers that Be want another $40Million on top of that $40million it went over budget.


    Do you really expect them to spent the next $40million that much more efficiently than the last $40Million ?


    If so, please, please, please detail how any why you expect that with the exact same personnel running the show.


    I am not against progress. I was actually an original supporter of the airport as I have used general aviation airports for years to move my customers from here to visit my jobsites at hatcheries around the southeast not available to commercial airports. Yes, I knew and realized the REAL reason King Jerry and his court of Jester RBMDs were using all of us to build a parking lot and runway for thier over priced toys, but hey, it would be closer than Cartersville and the funds I paid to rent planes and buy av-gas would go here instead of Bartow.



    In a nut shell, we do not need to be throwing another $40million against such a failed effort. Let it stand on its own, as a general aviation airport. Make it profitable enough to pay its own way into commercialization then so be it. But no more of our tax money going down the money pit drain please.

    • Like 5
  3. What boycotting local businesses because they support something you don't?  O.M.G.!!





    Not necessarily boycotting a business because the do, or no not support continuing to pour money into the airport.


    The CHAMBER is supposed to be a non-partisan, non-political entity promoting business in general in the county.


    If this was a cut and dried business deal, with no political strings attached it might be completely different.


    Had it been presented to the citizens above board, the facts on the table, some positive PR spin, with the good, bad and ugly all laid naked out for everyone to see, it would be a completely different situation.


    4 or our 5 commissioners have chosen to do the airport, with or without citizen support, with our without citizen comments, with or without citizen taxpayer consent to spending another $40,000,000 or more, going against everything those citizens were promised when this started 8 years ago.


    They chose to make it very political, and at the same time they chose to deny 25% of the Paulding citizens of their right to political representation on the Board of Commissioners by their duly elected commissioner.


    They did NOT have the right to do that, nor the permission or anything else.



    For the Chamber to then come out and run a full page ad, send out a letter, both full of mis-representations and false information, was not the correct thing to do.


    I feel it is wrong for the Chamber to even consider getting involved in this Bru-ha-ha. They are free to make a statement possibly endorsing MRO and other industrial business efforts at the airport. The Chamber should NOT be endorsing spending another $40Million of the tax payers money with the efforts at the airport.


    So for me, to boycott a business because the owners are pro or con is not the issue. My issue is with the Chamber as a whole getting involved.


    The Board of Directors of the Chamber should consider hosting a Chamber Town Hall Meeting and discussing the airport issues and let their membership choose what they want to endorse, or NOT endorse.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm amazed at the hypocrites on this site that can't stand Pubby, maybe even hate him, and continue to use this site FOR FREE.


    So while we're at it, bring on the trash. I love a good, trashy read.





    I also am amazed by those who use Paulding.com to their advantage, as non-paying members, and then on top of that trash the owner who allows them to participate as non-paying members.


    I know a great deal of this has been a general boycott by those who disagree with Pubby's politics, yet use the site to spew their rhetoric...for free.


    Not even considering the costs involved with keeping a site of this size operational.


    At least go on and sign up for a general membership if you want to be active and participate.


    Or shut the crap up.


    No where else is there a forum like this, that allows ALL views to be aired.


    If you don't want to vote for Pubby for Commissioner, then fine, no one is twisting your arm. But if you are going to use his forum to trash him, and not even pay to be a member, that is pretty chitty don't 'ya thing ? But then again, knowing those with the local GOP who have always been clear on how much disdain they have for P.com and Pubby, what do you expect.


    I can say this, ......without P.com, King Jerry would have remained in office for another 4 years. Might not have been any worse than King David [oh the biblical repercussions!!!!], but might have been better. He could have ended up with 2 or 3 places in the Keys bought and paid for by the taxpayers and RBMDs.


    Our illustrious Board of Commissioners have embarassed us all with their actions these past 6 months. They have subverted the entire process concerning the airport, and bear in mind that is not high on my personal priority list, other than the $40million pissed away we don't even know what on.


    They have screwed us all.


    But then again, FindSomething and I know that as they have been doing that to us through the courts, using your tax payer dollars for almost 8 years now.


    What could those $2Million spent by the BoC in our lawsuits have paid for to help out the average citizen of Paulding ? Or employee ?


    Instead, they keep on spending money to protect the RBMDs and their campaign contributors, and to Break us. Which they have successfully done now.

    • Like 1
  5. Atlanta is a destination folks and the smaller airlines from smaller airports that have lost their commercial service because of the profit maximizing attitude Delta has closed the door of their access here.


