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Posts posted by penske89

  1. I have a huge tree in my back yard that I think needs to be taken down. It has 1 trunk, but splits off into 2 main sections. The one section that is the biggest AND is slightly leaning towards my house (bedroom in particular) I just noticed today it has a rotten spot toward the base of the trunk.


    Recommendations anyone? Not sure if this is something that I can just get a quote on or if someone would have to come out and take a look. I took pictures today, but I won't be able to upload until tomorrow.

    We are pretty tight on money right now but I think it is something that we may need to seriously have taken care of.


    Thanks, Matt


    I used goodyear tree removal they did a great job on a tree just like yours and leaning towards my house




  2. I know someone asked for ideas for their daughters gift, what about for gifts for guys graduating? I also want to know did you have grad. parties for your child? This really has me stumped abd he is no help whatsoever. So come on everybody let that wisdom flow. :D


    Money is always good :D


  3. I'm trying to remember the name of a movie and cant remember who plays in it either. It's a guys movie. teams battle each other in an arena and wear stuff like you would see in mad max and the high class bet on it. the lead role wore an eye patch and had a long scar on his face. and the time was kept with a man throwing stones at a peice of metal. I think to score points they would take a scull and place it on a stick. Like I said it's a guys movie and I liked it and want to see it again. I think it was made in the 90's. Someone help me its killing me that I cant remember

  4. If they had cell phones when I was in High School I would be trying to sneak in the rest room to use it too. How many of you pushed the limits at that age hmmmmm. My son got busted using his cell after last class was dismissed and I had to be bad cop with him but I've done stupid stuff when i was in school too. He took his ISS and moved forward

  5. Kind of pricey at 11,000. I thought I saw before they were going to be super cheap or maybe that was the over seas prices


    You can get a Chevy Cobalt for 14,000

  6. This is my high school i graduated in 1985. My brother has a daugher going there now and sent this to me. rminds me of the movie Footloose



    John Glenn High students stage walkout in protest of Bangor dance regulations

    Posted by Patti Brandt and Trevor M. Keyes | The Bay City Times February 25, 2008 08:00AM

    Categories: Community News, Education, Top Stories


    Dan Staudacher | Times Photo

    Amanda Harrington, 18, of Bangor Township and her boyfriend, Nick Thompson, 17, of Bay City, get their groove on during a Sadie Hawkins Dance at Bangor John Glenn High School Saturday. Bangor John Glenn High School students were warned that inappropriate dance moves wouldn't be tolerated at Saturday night's Sadie Hawkins dance.

    So when a couple was asked to leave for "bumping and grinding," the dance pretty much grinded to a halt.


    About 200 students left the school cafeteria after three songs, and after three people were told to leave the dance for inappropriate behavior. The students then assembled in a back hallway for about 30 minutes.


    John Glenn Principal Beth Robb called in Bay County Sheriff deputies, who stayed in the school's parking lot. Robb told students to either return to the cafeteria or leave the school grounds.


    In the end, about 100 of the 309 ticket buyers stayed at the dance, although many of them sat in chairs set up in the cafeteria.


    "They are petrified to move," said Kim Kokaly, a parent chaperone at the dance who said she sees nothing wrong with the way the teens were dancing. "They are so afraid of being suspended."


    The story so far:


    • Feb. 25: John Glenn High students stage walkout to protest school dance regulations


    • Feb. 26: Parents, students speak out in John Glenn High School dance debate


    • Feb. 27: John Glenn High committee to determine appropriate dance moves


    • John Glenn High School releases survey for parents to return by Feb. 29 (PDF)


    What do you think? Leave us a comment below.


    Saturday's dance, a fundraiser for the school's cheerleaders, was the first one since homecoming, said Robb, who is in her first year as principal at the school. The policy on obscene dancing went into effect after the homecoming dance.


    "What it was here at John Glenn was a big mosh pit in the middle of the cafeteria," Robb said of the homecoming dance. "They weren't jumping on each other, but they were bumping and grinding and rubbing on each other ... I couldn't fathom why kids were dancing like this."


    It's not like Robb, who's been an administrator for several years in other districts, has never seen teens doing the cha cha on the dance floor.


    She's just never seen it done John Glenn style.


    There were 400 to 450 students at the homecoming dance, she said, and they were all one massive entity squashed together - all the students, all night long.


    "I thought we're just sending the wrong message to kids if we're just going to stand here and watch," Robb said.


    But the backlash was that the students didn't want to dance at all if they had to follow Robb's policy.


    A dance scheduled in December didn't happen because students protested by not purchasing tickets in advance.


    Robb said dances are attended by students of all ages, mixing 14-year-olds with 18-year-olds on the dance floor. For some of them, the obscene dancing may be unwanted and is "just wrong," Robb said.


    "John Glenn has higher standards and values than that," she said.


    Bangor Township's Board of Education meets tonight at Bangor Lincoln Elementary, 2771 N. Euclid Ave. starting at 7 p.m.. While the high school dance policy isn't on the agenda, it may come up during public comment, Robb acknowledged. The policy is, however, on the agenda for a March 11 Parent Advisory meeting with Robb.


    The next scheduled dance is John Glenn's prom, to be held at The Grand Banquet and Conference Center in Hampton Township.


    Robb said plans for the dance will not be canceled.


    "I'm sure we'll do something. If only 25 students sign up, maybe we'll just take them out for a nice dinner."




  7. I bought a hat online for my dad as a christmas gift on 12/11 and its still backordered. does anyone know if walmart or target sells the new dale jr stuff. I emailed them and told them to cancel my order

  8. I was chanel surfing last night and passed by Nip/Tuck wow I cant believe what they show on there I thought I picked up a porn chanel for a minute. Is that show always like that I may have to start watchin it :D

  9. I would never take a job that depends on someone else to make my money. Not just servers but car salesman. it depends on how many cars you sell that month, but you have to do it if you dont have any other means jobs are tight right now


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