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Posts posted by donnier

  1. They are human beings, feelip, not stray dogs.


    Our construction gives them the right to vote. We cannot make our own laws. They will be voting as long as there is a United States. I think the people who take $500 from the proceeds of business profit, while others take only $1 from the proceeds, should not be allowed to vote, but they do.


    WT - what do you smoke in order to come up with this stuff? The Constitution does not give them the right to vote. It does not give any particular group the roght to vote. It only lays out what the governement can NOT use to disqualify people from voting. Race, color or previous condition of servitude (i.e. slaves). Since we don't have any curently living previous US slaves, that leaves two conditions that the governement can NOT use to disqualify someone from voting. Race or color. Any other condition is wide open. So it would be nice if Congress would revise the voter qualifications so that those who live off of us who pay the bills could not vote.


    Does that mean that the disabled or infirm should be put on the streets, no - we should take care of those people. Others should care for them selves or look to charity.

  2. Technically we are only supposed to vote on the first tuesday after the first monday in november per the constitution...but...some states have opened up 'early voting' (thanks to Algore) with each having there rules and times for the early voting. So yes, you probably heard right.


    You really should take the time to read the Constitution. It says nothing about voting on the 1st Tuesday. In fact, it says nothing about you having a right to vote on the President.


  3. People who are allowed to vote had better take advantage of that opportunity, because It may not last much longer.


    I will make a few assumptions first - college Sr., so not paying income taxes, doesn't own a home or property - so really what business does she have voting anyway? Whay should she be eligble to vote for candidates who will impact my taxes when she is dependent upon my ablility to pay taxes.


    Until you are actually paying taxes, you should not be voting.

  4. Yeah - self suficient. Ask citizens of the former soviet block how good life was when they were isolated and forced to be self suficient as a nation.


    You people crack me up. In 15 years, you'll be bi*@#ing and moaning that the government isn't doing enough. It will never be enough.


    The USA will soon be dead because people like WT are so jealous of people who are successful that they will vote for a communist who will take from the rich guy and give it to him. I have news for you WT - the government will start out taking from the rich guy, but they will finish by taking from you.



  5. Just as I though, LTD!


    I didn't know the statistics. But, like Buffet says this is only half the picture. Payroll tax is not included in the Federal income tax statistics. 75% of the people pays all the payroll tax, while the other 25% pays only half of the total tax (Income & payroll together)


    That's BS WT!


    Payroll tax is not the same as Income Tax. You are ignoring the fact that the bottom 50% of workers are paying basically nothing to run the governement, of which they benefit.


    Everyone pays into the Payroll tax system because it is unemployement and social security insurance. What, now you want me to fund your retirement as well?


    He!!, why don't you just take all of my check. I'll stop working and be a leech as well - oh wait, if enough of us do that then there would be no one to pay the bills.


    Good grief - some people should not be allowed to vote.

  6. I think bizarre piercings make one look cheap. By the same token, I've never seen a tattoo that I thought enhanced someone's appearance. I know this is an extremely unpopular opinion but don't care.


    There ya go! :D



    Amen. :)

  7. What everyone seems to want to ignore is this -


    We pay a varying amount of INCOME taxes based on the amount of TAXABLE income we have. The more you make, the higher the percentage. The bottom 45% (roughly) of income earners do not make enough to have an INCOME tax liability (in other words they pay NO INCOME tax). Your full income is used to calulate your INCOME tax liability.


    We all pay the same percentage for PAYROLL taxes on our GROSS income up to the $90,000 number Buffett mentioned. Beyond the 90k, no one pays taxes. This PAYROLL tax is for social security and unemployment insurance. You pay in and then you get back when you retire. In fact, most people will get back FAR more than they ever pay in. If you would like to reduce the amount of your SS check at retirement, then I'd be all for reducing the amount of SS tax you contribute each pay period.


    Buffett is comparing apples to oranges in hopes that people don't catch on. It seems to be working.


    Wealth redistribution = Socialism.

  8. I can't wait to see it. I have an image of GWB as a really fun loving person, in person. Someone you would like to hang around with. Didn't agree with the war in Iraq, and I feel he was influenced into some bad decisions and given some bad advice at times, but probably an overall good person at heart.

