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Posts posted by nyrangers

  1. We've had an only child for 8 years so once he got old enough to stay with babysitters and grandparents we have been living footloose and fancy free. However, we are expecting a little miracle child in September, so our carefree life is about to come to a screeching halt!! But that's a good thing! :blush: No complaints here.

  2. I take it you didn't get him vaccinated?


    Unfortunately, the vaccine is not 100% effective. The good news is that most kids who have had the vaccine get a very mild case of the chicken pox. Hopefully he won't be too miserable.

  3. I'm always kind of weary about becoming too close to my neighbors. I'll be friendly and help you if you need it, but I always tell myself that if something goes south, that person is ALWAYS going to be living right next door to you.


    Plus, they always want to dumpt their kids off onto you and it makes you look like the a-hole when you tell them no.



    I'm right there with you buddy! When it comes to neighbors, my motto is "Friendly to everyone...friends to no one"!!!! You keep out of trouble that way. :ph34r:

    Sorry, didn't mean to hijack! :blush:


    Welcome to pcom!

  4. I think it might be because when the rappers talk about bitches and ho's ... they're talking about bitches and ho's.


    When Imus talked about nappy headed ho's ... he was talking about some girls/women who were not ho's ... but rather were rather self-directed athletes.


    Indeed, I'd say if he had said they were nappy-headed ninnies instead of ho's; he'd still have been criticized but he'd still have his job.


    Indeed, what he said was on its face defamatory more for the 'ho' part than for the nappy-headed element although it was the nappy-headed element that referenced race.


    The second thing that resulted in Imus firing is that this is about the fifth time he's found his butt in a sling over this kind of comment. This dog has had two or three bites and got away with it ... and the belief was that he was not sincere when he promised no more him having done so.


    Also, he was a victim of his own success. Imagine someone working and simulcasting on CBS and MSNBC. Too much reach.


    Finally, I don't see the issue being one of Jesse or Al getting his job ... I see the outrage being a more subtle 'woman' thing ... and it was the gender bash and the race bash that made the comment a doublewhammy.





    Pubby, I respect your opinion and it makes sense to me but I do have to disagree with one thing: I don't think it had a bit to do with the "ho" comment. It was the otherstuff. Just my opinion.

  5. Good morning. I am noticing lots of changes on pcom also. For instance, lots of changes in your profile. I went to mystery's profile because I was curious of his/her previous screen name (saw lots of posts but didn't remember "mystery" before) and noticed an area that shows who has visited that profile recently. I went out and back in again to see if my name was on there and it was. In fact, the whole profile area has changed. Interesting. I'm actually bored to tears this AM as you can tell. I'm finding out all sorts of new things. :wacko:

  6. Does it matter to you if the names that you chose are popular or not? The reason I ask is that I know a lot of parents are trying to find names that are not as popular so that when their childs name is called in school, 10 different children don't respond. :lol: With my job I literally see hundreds of childrens names in an 8 hour shift. Logan does seem to be a popular name (with boys and girls these days). And oddly enough, I see a lot more "Lyric's" than you would think although it is more popular among African Americans. These days it is hard to find names that haven't already been used a hundred times before. :rolleyes: Now, of course, if it does not matter to you if it's a popular name or not then I vote for Logan.

  7. Motirn can be hard on her little tummy if she has been vomiting. Why don't you go ahead and call 404-250-kids while you are waiting for the doc to call back. They can give you a little advice and help calm your nerves a little too. It's scary as heck when your little ones are sick!

  8. Have you ever gone through your checkbook and actually added up all of your fast food/eating out bills for the month?? We are starting a budget this year (going to pay the house off) and we added up our eating out bill for the month of November ALONE.......nearly $600. We were absolutely sick and embarrassed! I now come home for lunch and we will limit ourselves to 2 nights out a month for our date night. Friday night, we went out with friends and we (both couples) took our Chik-fil-a calenders with us and ate for less than $5.00. hahahaha

  9. Are the drains still in his leg?? If so, are you sure he is supposed to be taking a bath in the first place? The rule of thumb is that if he has been on abx for more than 24hrs and has no fever, then he should not be contagious, but with staph inf, it probably is better to be safe than sorry. I would certainly wait for the doc's office to call back, or call Children's Healthcare of Atlanta's nurse line @ 404-250-KIDS. They should not be busy right now and should be able to answer your questions as well.

  10. mrshoward. Pay no mind to the naysayers. People laughed at Noah and called him crazy and look what happened!?!?! :lol: My church has been preaching a 2 years supply of food/72 hour survival kit for decades. We are taught to be prepared...not only for a natural or man made disaster but for the unexpected. When my uncle lost his job in the 80's his family lived on their food storage for months until he could find another job. We are also taught to have, at the bare minimum, enough money saved for 3 months of bills. Luckily my uncle and his family were able to come out of this experience unscathed. Let people laugh.....unfortunatley they may not be laughing for very long.

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