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Posts posted by kp527

  1. I could solve all of the costs of trial; as I have the ability to tell if someone is guilty just by looking at them. No need for evidence, opening and closing arguments, etc. Just let me talk to the accused for five or ten minutes; and I can tell exactly what they did.


    You must be in law enforcement!!!! If not you would fit in well!!!

  2. Get out your 2007 Property Tax Assessment Notice. You will pay tax on 40% of the assessed value. $100,000 home = pay tax on $40,000. Take the 40% value and multiply by total millage rate of 30.659 (If I have added correctly) The total is what you can expect to be billed for by Paulding County / PBBOE. My assessment went down by $6000. yet my tax bill is going up over $800.00. Good Luck Folks!!!!!

  3. Help! What are you paying for dental services? I think my dentist's prices are getting out of line. Looking for line charges for:


    periodic oral exam

    bitewing 4 films



    rsn-comp 2 surface

    amal 2 surf-perm/pri


    I have dental insurance but my portion is getting higher and higher. The insurance covers cleaning at 100% of reasonable/customary and I'm getting billed $50 that they say is excessive.



  4. We always get back so much money


    If you get back loads of money that means you gave a great big "interest free" loan to the Federal government . Your preparer doesn't get you back loads of money. He only calculates your correct amount of tax owed on the adjusted gross income that you earned for the tax year after legal deductions. Sounds like you need to file a new W-4 and get more money on each payday!!!!!!!

  5. These new taxes are not only for one year!!!!!! They will be on the tax bill until the bonds are paid off. The Fire Tax is permanent. Future bonds will be added as needed. The BOC has already stated they want an additional $125 million bond in a couple of years. Mil rates came from Whitey's calculations and he has done his homework. Everyone who is concerned about the situation of the schools are always free to make a personal contribution at any time. How many of you have made a personal contribution to the BoC to help with the problem??? Put up or shut up! If your child uses the system you should be willing to help. All of you YES folks are so eager to suck more money from the taxpayer yet haven't donated squat to help. Go get a second job and donate 100% to the school system. Do it for the children!!! I'm just tired of everybody wanting to ride on my back. Give me, give me mentality that results from being so dependant on the government. We might as well live in a communist country. It couldn't be much worse. Overtaxation resulted in the Boston Tea Party and subsequent. Revolution. Some people don't learn from history. When I find a cause that I am concerned with, I donate my time and money to help without being forced at gunpoint or threat of losing my house or property. You can too. Just write your checks and make the payable to the Paulding County Board of Education - re:Building Fund.

  6. Here is an example of the property tax increase that the average homeowner can expect on the 2007 and beyond tax bill. I will use my home as the example.


    Market value 196,420 Gross Assessment 76,568 (40%)


    2006 Bill $1668.00

    $191.42 March 20 School Bond

    $95.71 Courthouse Complex Bond

    $199.08 New Fire Tax

    $68.91 Greenspace Bond (Paulding Forest purchase)

    2007 Bill $2223.12


    That's an increase of $555.12 per year or 33% additional in taxes.

  7. Pick up any dictionary and look up the word WELFARE.


    Welfare (financial aid), financial assistance paid by the government

    Welfare Aid, as money, food, or assistance because of need.


    Don't be confused. If you receive PeachCare, you ARE on WELFARE!!!!! Some people need this WELFARE program, other abuse it! Every dollar that is spent on behalf of a PeachCare/Welfare Medical recipient is taken out of the pocket of the taxpayer. Why? Because the government doesn't make money, it just takes money from the working people and redistributes it to others through government programs such as PeachCare.

  8. According to www.publicschoolreview.com.

    These are the posted graduation rate for each of these districts based on incoming freshman who actually graduate from high school. Kinda makes you proud don't it. The BOE needs more money so they can continue to add more schools that can carry on with their proud tradition.

    What are our county schools doing to create such nauseating percentages????

    Makes me want to say HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Fayette County 91%

    Fulton County 87%

    Cobb County 84%

    Carroll County 82%

    Douglas County 75%

    City of Atlanta 66%

    Paulding County 66%

  9. My daughter in law was pulled over and given a ticket for a violation of the infant car seat law. The car seat was buckled in the back seat in the middle position. The officer told her that position was against the law and the seat should only be directly behind the driver or passenger seat. She explained that the instructions that came with the seat stated that the middle of the back seat was the safest position because that kept the baby away from side impact. The officer told her it was not safe because in the middle of a car with front bucket seats there was a gap and therefor nothing to stop the seat from being ejected from the car.


    I just looked up info on this from the National Traffic Safety site as well as several sites on anfant car seat safety and they all state that the seat should be installed in the center of the rear seat.


    Is this officer making this one up??? Anyone know the law about this????

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