    That more of the destinations are coming to the north side of Atlanta is a key factor, IMO, in the viability of this commercial airport. The investors see that too or they'd run away at any price.


    Instead, they're here and they're waiting for the politics to play out because, well, they've been burned what, two other times, by NIMBYs and CAVEs.


    You folks are against the airport because you don't want growth. Folks, growth is coming and it is going to continue to come. Population projections for the county put us at 450,000 residents around 2050. And know I oppose building a fence around the county.



    Wrong Pubby!


    While some may be against any sort of growth, most I communicate with concerning the airport are against pouring more and more money down the drain. PCAA and IBA have a very poor track record.


    For me, it's a no brainer. Take that same $40million over the next 5 years one invest it in industrial park development.


    The lobs created doing this versus commerciali flight from SCF would be 100 or 1000 times more and would indeed provide a tremendous ROI and make even lore money and more jobs.

    • Like 1
  6. <br /><br /><br />


    My only concern is for the homeowners that will be severely impacted by the large planes.

    There has to be a way to distinguish severity.

    I know there is also a business up there that will be negatively impacted.


    If the money has not already been paid to the lawyers it will be before it is over. These people can be bought out.


    It is starting to look like to me that lawyers are running this county with the only consequences for their advice being a bigger payday.


    As we all know the law is not always moral.

    The law does however leave a lot of room for people to act in a moral way.

    This is what we expect of elected officials.


    Something that should always be remembered no amount of money will re-elect a person if they can not win a popular vote.


    How you treat people also makes a huge difference in their support for endeavors.

    Turning your back on their concerns or disrespecting them will never turn out well.


    There are true laws of human behavior some of the things done were a guarantee that there would be problems.


    There needs to be some very basic changes made in the way things are done, then a town meeting with both sides carefully explaining their concerns and intents. Then people need to appoint people to sit down and start a compromise.


    It still amazes me that our county sees money spent on lawyers as better spent than individuals that have been truly harmed by the action of some.





    Ah, but you miss their main issue LPPT.


    In order to sit down and discuss it, they would have to ante up, and ADMIT that some wrongs have been done, and their egos are much to large for that.'


    They have shown, over and over, they would rather pay the obscene lawyer fees to litigate, than to admit they possibly have made a mistake. And it is truly INSANE to watch them do the same thing over and over and over again....yet expect to obtain different results.


    They will keep getting the same results, and we will keep getting Piss Poor Planning, Piss Poor Management and achieving Piss Poor Results.

    • Like 1
  7. Hope they don't need to FLY into Paulding to look at sites...or sure hope they don't attend an AA or BOC meeting and see the STOP ALL PROGRESS GROUP in action!




    You would see NOTHING but positive news about PAULDING if your STOP ALL PROGRESS IN PAULDING group would SHUT UP!!!




    Right you are there.


    Since Blake and the PCAA chose to tear up the taxi ways with no secured funding to widen them, we how have a muddy mess with no useable taxiways forcing planes to back taxi down the runway and hope no other planes are coming in to land.


    Now, the $64,000 question is how much more Jamie Gilbert and the Economic Development Office could get done if he had the $38,000,000 to spend on spec buildings and building ready lots, the BoC wants to let the PCAA borrow for more work at the airport???

    • Like 1
  8. David Austin ran against Jerry Shearin on a platform of open, honest, transparent government leadership.


    Something Mr Shearin had lost during his tenure in office.


    The grass roots issues were not much else the summer of 2009 ..... the economy had not melted yet, and the Paulding checkbook was actually flush.


    But Jerry had not trust left from his consituents. And P.com contributed to that by brining up his quotes from the 2004 election from the archives.


    David Austin won in a landslide victory, but not so much as a victory for him, as it was a vote of no-confidence in Shearin and his Robber Barrons.


    And the interchange at the commmission meeting between Shearin, Todd Pownall, and Pat Crook over that INFAMOUS email that was made public was Shearin's feather that broke the camel's back.



    Well Mr Austin has not lived up to his promises of open, honest transparent government. Surrpise surprise ? Another lying politician ?


    Who knows?


    But the same sort of email paper trail is going to be his undoing as well. He has been caught outright lying and deceiving twice in less than 2 weeks, and has not admitted anything, nor has he apologized.....and I don't expect him to. And forget giving him any "Wiggle Room". These guys need to be held to the highest of standards, not "wiggle room".


