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ridge rd retiree

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Everything posted by ridge rd retiree

  1. rescue 10 responding at 10:52 hrs x-street of jane harris drive . elderly female is vomiting with diarrhea
  2. off south johnston st officer 105 furnished 2 28's to be run one returned on a 93 red mitsubishi,
  3. southwind drive- officer out this location.............................
  4. 4813 ridge road - building 103- amazing variety - in reference to window painting officer is 10-76
  5. officer65 and others 10-8 this location- going to other location..... officers out 27 barbee path , 28's furnished
  6. OFFICER 195 has requested to have shelton wrecker be 10-76- gsp has been notified
  7. in reference to a lease officers are 10-76 x- street of hwy 61 south
  8. x- street of mud green road 47 yr old male has injuries rescue and clarks are responding
  9. 9:48 hrs ALLERGIC reaction................... 36 Charity drive- 4 yr old male clarks med 6 responding
  10. emory air flight has just lifted off with the patient aboard 10-76 to atlanta hospital
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