    Guess I'll find out when I watch the movie. I hope it is funny. :p


    You are going to rely on a movie about him by a guy who has nothing but dislike for him and expect to find out what kind of person he was. Good grief.


  9. He is not comparing the same things. Warren Buffet earns most of his "pay" from dividends which are taxed at a lower rate than his secretary's pay check is.


    It's really funny how wealty democrats are real generous whne it comes to talking but not when actually comes to giving.

  10. Anybody seen the sign?Supposed to reopen soon.Help wanted sign out front.....


    We saw that as well. I wonder if it's entirely new management. The previous owners did not know how to cook catfish. The food was nasty. A really good catfish place would be great.

  11. And this is exactly why their votes won't count.


    Actually, their vote has the potential to cancel your vote.


    That's why we should set requirements for voting, a test of basic economics, basic US Government, basic US History. Add to that some requirements to have an actual job earning enough to require the paying of income taxes and we could weed out the ignorant voters that are going to take this country down the tubes.

  12. I would like to know why we are in the shape we are in with the gas.I talked with my son tonight,he is in the Air Force stationed in Boiser City,La.I asked him if gas was in short supply there and he said,what gas shortage?Gas is $3.55 a gallon there and there is no shortage there so,what the hell is going on here in Georgia?Can someone shine some light on this. :angry:


    The metro ATL area is mandated by the EPA to use a special blend gasoline, one of like 50 differnt special blends. The ATL blend is refined in the area of TX that was hit by the last storm. Some of that area still has no power, thus a lack of refining capacity. Lack of capacity + no reduction in ATL demand = shortages. The EPA waited a week to waive the special blend requirement. So as normal gasoline that is used in other areas of GA, AL, and TN makes it way into ATL, the supplies will normalize and prices will drop.


    I went to Tifton today and had no problem finding gas once outside the metro ATL area.

  13. yeah, i agree... the normal joe cant afford what gas stations are charging for normal fuel, much less $8.29 for what is listed on the pump as mid-grade.... and on the news tonight our govt. wants to use our tax dollars to bail out wall street, if this is the case, then why cant the normal joe get a mortgage break for the period of time that it will take to financially get wall street out of their trouble... or maybe if we change our skin color, or state that we are from another nation, then for the first five years that we live here we dont pay taxes... how can this ever help anyones future finances? Ga. uses hope money for day care, when the original intent was for college, so if the govt. now uses our tax dollars, and we are charged $8.29 for fuel, how can anyone afford to pay mortgage, college or for some people even feed their families.........


    giving "breaks" is what got us into this mess. I hear what you are saying, but that's not a good idea.

  14. Let's see -- a 12 hour drive in the car to Miami or a 2 hour flight... Which do you think would be better on the parents and child? No offense, but in some cases, you have to say screw what everyone else will think and just try it.


    I say just alert the airline of his condition so they are aware and just do your best to make it the best trip for him as possible. If he has a meltdown on the plane, don't freak out, stay calm and calmly try to get him through it (he will notice if you're stressed and it will probably make it worse) and don't worry about the people that think they know how to handle your child better than you.


    ETA: New toys always help!!


    there you go. Just screw everyone else. Doesn't matter how badly you impact a plane load of people, it's all about me, me, me. Better to screw over a bunch of people you don't know than to experience an inconvenience yourself. Nice attitude.

  15. I know this will sound heartless - but why would you subject your child to the potential of a miserable 3 hours on an airplane? Or the other passengers for that matter? If you can not be sure that he will behave, you would be better off to drive. that way you could stop and stretch when needed.


    Once you are in the air - if things go bad, you, he, and the other passengers are stuck with the consequences.

  16. We were unable to buy a house for several years after marriage. We were offered loans during this time, but we did not feel we could be assured of making the payments. When we had decent job security and savings we opted to buy. We worked we saved, and paid our thirty year mortgage off in twenty. During this time I became permanently disabled, but we had planned for emergencies and managed to get by.