    The whole idea of the legislation is a slap at the judicial system as it stands. The judge is expected to rule on what the law is, and says. I disagree with arm twisting at the 11th hour to change the law in order to remove their, the BoC and IBA's tail from the crack. Let the crack squeeze down on it until they are screaming in pain.


    If we teach our children morals that parralell the actions of these politicians, we can expect to be raising a crop of criminals.


    You don't bend and change the laws to suit your needs, ...."Because you can do it and get away with it".



    And the most pitiful part of all, is this is happening so the BoC can look the other way while the IBA issues bonds to pour more good money after bad into the airport sinkhole which NO ONE HAS SHOWN US ANY PROSPECT OF ACTUALLY WOEKING OUT to ever be even self supporting !!!!!

    • Like 2
  9. The arrogance is actually rather unsettling.


    On our legal cases, he CLAIMS he is following the Commissioner's rule book. When he took office, his predecessor had already spent $750,000 to litigate and keep us out of the courtroom. And David Austin told us to our faces "That was wrong and he intended to fix it".


    Since January 2009, David Austin's commission has spent MORE than $750,000 in legal litigation solely against us to make certain they broke us.


    Because we had the nads to stand up to the bullies.


    They threatened that they would break us....and they did. All to protect their county department heads and developer buddies who had done us wrong.


    Karma King David......watch out for the Karma Train when it comes rolling at you.

    • Like 1
  10. If the rain holds off, the weather for this sure is nice.


    We have been to many a Rome Braves Game, and it is a great deal of fun.


    And for the little league kids, it is the same as being at Turner Field. Most do not have any concept of Minor League versus Major League.


    We watched Smoltzy start his come back rehab there several years back.


    Much more up close and personal.

  11. As posted by Concerned Paulding Resident:







    " refuse to allow citizens to question the scheme in the PCAA meeting "


    They have told your group REPEATADLY that the PCAA monthly Board Meetings are just that...WORKING sessions for the Board to meet and make the decisions they are supposed to be making. These meeting are NOT designed or set up (in spite of ya'll telling every media outlet that will listen) to be Q & A sessions for public input! How hard is that to understand! "


    So I am calling you out CPR.....


    Can you inform me, and your posse, just how WellStar came to acquire the additonal 40+ acres of land, next to the 33 acres they already owned at the corner of 278 & 120/Bill Carruth in March of 2006 ?

  12. <br /><br /><br />


    " refuse to allow citizens to question the scheme in the PCAA meeting "


    They have told your group REPEATADLY that the PCAA monthly Board Meetings are just that...WORKING sessions for the Board to meet and make the decisions they are supposed to be making. These meeting are NOT designed or set up (in spite of ya'll telling every media outlet that will listen) to be Q & A sessions for public input!  How hard is that to understand!





    So according to this bureau of misinformation, the PCAA and the IBA work sessions are not intended to have citizen input ?


    Please explain to your readership just how WellStar came to acquire the additional 40+ acres of land in March of 2006 from the IBA, which was adjacent to the 33 acres they already owned on the corner ?

  13. BUT BUT where are the plans for the parking lot heck we were suppose to be boarding planes in February





    They can park on the shoulder of 278?


    <br /><br /><br />


    "We elected our BOC to do a job, based on their campaign platforms."


    NO...We actually VOTED for and these folks were elected to do the job BASED ON THEIR ABILITIES, and QUALIFICATIONS!!  Many times issues change and opportunities open themselves up that may not have been there 6 months or a year or more ago.  The folks handling our County business have to be able to revisit opportunity and make decisions based on their knowledge and ability to do so.  Most of these folks are business owners and have learned thru the years how to do this...again I don't think it would matter how they handled things to the STOP ALL PROGRESS IN PAULDING group.





    at 2-1/2% for the gross, thats $1.6Billion they have to gross to pay pack the principlbe.


    Wouldn't it make much better sense to build nice rentable buildings in the new Commerce Park and some of the other parks to bring businesses here ?


    Show me a Plan, that adds up, and maybe we can discuss it then.

    • Like 1
  14. I came to my "qualified conclusion" at the part where YOU said , it doesn't matter who is paying the attorney's fees.   I don't want Delta running our county and dictating what we should or should not do and I would hope that anybody in their right mind would have a problem with this.




    Again, we elected our BOC to do a job.  The airport is here and they are simply trying to utilize it to its fullest potential.  


    They are not doing this for them or their friends.  They are doing this for the overall good of our community and it's citizens.  


