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Posts posted by billh

  1. The anti airport people have yet to prove that anyone on these 3 boards has done a single thing with the motivation being personal gain.


    We have mistakes, we have very little transparency.

    Every move made has still been toward making this airport work for the citizens.


    No if it had been it would be a working general aviation airport making money. It was done for some

    people with airplanes to use and was not for a profit except for the builders and grading company's.

    We do not need HJ airport here. As a general aviation airport it could have made money if there

    was someone that knew how to run it.

  2. Actually, in another state, they took so much of my yard that they had to take my whole house.


    The only good part is that when they went through a formal taking, I was able to duck the recapture of the depreciation that I had taken on the property as a rental for about a decade. As I understood the tax code, had they not done that and I had sold, my cost basis would have been what I paid for the property less the depreciation and the final sale price would have been subject to capital gains.


    Sometimes it is not all darkness.... i.e. there can be a silver lining to that cloud.




    PS: I don't see anything at all radiohead that would even raise suspicion that there is any dirty dealing going on here and I'm distressed that anyone thinks that. Now when I was seeing the big bucks move from that construction outfit that was doing deals across the south and making big contributions to politicians everywhere to fuel their meteoric rise, I certainly wondered. The local connection, btw, was the courthouse project and that guy you were lauding as better than this guy, which says more about your judgement than mine.






    So doing everything in secret and letting friends get jobs is ok with you?

  3. I don't mean to be disrespectful Whitey but you keep saying the same old thing over and over and over again. Nothing new....same old conspiracy theories.


    If you happen to be right (and I don't think you are), I applaud your efforts; however, there is a pattern here...................


    He is just saying the truth. You keep saying the same crap over and over too but I just ignore you're crap.

    At least he is right where you are full of crap.

    • Like 1
  4. <br /><br /><br />


    That's not going to happen. Just like nothing happened to the people whose properties were impacted by the building boom. This is the way I see it, if improvements happen that impact your property you have choices, either sell or move. Or you can stay and work with the changes. You cannot fight progress, no matter how big or small that progress may be. If you choose to get into litigation you are asking to be turned inside out.


    In this case there should be enough to cause either a recall or jail I hope.


    Your rights are overshadowed by "the general good." Sorry, but that's the way it is. EVERYTIME. Is it right? Perhaps not. Is it the way it is? I'm afraid so.


    We are taught that right is right and wrong is wrong. All that needs to happen to throw this concept out the window.....is toss a Govermental entity into the mix.


    I hope the hell they put a road across your yard, then you can see what it is like!

  5. With all the things that they have on the dictator I think we should be talking recall. I think between the secret thinks he has done and the things that shouldn't have been done there is enough to get a recall. I think it should be all posted in the news paper and in the legal section of the news paper as to his doings.

    • Like 1
  6. We actually agree on several things then...Yes, of course it is a personal issue for her BUT again the Airport is already there and is not going ANYWHERE...it is going to grow...and just like the parkway did a FEW folks are going to be impacted more so than the majority who are not. Instead of continuing to attack the Airport and our County officials the better course of action is to see what is going to be the BEST long term fix for her situation and move to fix that.


    Why don't you buy her house for what it was worth before the dictators of this county decided to build a airport?

  7. <br /><br /><br />


    You sir are TRULY a SAD SAD individual who has such a horrible outlook on life in Paulding County. You have complete disregard for seemingly EVERY elected official here now and who has ever been in office here. There is obviously NOTHING anyone can do to appease you and until your lawsuit is resolved you are obviously going to BEAT that drum until you wear it out! I have an IDEA...WHY don't YOU run for office and let's see if you can do any better...then see how you like folks coming on here bashing hell out of you and your family!


    You are the sad individual because you don't gave a damn about anyone but yourself. The rest of us have to live

    with this crap that the elected officials did to the people of paulding. Yes I hope we can "beat the drum" until either it

    or the elected officials wear out. Now it comes out that it is going to cost more because they didn't do it right

    the first time. Why don't you run for office so we can vote against you like we are going to do to the ones there now.

    • Like 1
  8. 1. What makes you think that propeller will hire anyone from Paulding county? I doubt

    if there is anything in the contract that says they have to hire locally.


