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Posts posted by kittycat

  1. To all rookies --- y'all come on in & sit a spell.


    No one will bite you while you're in here so join in!


    And if anyone needs a p.com bumper sticker, you need to let Webby know. Subscribing members can get a hat too!


    Can't get this much information about Paulding anywhere else.

    Thank you.

    and thanks for the information. :D

  2. We have had an old nasty cough around here lately and we have LITERALLY lost sleep because of it  :( . If you have any home remedies, I sure would like to hear them  :) .


    Also......if you have any home remedies for other things, that would be interesting or helpful, post away  :D .


    When I was growing up and the family kept a cold for a period of time. My mom would make sure she bought everyone a new tooth brush. She claims that the germs are hanging out in there. So when my children were growing up and the cold and flu came around I always remember to get them new tooth brushes and make sure that I ran hot water on them to kill the germs. B)

  3. What is the best advice that you have ever been given and by whom?



    What is the best advice that you have ever given someon else?


    Cmon ya'll, talk to me :blink:


    Here is one I think about all the time.


    Never look down on anyone unless your helping them up.




    (Inspired by Markdavd)


    Take your wife to dinner every night.  If you absolutely cannot afford this, cook for her yourself, but don't get angry if she doesn't eat it all.


    Prepare yourself.  Take a shower, put on deodorant, some cologne (not Old Spice or Aqua Velva) would be a nice touch as well.  Trim your mustache or beard.  Put on a thong.  Try not to scratch or fart.  Be a little gay and a little more interesting.


    Clear away the clutter.  Take out the garbage, mow the grass, blow off the driveway, change the oil in the car, rotate the tires, clean the carpet, clean out the ductwork and organize the closets.


    Prepare the children.  Take them to your mother's.


    Minimize all noise.  Don't watch sports or play video games, and above all, don't use any noisy tools.


    Some don'ts:  Don't ask her about the credit cards, the bills or the checking account.  This will only make her angry.  Avoid any negative references to her weight, clothing, hair or mood.  This will only make her more angry.  Run her a bath with candles lit, then sit on the toilet and listen while she talks.  Have a large warm or cold chocolate dessert ready for her.  Apologize even if you didn't do anything.


    Listen to her.  This is tricky because what she says may mean something completely different from what she is thinking, so be prepared to use your mind reading skills.


    Make the evening hers.  Never complain if she does not take you to the Monster Truck Show, the Super Bowl, the Bass Pro Shop, hunting, or on golf trips.  Suggest an evening of shopping, watching a movie like:  "Steel Magnolias," "Mermaids," or "Saturday Night Fever," or just sitting quietly and talking about your feelings.  If you are watching TV and a Viagra commercial comes on, say something like:  "Boy, if that guy had you for a wife he wouldn't need that stuff."  Conversely, if a beer commercial with a beautiful young girl comes on, change the channel quickly.


    The Goal:  Try to make your home a plae where everyone knows who the boss really is.  -_-


    Feel free to add your own "fun" advice.

    (Boy, I'm glad my husband is at work right now. :o )



    This is good stuff right here men!! Try all of the above and see what a difference it will make in your life. :rolleyes:

  5. im not sure if I was quite 15 , My dad and I were at the waffle house and the waitress came and took our order and I told her that I wanted some breakfast combo, and she asked me how I wanted my eggs, and i looked at her with the menu and pointed and read what it said (any style). My dad about crawled under table, I am 21 years now and I still get ragged about that.



    This reminded me of when my daughter was about 14 we were having breakfast and she ordered a breakfast combo and the waitress ask her how would she like her eggs cooked and she replied "Cooked would be good". We all laughed, She is 16 and still will not order her food with us again.

  6. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    another good one!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

    After a number of false starts on Freebirds topic, I decided to leave that one to the ladies to give some serious help.


    I still had things that need to be posted of a lighter nature, so I started this one.


    Freebird, I do hope you find some answers and get the problems resolved.


    But maybe you just need to get her a copy of this:

    Anybody else want to add some 'fun' advice?

  7. Hello,

    I am a Account Manager with a printing company. We print insert ads for the newspapers or where ever you need to go with your ad. I have a lot of grocery accounts. We print and design the grocery ads all over the place and one account right here in Hiram. Plus a whole lot of other ads on newsprint and coated stock. If you ever need our services just let me know I will be more than happy to give you the best printing and design price in Atlanta or even help with getting your ad started. :D

  8. WOW Kittycat thats a nice Picture you have there for your avatar LOL Welcome to Paulding.com Hope you enjoy your stay.

    and well I have no idea who could be related to you ,Braves' Dave


    3,000+ members lol I know only about 25 of them are on most the time just think if everyone got on at once.,i bet the serverswould get really slow then lol..

    Thank you very much. :)


    It's just me here, that I know of :ninja:

    I see that a few of people on here are related and so I just figured some of you out so I was wondered who all on here are related.

    if it should be a brother or sister.or a mom and son or father and daughter.or wife and hubby..

    Myself (Chris) Chrisinpc

    G/F    (Robin) Rebelchick04

    My father    KF4GYD but hes never on anymore.

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