    Maybe if some of you would open your minds and realize that everything in the world doesn't revolve around a conspiracy theory, we could actually get some worthwhile things accomplished.






    We elected our BOC to do a job based on their campaign promises. They ran on platforms of open transparency, and then did the secret airport deal. That is NOT open and transparent.


    They refuse to release even the basics of how this deal is going to make money, and tell us it if for our own best interests. But to date, virtually every promise made concerning this airport has turned out to be a lie.


    Why won't they publish a detailed report on what has been spent to date ?

    And what has the FAA paid us back for ?

    Where, and how, is our 2-1/2% of the gross going to pay back $40,000,000? Do your math. They will have to generate $1.6BILLION in gross revenue in order to pay back the $40Million Blake Swafford had in his 5 year plan.


    You REALLY think Silver Comet Field will generate that kind of money ? And that is not including interest. Just principle.


    We elected our BOC to do a job, based on their campaign platforms.


    Please show me anything from the BoC candidates in 2010 or 2012 where there was support for commercializing our airport.

    • Like 2
  15. [quote >ETA I also know Surepip and Mrs.Surepip.

    I have nothing but nice things to say about both.

    Whatever Surepip's issues are with the county they have nothing to do with him being a good or bad guy.

    I think we all would be a little bitter if we felt that we were dealt a bad hand in a crooked poker game, regardless of if others see it that way or not.

    I know surepip to be a good man and his wife to be a great lady.

    (like myself, I think surepip got real lucky in the wife department)





    Thank you sir.


    Yes, I have been told many times I far out-punted my coverage when it came to getting MrsSurepip as my soulmate and wife.


    And it really hurt me yesterday, on her birthday, that she had to spent her little bit of free time to come and fetch me from the clutches of Cobb Wellstar hospital. That is not a fun way to spend the last hours of your birthday.


    And I was most grateful to see her pull up and take me away from that place. Nothing against the hospital, other than I don't like those places.....they are full of sick people.

  16. OK...So how can someone who states all the positives you just did in the above Post be as NEGATIVE day in and day out with your vents against David and the other Commissioners as are.  You NEVER have anything to say that even remotely suggest you could or would support ANY project they are involved with.  I have no doubt, in fact I realize you suffered a loss with the developer you reference BUT what is it going to take for you to support the County leadership in a venture.  At some point there has to be a line drawn between your lawsuit and every other County project.  That's all I am saying...wasn't attacking you personally just your posted views and stances.








    I can only say you are full of chit.


    You ask anyone directly involved with Economic Development here for the last 20 years where I have stood, and what I have done, and what I continue to do. I can only say, as above, you are full of chit.


    I have never made a penny off of anything I have done to promote economic development here. I moved my business here in 1989, with 2 employees. By 1995=1996 I had 25 employees, all of whom but 1 lived in Paulding. So don't give me your BS about what I have or have not done.


    I have never found any of our "Authorities", IBA, PCAA, BoC, Plannng & Zoning to be anything other than committees of sychophantic hangers on to the BoC. Most who knew absolutely NOTHING about the authority they were on. An IBA chairman who did not know what a "Dock Height Loading Bay Door" was ?!?!?!? Give me a break. If he did not know why a business would need a loading bay to drive a forklift into a truck to load or unload cargo, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE explain to me what in the hell he was doing as the Chairman of the IBA?!?!?


    You guys have been drinking the BoC KookAid for so long you have no idea of where the real world is when it comes to bringing business to Paulding, as it so obvious with our illustrious Airport Authority. Please tell me the credentials of Austin, Austin, Devey, Lamount, et al for running the airport ?????


    It is pretty obvious to anyone watching that none of them knows what in the hell they are doing.


    Keep pissing the money down into the airport sinkhole, moneypit. None will ever come back until you get some people involved who have an idea at least of what is going on. And it is obvious none of the current members do.


    Hey Calvin, are you going to give us another, "Believe you me, if it is going to be commercial I will have nothing to do with it". Yet you were just re-elected chairman again. 30+ years and growing. Must me doing one hell of a great job.


    This is so absolutely pitiful it is painful to those watching our money just pour down Blakes Sinkhole.


    A money pit is rapidly become an understatement. It is a sinkhole and will remain that way until we find some people to run the PCAA who have something of an idea of what it might take to make it a profitable venture.


    Give the money to Jamie Gilbert and the Economic Development Group and build some spec buildings to rent/lease to prospective tennants. Then bankroll the airport with those profits.