    2. If you think the people that are living on food stamps and hand outs are going

    to land a job servicing jets or doing anything technical at the airport, you need

    to wake up and smell the roses. If we had put the amount of money that went to

    the airport project in schools some of these people could have jobs.


    3. Just how quick do you think there will be jobs? There is a airport

    in Cartersville, and I haven't seen any industry near it yet after the 30+

    years I have lived here.


    4. The furloughs are because of the court house that was also passed without any

    input from the people in the county, and because of the money spent on the airport.

    • Like 1
  9. I hope and Pray the lawyers for Delta and the City of Atlanta file lawsuits to delay this for years and years and literally break the bank. Money talks adn Atlanta and Delta have lots of lawyers and lots of money.... I don't want 737's landing in Paulding County!


    Who'd have thought I am now a fan of Kasim Reed over Dirty David Austin?



  10. Economic development is going well and the airport absolutely is a big plus in the game.

    I am beginning to worry about companies asking why Paulding citizens cop an attitude towards economic development.

    Most folks want well paying jobs, they want decent value in their homes, those that are in business for themselves benefit. There really are no negatives.

    Why are people so negative? We have all new commissioners, we have new blood in the county as far as big players.

    There is a problem, time to find it and deal with it.


    Tell me how many jobs the movie place the county put in with out anyone knowing until it was done, has created. If people wanted jobs

    they should have stayed in Atlanta and not came here to make problems for the rest of us.

  11. You are absolutely correct, there is a right way and a wrong way to do everything.

    I understand the nuts and bolts of the airport. Why the county is doing what they are doing and most definitely why.

    I know where some folks stand on the issue, nothing short of the thing bombed and wiped off the face of the earth will do.


    But the disrespect,the arrogance is fuel on the flames. For the first time I am actually thinking about the karma of the airport and it's history.

    The successful air show, the prospect of 1000's of well paying jobs should be positive. The majority of people should be pleased and proud.

    All the hard work and money are coming to fruition.

    I took a look with google earth, around 5 homes are being negatively impacted due to the the direction of the runway. Another 100 may actually be able to hear planes, but are out of the path of take off and landing.


    Also the mayor of Atlanta and Delta are not done with us by a long shot.

    We should be behind our leaders, as in how dare them try to deny us 1000's of above average jobs for our people.


    There should be no negativity at this point, but yet there is plenty. Why? that's all why?


    I think it may be time to stop looking at the folks that disagree and start looking at some attitudes. Nobody likes having salt rubbed in their wounds by those with a superior attitude.

    It's not just the airport issues, it is a lot of others also and at the bottom of it every time is arrogance and disrespect.

    I have tried to be positive and supportive, because I love business, I love growth and most of all prosperity for as many that want to reach for it.

    It really is getting harder. :(



    Google the area, not many folks will deal with noise if at all.


    VOTE EVERY ONE OF THE A HOLES OUT! If it was up to me the airport would be gone. No one wanted this crap, but it has been forced on us by the

    powers that be. What we need to do is everyone call the Atlanta mayors office and tell them how bad we don't want this forced on us without

    any vote or anything. We stopped this the last time they tried to build a airport that is why the did this with out the public knowing.

  12. Check out some of the reasons why this was a stupid move. Someone must have

    taken a bribe to want this system. What happens when you let anyone make

    decisions that don't know and don't care except what they want or can make money from.






  13. I have received a mailing from Heath claiming to be from the NRA saying he is the only one they support,

    also have received a phone call claiming to be from the Ga. tax association saying we have to keep

    the "tax cheat" Carruth from getting elected. We have to get this man out of office. He will lie and

    cheat to stay in the office.

    Please people, get out and tell your friends that don't read Paulding.com about the lies he is


    • Like 1
  14. The sidewalk to nowhere

    You do know that that was stimulus money that did not cost local taxpayers a dime and that had we not taken it someone else would have because it was earmarked and could only be spent one way on those type of projects


    All the sidewalks did were to give jobs to the Mexicans. If you were watching all the workers were not from Dallas or Paulding county. This was t total waste.

    The fountain on the Square

    You do know that that was stimulus money that did not cost local taxpayers a dime and that had we not taken it someone else would have because it was earmarked and could only be spent one way on those type of projects.


