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About onesoi

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    Dallas City
  1. Just another wrong statement made by Trump. Seems he is a habitual misstater. "That’s a long way from an official effort to get the debates moved that was reduced to writing, printed on NFL letterhead, and signed by Roger Goodell or some other high-level league executive." http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/07/31/trump-retreats-from-claim-that-nfl-sent-letter-regarding-debates/
  2. The advisor was John Weaver. Bottom line for me is - who has a better history of not making stuff up. http://politics.blog.ajc.com/2016/07/28/john-kasich-trolls-donald-trump-touting-a-trump-putin-ticket/
  3. There are many agents that disagree with the 11 union leaders that took it upon themselves to do this. Many dislike Trump and thinks he is dangerous. They are concerned the reputation of the agency will be tarnished. http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/la-na-border-patrol-trump-20160511-snap-story.html
  4. I'll look into it more. Kiss my arse little bully.
  5. There are many that have twisted and distorted the word liberalism. Liberalism is based on the idea of liberty and equality. What the colonists and Patriots fought for. What our nation was built on. BTW, I think there is a place in our society and government for liberalism and conservatism. As I was listening to Trump make huge promises last night, I thought to myself ... he is making a hell of a lot of promises. I kept listening for his plans to accomplish these promises but ... I didn't hear any plans.
  6. Harriett Tubman deserves this honor! Here is another perspective about Jackson - https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/we-can-celebrate-harriet-tubman-without-disparaging-andrew-jackson/2016/04/24/2f766160-0894-11e6-a12f-ea5aed7958dc_story.html
  7. Not sure if you really believe this or are just using propaganda. There are many who are not tea party folks who oppose the commercialization of the airport, and think the contract with Propeller only serves Propeller's best interest. You comment about Delta loyalty is absurd. I think you already know this.
  8. Here is a link to the account Satellite created. It is quick and easy to use. http://www.gofundme.com/fo78go
  9. Doesn't matter ... it still gives him motivation to retaliate.
  10. Raymond Maxwell is an admittedly disgruntled former employee that was put on forced leave. Clinton's former chief of staff is reportedly responsible for his suspension.
  11. I think this is the memorial service sponsored by New Hope Memorial Flight 242, Inc., a non-profit 501©3 that is committed to build a permanent memorial for the crash site in New Hope. The public is invited to this 37th Anniversary Memorial Service for Flight 242. Sunday, March 30, 2014 at 2:00 PM at the site of the Flight 242 Historical marker at the edge of New Hope Cemetery.
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