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Everything posted by NewHope

  1. Ronnie was a good friend and an amazing man. I had the pleasure to become friends while working with him at Hiram, and he was truly a great and FUNNY man. I saw Ronnie at the EPHS-Cherokee football game this fall and he was truly loving his job at Etowah. He was truly a tough guy with the kids, but he really cared and treated them all equally.He will be missed, and we at Hiram will miss him.
  2. In high school I dated her daughter Angie for 2 years. In all of the time I was around her she was always a kind and sweet lady. Even though she is at rest now in a far better place I know her family will miss her. Prayers and thoughts are with Angie, Jason, Howard and her extended family. She lived a good life and has left a legacy that will last a long time. God Bless you all as you grieve.
  3. Reminds me of a guest speaker I have come out every year to speak to my classes. Carl Beck was with the 501st and he too was seperated from his unit at D-Day and spent a week in a French Barn. His stories of D-Day, Bastogne, and a Bridge too Far makes my kids excited every time. What a GREAT generation of Americans. Maybe you would like to come out in April to hear his story.
  4. Brad was a great kid. I had the pleasure to teach him and he was a gentleman and an AWESOME student. It is so sad to see young people's lives cut so short. Prayers sent..
  5. Not that I know of. I talked with him on Friday and he seemed in good spirits. It is just really sad.
  6. No I havent heard but these two will need our prayers for a long time to come.
  7. Steve Veal passed away this weekend. Many might know Mr. Veal from teaching at Paulding Jr High. That is where I had Mr. Veal for math. Over the last year I have had the opportunity to teach with Steve at Hiram High and become a friend. He will be sorley missed. He was a good friend and teacher.
  8. As a vet I want to say than you. Your service and heroism has made this world a better place.
  9. Was this combat related? God Bless Him and his family.
  10. Yes she did look awesome last night. I know the family has appreciated the outpouring of love. They are very strong in their faith. Being a Christian is something the family can hold onto. They will see Tara again. I know her "best friend" knows that!-God Bless you and your family tomorrow BD..
  11. I agree Busymom. I think it was a horrible tragic mistake. Through Tara's death it hopefully will never happen again. No charges should be filed. This man will suffer for ever.
  12. I know Tara's sister has been a rock of stability. What a wonderful, kind, and awesome young lady. I am honored to have been associated with her and her parents. I hope people will remember them all in their prayers. The family will need them as the weeks and months go on. God Bless the Drummonds..
  13. I have did the honor of knowing Tara, but I have had the honor of knowing her awesome family. Her duty was to become a trained law enforcement officer and while doing that she was killed in the line of duty. Do we not honor the fallen killed by friendly fire?. It might not be your definition of the line of duty but she did her duty and gave the ultimate sacrifice. Regardless of your opinion she could do no more than what she was asked to do. Why dont you find something better to do than attack a young woman whose life is not over.
  14. Yes it is also in the AJC. http://www.ajc.com/news/content/metro/cobb.../14trainee.html
  15. The young lady killed yesterday in the training accident was a EPHS graduate and Paulding Resident. She comes from an awesome family who is suffering a huge loss. She has 2 younger siblings. Please be in prayer for this awesome family, especially for her younger brother and sister.
  16. No but thank you.. We will be by either tomorrow or Tuesday for the grass. Ceremony today was very nice. They had tem by each other and the service was super.. Thanks to all for prayers.
  17. I hope all of you will keep me and my family in your prayers. My Granny, who has battled Alzheimers for 14 years died last night at the age of 87. My Papa died 3 hours later at age 90. He had been sick for a couple of weeks and I believe he just wanted to be where my Granny would know him again. They had been married 73 years and they were people who were loved, and loved everyone. I truly believe my Granny was simply waiting on Papa to cross the river.
  18. Passed away earlier this morning. What a great dentist and good man.
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