    As far as sub-prime loans go, there is indeed plenty of blame. First and foremost is business greed, profits the only guide. To H3!! with quality, service and community, the bottom line is the only thing that matters. Investor greed, demanding excessive immediate dividends, to H3!! with the long-term. Hundred million dollar CEOs deserve a mention. NOBODY EARNS that kind of money. There is no intellectual or sweat equity deserving of that salary. The Executive and Legislative branches of both parties share the blame. Laws allowing and promoting the sub-prime loans were a socially good thing but were plainly intellectually lacking from the start. I would be curious to know if this wise Nobel Economist was advising President Clinton when he signed the sub-prime bill sponsored by a couple of Republican Senators. The folks that signed these mortgages that had no fallback plan but default also can take a bow.


    I recognize job loss in the post NAFTA global economy can come from the blind side, but pre-planning for emergencies is the basis of personal responsibility. As my late mother once told me "Good credit isn't good for you unless you use it wisely." I do feel for those who lost jobs to out-sourcing and have always tried to buy the 'made in America' items. We as consumers can be in control if we buy American made goods.


    Last, but not least, there is a fundamental soundness to our economy, despite these financial, and automotive and other industry failures. The question is, are we going to default on our responsibility to build back from here. We need to support American companies that HIRE Americans. If the company out-sources its jobs, we need to let them out-source their products. We need to demand speaker "It's not my fault" Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid pass legislation to curtail excessive windfall profits, including, but not limited to, big oil. Investor dividends should be capped to reasonable maximums. We should insist our Presidential candidates give us their detailed realistic economic recovery plans including temporary support for those in need. Foreign aid needs to be cut. Foreign buyouts are not the answer, we should avoid doing business with companies that are foreign owned and do not have a real investment in preserving our country.


    Just my take on things.


    What would you consider a "fair" profit margin? 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%?


  17. Another hollywood dumb mass speaks out. It's ok to make fun of Palin but not Hillary. Huh??? Wow, fear has such a funny affect on the scared widdle wiberals.


    Chevy said on Tina Fey playing Palin..."I thought it was extraordinary how well she played her and much she looked like her. I'd just like her — personally I felt we didn't need the Hillary stuff — I'd like her to go even harder," the former "SNL" star told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" show.



    FoxNews story


    The problem with our country is too many people eligible to vote, actually think that what he said was correct.

  18. McCain has talked about oil, but other ideas as well. The media just doesn't report it because his ideas make sense and goodness knows, we don't wnat the Republican candidiate looking like he has any good ideas.


    The following info came right off of McCain's website.



    John McCain Will Commit Our Country To Expanding Domestic Oil Exploration. The current federal moratorium on drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf stands in the way of energy exploration and production. John McCain believes it is time for the federal government to lift these restrictions and to put our own reserves to use. There is no easier or more direct way to prove to the world that we will no longer be subject to the whims of others than to expand our production capabilities. We have trillions of dollars worth of oil and gas reserves in the U.S. at a time we are exporting hundreds of billions of dollars a year overseas to buy energy. This is the largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. We should keep more of our dollars here in the U.S., lessen our foreign dependency, increase our domestic supplies, and reduce our trade deficit - 41% of which is due to oil imports. John McCain proposes to cooperate with the states and the Department of Defense in the decisions to develop these resources.


    John McCain Believes In Promoting And Expanding The Use Of Our Domestic Supplies Of Natural Gas. When people are hurting, and struggling to afford gasoline, food, and other necessities, common sense requires that we draw upon America's own vast reserves of oil and natural gas. Within the United States we have tremendous reserves of natural gas. The Outer Continental Shelf alone contains 77 trillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas. It is time that we capitalize on these significant resources and build the infrastructure needed to transport this important component of electricity generation and transportation fuel around the country.


    John McCain Will Propose A $300 Million Prize To Improve Battery Technology For Full Commercial Development Of Plug-In Hybrid And Fully Electric Automobiles. A $300 million prize should be awarded for the development of a battery package that has the size, capacity, cost and power to leapfrog the commercially available plug-in hybrids or electric cars. That battery should deliver a power source at 30 percent of the current costs. At $300 million, the prize is one dollar for every man, woman and child in this country - and a small price to pay for breaking our dependence on oil.


