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Posts posted by showline

  1. It's like someone putting liquid paper in their eye, going blind, and then suing the company that makes liquid paper. :wacko:


    If you use something for a purpose other than which it was intended (say, inhaling spray paint fumes) and then you end up brain damaged, it's YOUR FAULT. It is NOT the fault of the company that produces the paint.


    If someone hangs themself with a belt, the family ought not be able to sue the belt manufacturer.


    Natural selection works....if we let it.




    We have a new leader!! Sig heil!!! :glare:

  2. That's ridiculous. He is an adult and he CHOSE to drink that stuff. Nobody forced him.

    :blink: :wacko:


    Did anyone consider that the idiot cook who knew what the toxicity level of comercial strength dish washing liquid. Hell when I was a kid working as a dish washer the friggin containers that stuff came in had skull and crossbones on it. I'm pretty sure he damn well knew how dangerous it was. Consider the intoxicated down and out addicted guy jonesin for money for his next bottle. Did you think he stopped to consider if it was dangerous or not? Probably thought it was a little soap and water if anything. Bet he didn't think it might eat his esophagus away. The idiot cook deserves manslaughter charges if the guy dies. He knew better. :glare:

  3. Ok showline. Enlighten me on the avatar

    Ok. The tag is a limited Appalachian Trail Licence Plate issued thru North Carolina. My Dad is a volunteer trail maint worker and a NC representative for the Nantahala Hiking Club in the ATC(Appalachian Trail Conference). The nonprofit ATC coordinates the volunteer management of the AT trail and its land in coop with the National Park Service and the Forest Service. He has been doing this for about 2 1/2 years. He was very proud to have got a low number and I just proud to show it off for him. Way to go Dad!! Sorry but my dad is cool. :blush:

  4. I stopped by with the hope that we would have a crowd but, :( I guess the holidays are upon us. I saw rollin and said hi as I was heading out. :p Hope everybody had fun. If you all would like to see a Pcom table for the future trivia games please let me know by pm. I think untill Jan I will be taking a trivia vacation. ;) Let me know and thanks to all our Pcom friends who made trivia at Buffalo Wild Wings so much fun. :D

  5. :lol:


    I have several SNOW flakes in Smyrna, in the past hour.

    Glad I have Milk Bread and butt wipe at home.  :D

    Now, if I could only convince bosses to let us leave early.  :lol:

    And can you identify your snow flakes?? :D :ninja: I have my milk bread and a case of butt wipes from Sams Club.. Also a hambone and great northern beans cooking in my crock pot!! :wub:

  6. I wanted to see the plans before the project was started but never got to it.  After the restoration, I hear it is very nice inside.  That's fine but my question is how will the performers et. all be able to do their jobs?

    I hear there is an elevator somewhere.  Does it have anything to do with the roll up door which looks like it is off stage right to the outside landing at the top of a flight of stairs?  Check out the north face of the building.  Am I seeing things?

    I hope it is usable to more than the Dallas School Of Dance.  There are hundreds of small theaters all over the country which are booked every month with traveling entertainment.  I hope we haven't blown an opportunity to be included.

    And do we have a manager yet?

    Nicholas Cole - Photographer      on the other side of Historic Main Street


    P.S. Interested in old cinemas?  Check out this sight, Very interesting.


    If you want to see the inside of the Dallas theater check out pcom's story.

    Dallas Theater

  7. A crime could also be a tort, however. Even their conspiracy to bully is a crime.

    O.C.G.A. 16-4-8 - A person commits the offense of conspiracy to commit a crime when he together with one or more persons conspires to commit any crime and any one or more of such persons does any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy. A person convicted of the offense of criminal conspiracy to commit a felony shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than one-half the maximum period of time for which he could have been sentenced if he had been convicted of the crime conspired to have been committed, by one-half the maximum fine to which he could have been subjected if he had been convicted of such crime, or both. A person convicted of the offense of criminal conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor shall be punished as for a misdemeanor. A person convicted of the offense of criminal conspiracy to commit a crime punishable by death or by life imprisonment shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than ten years.

    E.B.Law has spoken!! :D :ninja:

  8. The best thing you can do is put the fear of god into the parents....  pull them in with the principal and other parents and tell them that if their daughter ever comes near your kid again or threatens her again you will have a restraining order put out and find the biggest baddest lawyer and sue thier a$$e$ into the poor house.  Most parents don't realize their Angels do these kinds of things and will then in turn put the fear of god into them for you.  A friend of mines parents did it and it worked wonders....  Their kid was humiliated, but I could tell relieved at the same time because everything stopped.  I despise bullies and I think they need some bullying of a different kind in order to get the point across.

    Hey Eddie what O.C.G.A law has been violated here?? :ninja:

  9. If Georgia Law is considered political; is information about public schools not considered political, as well?


    If Georgia Law is considered political; is talk about what the tax appraisers were doing at so and so's house not considered political?


    If Georgia Law is considered political; is goings one at the county's animal shelter not considered political, as well?


    If Georgia Law is considered political; is being a politican and coming into the cafe to make a statement about something conserning public interest not considered political, as well?


    With all dew respect; what can we talk about in the cafe?

    Well to me the cafe says.

    Small talk online ... tell jokes or just chat over a cup of java. Why don't you ask for a Eddie forum for law talk online??? Or all Eddie Ga law??

  10. i think  the mods need to keep there hands to themselves  unless there is a problem. 

    they think b/c pubby gave them a little  bit of power they can act like god. well i for one  am sick and tired of  it . leave people alon and the dang threads too.



    they think b/c pubby gave them a little  bit of power they can act like god. well i for one  am sick and tired of  it . leave people alon and the dang threads too.



  11. -_- I feel that it is my time to speak up and rile this Pcommers crowd up. I don't visit the site often, but I am really sick of the CRYBABYIN and crap(notice I didn't say Bullcheeze) that ya all are puttin up here. I am an original BAD BOY. Pubby is a good friend of mine. I am sick of seing everyone talk about the probs and put downs that everyone is postin.....This site is designed for all of yall to have a good time. I have seen alot of people takin crap from everyone here. Its time to chill with the judgement, and start gittin along. I have seen people get banned, because they agree to disagree..... I feel its time for us all just to get along...I just wanted to say that these fello p.commers should be allowed back...No matter what they done........Lets let HONKIN, CHRISNPC back... They added a speciality to this site... Just my 2 cents :blink:

    ........Lets let HONKIN, CHRISNPC back... :wacko: They added a speciality to this site... Just my 2 cents :blink:

    See me for your 2 cents. ;)

  12. I'm thinking this worker may think the little girl looks like a grandchild of hers or something.  It may make her feel more connected to her.  Don't jump the gun.  Find out who the person is and you may realize it's just some sweet lady who thinks you have an adorable child.


    My daughter is always being "adopted" by new "grandparents."  She just makes a connection with them.  As long as it is on neutral ground and doesn't cross the line, it is a wonderful thing.


    I do watch extremely carefully over my kids, and I would never put them in harm's way.  But sometimes a nice person is just a nice person.

    I'm with you on this PsychoMom. Maybe it's a friends child who moved into the school system. Maybe it's as you said, a nice person. Trust but verify.... ;)

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