    Ok so the fountain looks good. How many new jobs did that create? Who pays the maintenance cost to keep it up and to provide water when it gets low? That spot could

    have been used for a business or even a parking lot. Also if you were watching it was all Mexicans who built it.


    We kept people working, house notes and other bills paid, rather than unemployment and food stamps.


    The New Courthouse

    You do know that Jerry Shearin and his BOC which are no longer in office bought that with bonds, we can not stop payment on those bonds. We also continue to have to spend because of some issues with the construction.

    As long as Jerry is no longer involved with our local government we should not have any other problems like that.


    The court house should have been voted on and there should have been open records as to who was doing the work. Until there is more open records in this county anything

    like this. I have seen the credit card records for now, and there are so many things that should have not been bought, like all the trips out of town (Jekyll island etc).


    The Airport

    The airport was also done under the Shearin team. To help you understand what is at stake there are certain things that have to be done to have it payback the citizens of the county what they were forced to put in it.

    But lets just be blunt about the airport situation. That some folks either want the progress stopped and want to be bought out to the tune of millions because the airport is disturbing them.

    They believe that the taxpayers money should first be spent to buy them out, then the airport can proceed to make money to pay back taxpayers investment.

    When you look at the potential for jobs and tax base, look at Mccullum,commercial property backs up right to the hangers on all sides. It is a huge boost to economy. the land out there will only grow in value for tax base and jobs.


    The airport was voted out three times, and it was still built. All funding should be dropped and let the airport make it's own way. If it can't then it should be closed, or

    at least made private. It is on the top of a mountain with all the trees cut in all directions, there is always going to be a problem with wind if there is no windbreak.


    Several NEW parks

    New Library


    Back at square one the Shearin team appropriated the money for this, you do understand about appropriation right? Then proceeded to spend almost 1/2 of those funds on planning and moving dirt. They put no limits on cost over run giving the selected builders a blank check to finish the job.

    The newly elected BOC rebid it and had new plans saving the taxpayers millions of dollars that they had been obligated to spend.


    Has anyone looked at the shape some of our parks have gotten in since we built the new parks. Just go look at Paulding Meadows and it draws more out of

    county people then all the rest combined for the arts and crafts show.


    What we needed was.............


    A water resevoir


    And once again we are back to Shearin and team, there is a rumor of a pissing contest lost by Paulding county that resulted in a hell would freeze over before there is funding for this. It was shelved during the last administration.

    The dust being blown off a year later caused us to incur huge expenses to finish the studies for it.


    And who caused the pissing contest?


    Textbooks for the students

    We spend the least of any county in Georgia to educate each student, I believe the taxpayers in the county are satisfied with that.


    NO AND A BIG NO! How can a student study at home if they don't have textbooks? Ok you say CD's My kid went to PHS and there

    was no textbooks, and no cd's All the money was spent on a big new gym that wasn't needed. For the amount that was

    spent on the gym there could have been textbooks for all the students.



    NO furlough days for county employees.

    It was furlough, layoff, or raise millage. We are all free o contact the commissioners and tell them how bad we feel for the county employees and ask them to raise our millage rate. It was my understanding that they did not receive any messages of this type from taxpayers. Probably because many of them were laid off and barely able to pay their mortgages.


    There wouldn't be layoffs etc if the money was spent for the right things. Trips out of town for David and Steve to all over the place didn't do anything

    for the county except spend the money and give them a place to go.


    AND....hold on to your hats................JOBS.


    Over 200 new jobs have been created in Paulding in less than a year. We have had many areas with existing businesses declared opportunity zones. Existing businesses here in the county will get huge tax breaks for adding employees.


    The millions that the movie studio and new companies are pumping into the economy monthly will result in small and existing business hiring more.

    80 of those new jobs will pay around 40,000 10,000 above the average 30,000 currently.


    My understanding is that there is a huge amount of international companies looking to locate here. If we can do this in one year, with a new economic development plan, I am excited to see what we can do in the second year.

    I am hearing so much excited chatter from small companies about the new jobs and tax breaks it is incredible.



    Ok so how many people did the movie studio hire from Paulding county? Tell me what 80 jobs you are talking about and how does one get one of these jobs.

    I thing one of the major problems in this county is the economic development team. How much is their salary compared to the common workers that

    keep the county going? It's time to rid ourselves of a lot of the top heavy people and get back to running the county for the people not for the politicians.


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