    John McCain Will Commit $2 Billion Annually To Advancing Clean Coal Technologies. Coal produces the majority of our electricity today. Some believe that marketing viable clean coal technologies could be over 15 years away. John McCain believes that this is too long to wait, and we need to commit significant federal resources to the science, research and development that advance this critical technology. Once commercialized, the U.S. can then export these technologies to countries like China that are committed to using their coal - creating new American jobs and allowing the U.S. to play a greater role in the international green economy.


    John McCain Will Put His Administration On Track To Construct 45 New Nuclear Power Plants By 2030 With The Ultimate Goal Of Eventually Constructing 100 New Plants. Nuclear power is a proven, zero-emission source of energy, and it is time we recommit to advancing our use of nuclear power. Currently, nuclear power produces 20% of our power, but the U.S. has not started construction on a new nuclear power plant in over 30 years. China, India and Russia have goals of building a combined total of over 100 new plants and we should be able to do the same. It is also critical that the U.S. be able to build the components for these plants and reactors within our country so that we are not dependent on foreign suppliers with long wait times to move forward with our nuclear plans.


  19. You keep saying that like it's a good thing.


    My thoughts as well.


    plus "I also know how to spell Joe Willie Namath ((drunk)), Ken "Snake Stabler ((DUI - drunk)), Jay Barker ((wanna be broadcaster)), Kevin Turner, Bobby Swafford, Tyrone Prothro, Mike Shula ((loser coach))

  20. First, that's not TBAR :)


    Second, Ivylove wrote:


    Actually, Bush did try to keep government out of the private sector. Kind of like having five policemen for all of New York City ... that is keeping police out of the private sector (streets) and that kind of non-NO-regulation; including an overwhelming degree of non-oversight is to blame; just as cutting back the NYPD from a force of 12,000 officers to 5 would undoubtably be met with a drastic increase in crime. And whose fault would that be? The mayor that cut back the police force by that degree; that's whose fault.


    The fact is that in places like the Dept. of Interior section that collected royalties on the oil pumped from the public lands, corruption including the offering (and acceptance) of sexual favors and cocaine, was implicated in the failure of that Dept's oversight to the tune of an estimated $10 BILLION in royalties being kept by the Oil Industry.


    If all you got to do is getting a guy laid and high and you can then 'forget' to pay TEN BILLION DOLLARS and get away with it; you now know the true story of this administration ... and it ain't pretty.


    Of course the failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and Lehman Bros. and AIG ... and Bear Sterns ... ain't pretty either.


    I wonder how many lines of coke at the SEC it took to have them look away when they were pulling some of their inevitable crap?


    And so, do know that I do disagree with you IVYLove. I do feel the president ... and his party ... should be held responsible not just for these massive failures in the private sector but for the increase of 4-8 TRILLION in the national debt that, when interest returns to the +10 percent levels ... means that over half of all tax receipts (assuming no tax increase) will actually just go to pay THE interest on the debt.


    You may find it forgivable but I find it criminal ... criminal to the point not of impeachment but bordering on treason ... as the trillion or so in debt interest payments will be sent to places like China, Saudi Arabia and certainly some will find its way to the Ruskies.


    TRILLIONS WASTED is a crime ... what do we have to show for it? Yep, thems some fancy SUV's that no one will be able to afford to run ... 'cause the oil man said it was bad policy to increase gas mileage or include SUV's in the CAFE and we gotta show the world that global warmings a hoax by pumping out ten time as much co2 as we did before.


    when all his pigeons come home to roost, ain't noone going to like it.




    You do know that the president doesn't spend any money right? That is Congress' job and since the Democrats have been in charge the last year, I've seen no legislation to fix things. You can't lay the blame totally on this current administration. Both parties have equally screwed us.


  21. Huh? Oil prices are DOWN now! This is "line your pocket while you can".


    No it's not. The price of oil is down - yes. But when you shut down a major portion of our refining capacity (that would be where the oil is changed to gasoline) to prepare / recover from a major hurricane, you experience GASOLINE supply shortages. The price of oil has nothing to do with what's going on right now.


    Once all of the refineries are back up, the supply will level out and the price will come back down, plus continue to drop since the price of oil continues to drop as well.


    Basic economics, of course you'd need an understanding of that in order to comprehend the principle. But then again, it's easier to just blame the gas stations and oil companies.

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