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Everything posted by emptynestmom

  1. I saw the sign too at Grands on Ivy Gullege and OLd Cartersville!!!
  2. Does anyone know someone that could put up a wire mesh fence in a small backyard? We need it for when our dogs go outside so we don't have to put them on a chain!!!! Need it ASAP. We r in the Dallas area off of Old Cartersville Road. Thanks. Message me and I will give you a cell number
  3. Love that idea!!! I will try that!! My son is 17 so I am assuming he has to come with me
  4. Can anyone tell me what I have in store for me tomorrow getting a new card for my son? The SS office is in Marrieta.
  5. Dr Wolfe in Dallas. He is right behind the Bp gas station across from Hardy Chevrolet
  6. I am hoping that someone out there has any knowledge of what kind of help is out there for a 16 year old who has been steadily making bad decisions. I really want to find a program for him that will help him realize that he has to talk about things and bring out the good in him. It is beyond me helping because obviously it's not working!!!! Please message me if you know of anything out there where he can go!!!! I am sure some of us prob know each otheroutside of here!!!!! I have a call out to his school counselor and a therapist, just wanted to see if anyone else has any info or help!!! Thanks
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