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Posts posted by paulding89

  1. :acute: (Don't believe it...she's really da :diablo: ) :ninja:



    Mine was actually one my X came up with, but I like it, and it would be difficult to change now. B (as in be) witchy (as in witch, which is what I am). Of course, he always said it was easy to drop the "w" at times, too, and it would still fit. :rolleyes:

    I always laugh when people are posting to/about you and accidentally put "bitchy".....kills me every time :lol:

  2. I am out of district and have known them both all my life (34 years) I am kin to tommie and good friends with 4 of larry's sons and I would vote for Larry Hart and he has my support; tommie is a great person but i feel he is a little too close to shearin; and I want him (shearin)and all ties out of here.

    Glad someone pointed that out....I'm a Hart supporter just 'cause my family has known him forever and I know he's a good, honest man. I didn't know much about Graham but now I know ENOUGH ---- ANYONE w/close ties to Shearin needs to be OUT in my opinion....he'll be playing puppet master if he has anything to do with it! He's just THAT MUCH of a SHARK!


    I voted for Danny too. I have known Danny for many years. Danny ran a first class honorable and ethical campaign. I know Danny would have made an excellent Commissioner. However the majority chose otherwise, which has put this next election run off in motion.


    I believe Danny will encourage you to reconsider and continue to vote in all future elections. Consult with Danny, he is a good leader.


    I was encouraged last night to see all the parents who brought their children to Dallas to witness our political process in action. These parents taught a great lesson on government to their children last night. The children learned lessons we adults should follow.


    I know you are hurt and let down tonight, but please reconsider to continue voting after you let some time pass from this defeat.


    :blink: wut????


  3. I hope Ms. Phillips does a great job. Derek Lawrence has been a super friends to the kids and parents of PC and I wanted to thank him.

    Derek was great - I'm shocked that he didn't win. I guess everyone is ready for change in all areas. Take a well deserved break, Derek....you have done a fine job for many years for Paulding County between becoming a PC teacher to PC parent to PC board member. Well done! ;)

  4. It's really sad that there are kids in high school that misuse all or a lot of those very words so much that I'm afraid they're too far gone....you'd think with it all being relatively "fresh" in their minds that they'd be able to make proper use of these words! I blame texing for a lot of that though. That crap is going to make for a bunch of idiots a decade from now (or sooner) - people who won't even be able to form a simple sentence. ^_^


    Thanks for your attempt to educate though ;)

  5. We have problems with people riding on our property as well...we even put up a fence to prevent it and the INTRUDERS TORE IT DOWN!!!! Next is wildlife cameras to catch them I guess. Of course the police can't do much w/o "proof"....I've thought about the nails too...maybe if they have flat tires routinely, they'll think twice before trespassing!

  6. What do you mean by TPO? Is this like a temporary restraining order?

    I was wondering what the crap she was talking about too --- I hate acronyms....they're annoying and stupid. I've even heard people refer to Atlanta Bread Company as ABC.....that's just freakin' lazy :lol:

  7. Politics has always been nasty. And the closer the election date, the nastier it gets.


    It doesn't bother me.


    I always vote, and my mind was made up a long time ago.


    Anything to get Shearin out of office.

    I said that too --- I guess MOST politicians are crooked in some way, shape or form....just time for a different CROOK to be in that seat :lol:


    All kidding aside, I really think that new blood is what is needed. David knows he'll be under the microscope so he'll do a fine job, even if it's just for one term. I really cannot believe there isn't a LIMIT on the number of terms one can serve -- it's a bit dangerous to have the same person serve over and over - people tend to get too "comfortable" and start thinking they're untouchable. Guess he found out different this week!


  8. Okay if the "Thursday" thing is a mistake, alright.


    But then again, can it really be a mistake--this is the biggest day of her hubby's life.


    So with that being said---SHAME ON KATHY SHEARIN!!! As my old preacher would say---take a second and follow me, now..... I am sure there are people that will get the letter, and will honestly think that the primary is Thursday. Or maybe people will get it and amidst the trails and demands of their lives will accidently put in their minds that Thursday is the primary. Now if they do that because of Mrs. Shearin's letter, has she not hindered the election process. Isn't this rather unethical. I know all you Shearinites will scream that this is a far stretch. But is it?? How many times, have you accidently got in your head the wornd day of the week tagged on to a different day of the month. I know I can't be the only one who has done it. (And yes, I gave K. Shearin this benefit of doubt , already). But again, being such an important day for her hubby you'd think she could get it right..)


    Anyway, back on track---and please, still try to follow me---- Amidst the allegations of corruption, shouldn't Mrs. Shearin be walkin a fine line. In light of the issue involving the Administration's attempt to dissuade or hide the public notice of tax increase from the public---should Shearin or rather his wife be pulling shading stunts to confuse the voters?? If this was a political shunt, was it not a stunt to hinder the votes for Mr. Austin. Isn't this a stunt that hinders the electoral process. Is this something you would expect a honest, upstanding, ethical person would pull. Or rather that of someone that is willing to do anything to benefit themselves. The electoral process in this counrty is precious, and one never to be abused or obstructed. How can a God loving, God fearing, American loving, County loving, Freedom loving, person pull stunts that hinder one of our greatest freedoms in the country. How much blood has been shed to protect this process freedom, this precious right we have as Americans.




    Until we demand more from our election officials, we absolutely will not get it. Shouldn't we demand that our elected officials be honest, upstanding and ethical. Shouldn't our elected officials fight to keep corruption out of our public offices?


    Less we forget that only one week ago, our nation celebrated our Independence Day. A day celebrated in honor of the courage and bravery, of those who originally defended our Nation from tyranny, and the oppression of a corrupt political system. Can we as Americans continue to let what our forefighter fought so hard against, again take over our way of lives.


    Please people, overcome apathy, naiveity, and unfortunately, ignorance. Ask the tought questions, demand transparency, and demand that honor and servitude be returned to ALL ELECTED offices.


    End this now. No longer except lies, corruption, manipulation, and abuse. To do so, you shame all that has been fought and died under our flag and in the name of our country.


    And one more punch---for those of you that say, Jerry had nothing to do with this, then all I can say is if he allows dishonest behavior from his wife, then how the hello can he keep his administration in line and honest. And yes, I am saying this as a woman!!!

    I have ADD and could not read all of that but I think I got most of it :lol: I agree that it was a DIRTY TRICK! They must be shaking in their boots to stoop to such a level.

  9. He is a great person....but this has to do with politics not personal....he has a great family...but to me this was totally out of character for him....

    I concur - I've known him my entire life, love him BUT this is totally NOT personal - I'm still surprised that he'd support Shearin. I truly cannot believe there is a single person in this county who is not SICK and FED UP with him. Say what you want about the other candidates but change is a must at this point (now I'm starting to sound like NObama) :wacko: :lol:

  10. If the people that took it are reading this......I'm also in the east Paulding area, I'll leave my 2002 Suburban outside the garage tonight with the doors unlocked, please come steal it, but make sure it can never be found, or if found make sure it's totaled. :D

    I was thinking about that - not that I have one that needs to be stolen - but I'll bet insurance companies are doing a LOT more investigating on stolen vehicles, especially gas guzzlers.


    NOT that I'm insinuating anything - I'm really not - I hope you find your truck :(


    That's a big damn truck - how the heck could that go unnoticed????? The must've pushed it outta your driveway - I'm sure it's not quiet....or maybe you weren't home :unknw:

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