    The opposite, profits from the airport to economic development will never happen. This airport as it stands will NEVER turn a profit of 1 cent. Let alone a return on investment.


    As long as you keep putting the cart in front of the horse, the pair are going nowhere.

    • Like 4
  17. <br /><br /><br />


    You sir are TRULY a SAD SAD individual who has such a horrible outlook on life in Paulding County.  You have complete disregard for seemingly EVERY elected official here now and who has ever been in office here.  There is obviously NOTHING anyone can do to appease you and until your lawsuit is resolved you are obviously going to BEAT that drum until you wear it out!  I have an IDEA...WHY don't YOU run for office and let's see if you can do any better...then see how you like folks coming on here bashing hell out of you and your family!





    First I will repost this:



    I wanted to reply to this from the hospital but couldn't.


    We now have an A+ Industrial Office Park, with covenants and restrictions as the other parks should have had.


    They are talking another $10 Million for just the work at the airport already slated, and another $30 Million over 5 years.


    Take that money and build A+ Spec buildings in the commerce park,....100.000 square feet that can be divided, with a loading bay per 5,000 SF. And a couple of specific buildings, 50,000 or so.


    Put up 10, 12, 15 buildings that can be rented whole, or sub divided.


    And rent them. Might even get lucky and sell one, although I doubt that. Leasing is the way to go.


    When the Phase 1 of the Commerce Park is leased out, and Phase 2 underway, .......THEN, start working on spending some of the profit from those lease incomes on the airport land for MROs and others businesses offsite.


    Take the bird in the hand, not the pie in the sky in the bushes.


    Businesses, light manufacturing, warehousing, distribution centers, etc. WILL NOT COME HERE AND PUT UP THERE OWN BULDINGS.


    We got VERY lucky with Interroll. Very, very lucky. It won't happen again soon.


    All these housing groups know, and realize, they have to have a substantial inventory in order to sell them.


    It is the same for industry. There has to be an inventory of NICE buildings in NICE parks, of which we have ZERO.


    That will generate rental income, and bring many, many more good jobs then what the pie in the sky airport scams are projecting. Take the bird in the hand for now, and let it grow the rest. "


    I cannot get the quote brackets to work.



    Now, to your comments on me, and the county.


    Please ask Economic Development how much time and effort I have devoted to them ?


    How many companies I have tried to bring into Paulding, only to find out and realize with no available buildings, there is no place for them to move into.


    How many leads I have given them, even though the BoC and the other authorities do all they can to squash us ?


    No sir, you are very very wrong in your assessment of what my wife and I have done to try to bring industry to Paulding.


    I handed them 2 businesses I sublet to in the early 1990s, when their lease for our sublets were 6 months from expiring. All they had to do was find them a place to move into. They were already here, with 2500 square feet and office personnel.


    1 moved to Bloomington, Illinois where they now have almost 500,000 square feet, and the other to Tulsa, Ok., where they have 50,000 square feet. Both were here, and would still be here if our BOC and IBA had extracted their collective thumbs from their butts and found them a place to move to. We had them and lost them.


    But I have continued to try and move other businesses here. From Belgium, Holland, Brasil and France. But could never get any interest from the BoC or IBA to find them buildings to move to.


    Interroll was a great deal. I was an Interroll dealer from 1990 until 2005 when I shut down. They are a great company. Ask the Economic Development Group about my role with Interroll. I have not asked for nor expect any kudos, but even with the way the BoC has treated us, and our lawsuits, I do keep trying to do whatever I can to bring light industry and warehouse/distribution centers to Paulding.


    But they need buildings ready to move into and we have none.


    Instead, our BoC and IBA keep promoting the airport.


    When you have a few minutes to spare, why don't you ask Mark Haney with WellStar who facilitated their purchase of the IBA option for the other 40+ acres they bought in March of 2006 which allowed them to triple the size of the footprint of the medical campus they now are going to have here. We did that, with no financial enumeration for us. We did it because someone needed to step forward and let them know they actually had an option on 40+ acres of the Palisades PRD.


    The county put the stipulation into the original zoning approval for the IBA to buy that 40+ acres and sell it to WellStar, but no one with the county was willing to make WellStar aware that they had such an opportunity.


    We did.


    And that is what set off the war between us and the developer. We caused the developer to have to give up 40+ acres of relatively flat land and as a result, the developer had to buy 40+ acres of billy-goat land, with steep hills and ravines to come up with enough land to build his 500+ homes........of which only 100 got built.


