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Everything posted by dave_zr2

  1. I would not plead NOLO, as stated before you only get one every 5 years and you may need it down the road for something worse. When I get a ticket I find the solictor and try to work a deal. I usually can get them to reduce the speed down to 14 or less because you don't want it to affect you insurance rates. The fine always stays the same though. Having a ticket on your record will cost you much more in the long run. Good luck!!
  2. +1. I wrote the same type of response on another bb. +1. I like this.
  3. Yes. +1. I had an individual( basically, an idiot) break his transfer case in front of my house and then decide to leave the mess to soak into the asphalt. It looked horrible and after going round and rounds with my neighbor, whom the idiot was visiting I decided to call the DOT and within a couple of days it was dealt with. Good job Paulding DOT!! The only thing that I was disappointed with the situation was that the cost to clean the mess up was not passed onto my neighbors which IMO should have been. Why should the taxpayer be responsible for the cost of someone's negligence.
  4. you can purchase a screen online and replace it yourself. Also, you should have a VGA hookup on back so that you can use another monitor until you get it fixed.
  5. You should stop and check on the dog and call the police. This is not an opinion but a fact. I would expect someone to render aid if they felt it was safe but to keep driving is a not the right thing to do. The dog owner should get in trouble as well for allowing their dog to run around but that it obvious or atleast I hope it is.
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