    No sir, we have been the most of ardent supporters of Paulding Development that is realistic.


    The airport is pie in the sky.....no concrete plan, no long term realistic plan.


    The airport is a money pit. The BoC, and PCAA as well as the IBA have so much money invested they are now wanting to invest more just to keep it afloat. I do not see it EVER giving any sort of return on investment as promised by Blake Swafford back in 2004, 2005, 2006. It is a money pit that will suck every dollar giving no return.


    Put the money where it CAN offer returns. Businesses will not move here and build their own buildings. As I said before, we were very, very lucky, with Jamie Gilbert's help to land Interroll.


    There are many Interroll suppliers and customers who would be willing to locate facilities here now that Interroll is here, but they need buildings to move into, and plane and simply there are none.




    Ask the IBA, and the BoC. They have had the money to develop a good industrial park, and now with Interroll, they have the perfect place to do so. Why are we not financing that, instead of Blakes money pit ?

    • Like 2
  18. <br /><br /><br />

    Betcha that David will not call for anymore townhall meetings,not after the one up here in burnt hickory when he had over 200 folks yelling at him.





    That shows him to be what we have already determined he is....a coward, who is already owned and controlled my the puppeteers, ....THE FIRM, as well as the cadre of ROBBER BARON MEGA DEVELOPERS still hanging around waiting for their feeding trough to open up again.


    If you can't stand the heat David, you might want to consider getting the hell out of the kitchen. You own the citizen taxpayers of this county explanations as to why you and your little group have decided you know best, regardless of what the citizens want.


    Why not call for a May referendum ? Scared of the results ?

    • Like 6
  19. And just think they are using tax dollars to bully citizens, into accepting the expansion of the airport for commercial passenger service that a vast majority of the citizens do not want.

    And using tax dollars to pay for the expansion itself, When is this madness going to stop.





    It will end when the lying asshats leave office.....or are shown the door by the voters.


    You would think with all this controversy they would be at least initiating, and hosting, town hall type meetings.


    I guess the next step is to see if the citizens against the airport expansion can get a referendum onto the ballot in May. It is obvious the Board of Commissioners has no interest in doing this....to publicly ask the voters what they want.


    To me the most obvious plan would be for the BoC to ask our legislators to amend the laws as they now stand, to require a public referendum for any more money to be spent at the airport.


    If they are so, so sure of themselves, as they claim to be in our lawsuits, why not let the voters decide for themselves ?


    Could it be they are scared of how the voters will vote ?

  20. I really was amazed when I looked at the video last night and heard what Mr. Smith said.

    All this bull chit that was talked about during yesterday's hearing was completely unnecessary, And what made this so bad was Blake Swafford was the star witness for the county yesterday and he was standing right beside Brett Smith at the  chamber meeting in December when the statement was made.


    What is the County, PCAA and the IBA thinking about.... Why would they rather file suit against a group of tax paying citizens as opposed to allowing their "partner" pay for the construction and let him get reimbursed by the FAA.


    Shaking my head in disgust with the actions that took place in Superior court yesterday...... What a waste of tax dollars!!!





    Like the $1.5MILLION+++ they have spent in litigation against us, JUST TO KEEP US OUT OF THE COURTROOM!!!!


    Not 1 minute in court to date on the actual merits or details involved with the suits. Just litigation and smokescreen to make us have to pay and pay and pay simply to exercise our RIGHT, guarranteed by the first amendment to seek redress against government.


    I guess we need to ask our congressment and Senators to support a new ammendment to the constitution, modifying the 1st Amendment Clause to include making it a prerequisite that any citizen wishing to exercise their 1st Amendment Rights must have at least $500,000 in order to be qualified to do so.


    Stop to consider, we met with Mr Austin, and Mr Graham and Mr Pownall, and discussed, in March 2009 when the bill for the county was $750,000 and $175,000 for us....that they pay our legal fees of $175,000, and throw the developer under the bus, making him responsible for fighting us. To date, the actual developer has only spent $13,000 in legal fees. The county has been providing the litigating money.....yet the BOC yells and screams it is unfair if Delta is assisting the paulding residents who are trying to exercise their 1st Amendment rights.


    Instead, Mr Austin and company have paid more than another $750,000 for a total now far exceeding $1,500,000, instead of settling with us.


    You can pretty much predict what they will do from here on out, and it will be to hunker down and fight, right or wrong, just because they can.

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